Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Pushing It To The Limit

Happy August Friday everyone. After three weeks of more contemporary drinks (including a hybrid I made up), I wanted to go back to a more classic drink. I picked one from the prohibition era that has been on my radar for a little while: The Twelve Mile Limit.

A little bit of backstory on this cocktail before we get to mixing. It gets its name from the jurisdiction the Feds had off of the coastlines. In order to prevent the landing of illegally smuggled hooch, the government claimed twelve miles offshore as US property, so the Volstead act could be enforced there. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t very effective, as alcohol continued to be landed in great quantities. All it did was make it look like the government was actually doing something, as well as give a line in the sand (sea?) where enterprising individuals could sail out and drink to their hearts content. As well as name what I hope will be a tasty cocktail. Let’s find out, shall we?

Twelve Mile Limit:

1 oz. White Rum

.5 oz. Rye whiskey

.5 oz. Brandy

.5 oz. Grenadine

.5 oz. Fresh lemon juice

Shake in an iced cocktail shaker, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

A little housekeeping note before we begin. I ended up shorting the grenadine about .25 oz,  maybe a little bit less. My grenadine situation is Roses Grenadine Syrup. Having been burned by adding too much in past creations, I was afraid it would overpower every other flavor, and make it cloyingly sweet.

There is not much of an aroma here. I get a faint rum smell and little bit of fruit; I assume as a result of the fresh lemon and twist and grenadine syrup.

The sip starts strong, mellows out in the middle, and has a little kick at the end. It seems like the rum and the rye are fighting for flavor domination at the top, but then the brandy slips in to mellow both flavors out. The lemon seizes the opportunity and shows off right at the end there.

I’m glad I backed off on the syrup. The little amount I put in messed with the color. It turned out very pink, more so that I was expecting. At least my theory about the sweetness held up. It definitely isn’t “shave your teeth” sweet. Always a plus in my book.

Overall, despite having three types of booze in it, the Twelve Mile Limit doesn’t taste overly strong. However, it is most definitely not the smoothest drinker I’ve ever had. I’d try this one again with real grenadine next time. Enjoy the weekend everyone.


Oh, and one more thing;




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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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If I’m not mistaken, the Raptors beat the 46-27 Nuggets while resting all of their starters. That’s sorta impressive.

Mr. Ayo

Wait, the defending champs have a great team?


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The Nugs mismanaged a game where they had an opportunity to boost confidence? GET THE FUCK OUT OF TOWN!!





Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

But it does result in fewer cavities combined with proper brushing.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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This prototype for a mobile proctology clinic still needs some work

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It is the inspiration for a song, since it took place near Miami.


This is probably the snarkiest rebuttal to Bill O’Reilly’s “Tide comes in, tide goes out. You can’t explain that” comment that I’ve ever masturbated to.


And believe me-I’ve masturbated to quite a few.*

*in the name of science, of course

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

Barcelona’s pre-game snacks
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Yeah, this is a beatdown. Bye bye Quique!

Don T

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Oh thats good.

King Hippo

Jesus, it will be a chore just getting these fuckers out of the dressing room at the half.

King Hippo

Si, es verdad. No tomorrow for Barca.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

Christ. It’s the GER – BRA 2014 semi again!

King Hippo

Without the amazing crowd shots….but yeah.


I don’t know why the Flyers decided not to show up yet, but I appreciate it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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A great Montrealer himself.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yes, the wing monster is lifetime resident.


I think there’s cocaine in the Habs’ Gatorade.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Happy Fucking Friday.

King Hippo

What should we call this? Banana flan-streudel?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That actually sounds good.

Mr. Ayo

Streudel is carrying the day

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

Sudden OG Change???

Mr. Ayo

That was quite a boner.

King Hippo

Don’t think he’s Colombian, so he will probably survive the week.


-Ruth Berle, the morning after her wedding to Milton

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Deep cut! Let me rephrase; DEEP pun.

With plenty of girth.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

I am now hoping for Bear Team v. PSG, for the Alsace-Lorriane yuk yuks.

King Hippo

Barcelona, they die.

Don T

I wouldn’t mind having the Doyers’ sked
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Tap that Sun-Tue

King Hippo

Is it an urban legend that mixing hard liquoUrs leads to shittier/more certain hangovers? Did seem to jibe with my anecdotal experience.

Bear Team v. Barca is 30, y’all.


Just like 1939, I think the Germans will advance.


It’s true that some hard liquors contain more congeners than others, which can contribute to a hangover. So it’s possible that if you’re usually a vodka (or gin) drinker, but one night you’re mixing vodka and whiskey and such, that you might get a higher-than-normal dose of congeners.

But I think realistically it has to do with total consumption and pacing. The nights where you’re jumping from one spirit to another tend to be the nights when you’re just drinking more or at a faster pace. It’s sort of like how I’m likely to puke after drinking Jager, not because of any inherent property of Jager (although it does taste kinda gross), but just because if I’m doing shots of Jager, I’m probably already pretty hammered.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Game Time Decision

how can I drink this with a mask on?


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Last edited 4 years ago by LemonJello
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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