One of the biggest things I miss from our old site was the mock drafts that used to run every Friday. Those were fantastic time wasters, and a good one was a virtual guarantee that you were going to be far from productive at work, as your day instead degenerated into arguments with strangers over who would be the best Saturday cartoon character to have sex with, (and now we all know how that would go), or some other equally inane topic, all of which were still more important than that TPS report deadline your boss was yelling about. Good times.
Well, it’s been long enough. After a discussion in the back channels yours truly is bringing it back, with some slight rule changes. The old site had 4-5 main contributors, one of whom may not have been real. So they’d do 2-3 rounds themselves, then kick it to the kommentariat to draft whatever was left over. You can do that when you’ve only taken 10-15 of whatever topic was up for drafting. We, however, are a much more connected group when it comes to the writin’ and draftin’ of things, so if we did that we’d easily take out 30-50 before we threw the bedraggled leftovers to our beloved readership. That’s no fun. So these drafts, which I expect to last as long as I remember to do them, (2-3 weeks), will just leap right into it.
Also, for content and alliteration reasons, we’ve moved the draft to Monday mornings, so get ready to kill your productivity right from the start.
Yours in the comments, first come, first served. For now, please wait 10 picks or 30 minutes before making another one. That will be revised up or down depending on how much participation we get, which I hope will be a lot.
This week I managed not to forget about this until after finishing the night with an 11.3% ABV, (at least not yet), and so this will post on time. Huzzah! This week, we’re back on that same weird desert island that earlier could play record albums. This week there’s a TV, (hopefully food and water, but that’s another draft), but it only gets one show. if we’re only gonna have one show, we’re gonna need a lot of episodes. And I think all of us here are aware of a certain show that’s been around for 30 years, even if many of the more recent years lacked the quality of the earlier years. That’s right, this week we’re drafting episodes of ‘The Simpsons.’ Just episodes, you can’t draft the movie.
With the first pick, I will take ‘Homer Versus The 18th Amendment’
To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems!
Yours in the comments.
Simpsons: Behind The Laughter
Haven’t we all said some version of this before?
Did anyone take the PTA disbands? Malk ftw!
My fourth/fifth pick, thus bringing my draft to a close, is “Two Dozen and One Greyhounds”,

because there is no better sweater than authentic Irish setter.
And now that will be in my head all day long
Bart The Murderer
Bart joins the mob
“…and TV’s Doogie Howser as Bart Simpson!”
Didn’t see it, so my third/fourth pick is “Whacking Day”, because there’s nothing better than the sexy slither of a female snake.

Simpsons Safari: Pepsi Prevents New Zanzibar
The Homer They Fall
Homer becomes a prize fighter
Nuts, this is another one I would have traded up for. Nice.
Bart Vs. Australia

Definitely my number 2
Treehouse of Horror IV, for the Homer-sells-his-soul-for-a-doughnut story alone.
Ned Flanders as Satan, Ned saying “Hey Bart” and Bart nonchalantly responding “Hey Satan”, and the Broad Street Bullies as part of the Satanic jury. Honestly, before I looked this up I recalled it as a standalone episode.

Krusty Gets Cancelled
Just for “Worker & Parasite”