The Ghana Skateboarding commercial has been getting shown on the NBC Sports App whenever I’ve been watching Olympic events on it. For those of you that have not seen it, here it is:
There is also a 2 minute version that adds more backstory to some of the characters. Here is that version:
There is a lot going on here.
Having played and replayed the two videos countless times, I have some questions…
- Not counting the Canadian DFO contingent, could anyone here find Ghana on a map?
- Ok, smartass, which one is it?

- You got it wrong, didn’t you?
- Isn’t Joshua a likable dude?
- How do you feel about the fact that they made Sperm Joshua white?
- It’s an ad for Facebook, so we wouldn’t have put it past them to make Sperm Joshua black, right?
- Out of all of Joshua’s skateboarding crew, isn’t Mr. Bangers the one we are most interested in?
- Does he really like to eat English sausages or is it a sexual nickname?
- Or is he a DJ that constantly puts out really good dance song remixes (i.e. “bangers”)?
- Is that why they showed him at a disco?
- Would people be upset if he brought a skateboard into a disco or would they just grin and say, “That’s Mr. Bangers for you!”?
- Why is it we get more back story on Frank, Henry, Jovita, and Daniel in the longer commercial but not on Mr. Bangers?
- Did Jovita lose her job as a waitress after throwing those coffees to the floor?
- Does she know she can simply sing that Johnny Paycheck song, “Take This Job and Shove It”?
- Was I the only one that wanted one of those coffees?
- Isn’t it a little too on the nose that they introduce Sandy by showing her on the beach?
- How fun would that van tour of Ghana have been?
- By day three, everyone would have been pretty ripe though, don’t you think?
- Is the disappearance of the shopping mall a global phenomenon?
- Didn’t it seem like there were a lot of empty shopping malls in the commercial?
- Why does Preacher Zombie Bernie Mac hate skateboarding?
- For that matter, why do the kids smash their boards in frustration?
- I don’t know about the exchange rate, but aren’t skateboards kinda expensive?
- Like, if you miss a move, call yourself a dumb motherfucker, but why smash the board?
- Can we all agree that Joshua totally banged Sandy in the butt?
BTW, the answer to the Africa geography quiz is #34. I wonder how many of you could correctly place 20 countries…
I’m actually having a perfectly nice night, but I’ve got a theme going.
The fuck?
David Strathairn? Sissy Spacek? Directed by Rian Johnson? This has got to be the foundation for a Request Line someday.
Finally catching up on Rick and Morty. Dragon episode was weak, but the snake episode more than made up for it.
Taking the morning off today so I can run some errands i have been putting off, hopefully I can sleep in beyond 5AM. Arrivederci…
Goodnight! I have stuff to do early. It’s kind of pathetic how excited I am for football tomorrow, even if it’s just preseason garbage!
Well, got 3 hrs 15 min of sleep. Moved from bed to recliner; hopefully I can get back to sleep for a couple hours, with the help of a little net surfing, a breakfast beverage and 1/8th of a Xanax.
I mentioned Tim Duncan in an earlier comment, good to see his homeland give the big “fuck you” to Governor Death Sentence.