As I type this Tyrod, Jimmy G and Darnold are having a lovely day. But what the heck is an Elijah Mitchell? I mean, aside from a trendy pickup on next week’s waiver wire. Isn’t Coach Shanny The Second the slyest coach in ever? He sat Sermon and has given the ball to Mostert only twice in the first half. This is the sort of action that enrages the fantasy hopefuls out there. (luckily I’ve no shares in Raheem)
-Zack Moss of Buffalo was a surprising no show. I wonder what’s going on in Daboll/McDermott’s mind?
-The Precious One (Jets qb Wilson) is having a rough day so far at 7-20 with an interception. Welcome to the big city, kidling.
To The Game!
-Dumb coaches pin their hopes on the likes of Andy Dalton and come away disappointed every time. Why do qb’s like this just go round and round the league? Oops, got distracted. Nagy is setting himself up for cries of “We want Fields!” and it won’t end until he’s in there. Why prolong the inevitable?
-Is Stafford going to air it out all year long and revive a moribund passing attack for the Rams? I wouldn’t mind seeing that at all. It might take a bit of time to wash all that Patricia gunk off his game though. I’m sure that when McVay saw Fat Stafford’s qb rating of 123.8 on throws of 20+ yards (Goff’s was 71.5) his eyes popped out of his head.
Enjoy the game folks!
Off to read, goodnight my dudes!
Yes, I believe this would be an accurate depiction of the colloquialism “still got it”:

In my mind, she does all the fun things and then makes me do things, like redoing the electrical in the garage and pegging, though I am not at all opposed to either if she is involved.
God I hate my dirtball team. How in the same season do you get punked by the little fucking cheater (twice) AND the guy who whined about fans booing? YOU CAN’T EVEN GET IT RIGHT WHEN YOU HAVE THE HIGH GROUND, HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?
If it makes you feel better, I hate your team too.
Wow, USC just jammed the signal on the Challenge because Petros was talking shit on them. Loud as hell tone the whole time he was talking, stopped when they started talking about high school football again. Hilarious!
Giancarlo Stanton just stopped mid-HR trot to shit-talk Francisco Lindor.
No idea what’s going on, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Stanton just fucking up a couple of Mets.
Lindor apparently taunted when he went yard way back. But go fuck them up, Jumbo Package!
/Even you, Dizzy Judge
Lindor just hit one into orbit and was jawing and flexing at Stanton as he rounded first.
Fuck that guy.
Chucklefuck still talkin’?
It’s like taking that bus below 35 mph in Speed, if he stops chattering he’ll die
Well, that game certainly was an appropriate turd to cap the first Sundae of the season.
Looked good to us out here!
If bears get a garbage time score, I’d likely clinch my fantasy win tonight
Cuz I have so many pics
Did that seal Gumby’s win??
Yup, he is happy!
Bearistocrats! calling their timeouts, like they’re ppl!
Yeah Collinsworth they’re gonna hard-count the Rams 3 times in a row to pick up the first.
Asking Red Rocket to convert a 4th and 15 is just mean.
Ah, there’s the Aaron Judge season-destroying injury. All those who had “dizziness,” raise your hand!
Yeah, fuck off Kupp! I don’t need to sweat out Waller tomorrow night, thanks
I do appreciate the pace of this game. I am quite fatigued.
Gotta get in game shape, brotha! It’s a 17-week season now!
I don’t know why I’m so tired. I woke up at 10:15 and it’s not even 8.
Emotional drain. It catches up to ya
That was at times competent
With that run, It looks like the red rocket has been grounded.
He is risen!!!
ah, the old timeout/throw away/FG attempt combo
or not?
Nagy’s genius just got his own lineman hurt.
What is the bigger pit of suck? The La Brea tv show? Or the Bears?
Honestly, I’m just impressed that there’s going to be one network tv show that isn’t about cops.
I’m still waiting for Chicago Transit Authority to join NBC’s Wednesday night lineup.
LA Parking Enforcement airs on Wednesdays on The CW.
They haven’t been themselves since Terry Kath capped himself.
Chicago Sanitation will have you glued to your seat. Well, *stuck* to your seat. Not sure what the substance is, but it’s sticky.
Fuck yeah every Sunday night used to be Dr. Demento night.
Play fish heads next.
I hate FF so much.
She appears to have lost her shirt. Poor girl.
Her loss is our gain
Larry Elder’s television ads are so bad. I’m not talking about their substance or his (lack of) merit as a candidate, I just mean the shitty production values. There are used car dealerships in podunk towns with better ads.
I’m so ready for that shit to be over! I returned my ballot as soon as I got it, I should be able to opt out of the ads. And where is my fucking flying car? [shakes fist]
I want to personally walk up to that motherfucker and say “You’ve lost your LA privileges.”
I’ll pay the rental to move his ass elsewhere.
Dump him out in the desert. He’ll be whining for a government handout then!
New mayor of Barstow!
Britt Reid crashed it.
Rose McGowan just introduced him at an event wearing a housecoat and slippers. Seems in keeping with his ads production values.
Bears first touchdown of the year

An ass like that needs special treatment. Lots of special treatment and
More special treatment
How do even notice the ass when a gal has SHOULDERS that chiseled??
She takes her vitamins,
I’m sure she gets all the Vitamin D she wants.
That chick has creepy eyes.
I didn’t notice she had eyes. Odd