Sexy Friday – 20230908

TGIF! Football is back! But none tonight, just the JV variety, plus some hot semi tennis action. Unless you have Spectrum, then you get nothing. Anyway, I’m still hungover so let’s get this done and dusted.

Survival – Personal Edition

As mentioned, football is back. And now your weekends are full of nonstop football action. Many of you are in a relationship and this abrupt and selfish scheduling change can cause some tension in that relationship. Well, here’s a handy to guide to end that toxic relationship so you can enjoy your true love of watching football.

  • Don’t dawdle. The longer you wait, the more damage your are doing to your awareness of the football atmosphere. You know it’s over, so just end it now.
  • Decide on a line of communication. If it’s a short term relationship, consider a voicemail, email, text message, or even a card. Some will call it cowardly, others will scythe end justifies the means. For a long term relationship, have some respect for the relationship and do it in person. If you don’t know how to start the conversation, write a draft letter, and have her read it to you.
  • Always be kind. Specifically, express gratitude for the good times you did have. There’s no need to get into the bad things. You’re not trying to start an argument here.
  • KISS. No, don’t kiss them! I mean Keep It Simple Stupid. Decisiviely state your decision and don’t leave room for negotiation or doubt. Remember, you’re ending this so it’s no longer necessary for your partner to understand or agree with your stance.
  • For once, be selfish. Any discussion of the relationship should be focused on yourself. This is your decision, and it’s no fault of theirs. You’re not the football scheduler, it’s just that it is starting and it’s your problem and not their fault.
  • Keep it short. You don’t need to belabor the point. You don’t need to provide feedback. Look, it’s football, and there’s little time left before it kickoff, so scoot.
  • Don’t concern yourself with their pain. Remember, this relationship is over, it’s no longer your responsibility to make them feel better. But, don’t be cruel about it. Let them respond and listen, but don’t engage.
  • Don’t lead them on. It’s natural to say you’ll reach out later, or call, or text, etc. Do not do this. Let them know if you see them in the future, you’ll say hello. If not, have a nice life.

Now walk away and get yourself on that couch in front of your TV. It’s football season for you and you alone.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday! Hopefully with no lawyerly intervention this week.

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Riccardi very lucky to not get called for a push off but fuck it, the aggression is paying off. 81-44, let’s blow this thing the fuck out.


Jesse Hogan playing like he still has bit of his testicles!


Of course he bricked it, that’s what I get for making a testicular cancer joke.


WOW. That mark from Callum Brown off of the Tom Green kick was a thing of beauty. 73-44 GWS now.


Again, Toby Greene is a huge catalyst, but he’s gotta hit that.

Last edited 8 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

“Fluency in their ball movement” is a DFO core curriculum course.


Honestly, if St Kilda’s kick efficiency were reasonable, this would be a VERY close game


Himmelberg hasn’t been much of a factor tonight, would be great to see him step up


I love how Briggs like a third of the time is like “fuck hit outs, Imma just catch that shit right out of the ruck”


THERE’S the Sam Taylor we know and love


Alright, we’re back with a full glass and apparently St Kilda has activated their sub…


See, not a big enough lead despite some great offense. 65-42 going into half time, I need a drink and a piss.

And if someone has a spare meat pie, hmu.


I’ll ask Sophia to whip something up.


Not the best end to the half for the Giants


Almost like I know what I’m talking about when I say my team can’t close out quarters.

Last edited 8 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy



What the fuck was that penalty?


Send in the Navy.


Already can’t wait to make another drink, this lead is not massive enough for me to feel comfortable



like I said Josh Kelly should kick whenever the fuck he wants.

65-36 GWS


What a bullshit call.

But again, I said my team has a hard time closing out quarters and just like that, the lead is narrowed to 23 points.


And on cue, the Saints score and cut the lead to 29.

Biggest shock isn’t that this is a game but that Sam Taylor has been beat twice in 1:1 matchups. That legit almost never happens.


Fun fact, Cal Ward is often called Hospital Ward because of how often he just barrels in head first, gets hurt, and plays through a shitload of injuries.

I’m worried about his long term neurological health but love the guy.


Fuck. Good transition work from St. Kilda, thank goodness they bonked the kick, lead stands at 35.

GWS has a bad habit of not closing out quarters, hopefully they don’t let St. Kilda feel good about themselves these last 5 minutes if the first half.


Big miss!

yeah right

My most satisfying out of office message ever:

“I will be out of office for the next two weeks and will be completely unavailable by email, phone or text.”


Holy fuck, Brent Daniels is INSANE. That kick after the little give and go with Hogan was brilliant, and with Kelly knocking it through, they’re now up 59-17.

So what I’m saying is Litre may have made the right call not watching.


That kick from the outside of the foot to set up the goal was bloody brilliant!


The 36 point margin mark is where games get decided. If the Giants can extend the lead, they’ve got this. However, if the Saints hang around and keep at this margin, the game ain’t over yet.


I’m not gonna be comfortable until I see how the 3rd quarter looks at the earliest.


Another Irishman goal for GWS!

And again, made possible by Toby Greene having the best motor in the contest.

53-17, good guys.

Last edited 8 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy


Giants now up 30 after Riccardi drilled that home.

And it definitely shut up the home crowd.


And again, Toby Greene made that one happen. So good. That’s why he’s the captain of the All Australian team.

Last edited 8 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

Fuck yeah Giants!


Great counter by the Giants and excellent positioning by Hogan.


He sometimes struggles with kicks directly in front (I wish I were being sarcastic) so that was a great finish after a fantastic mark.


Finn Callaghan is 20 years old and is playing 3D chess.

But with a Sherrin or whatever.


The code on when it is and isn’t ok to give an extracurricular knock on someone in this game is confusing as fuck.




I have no idea what they’re reviewing, that was clearly a behind. Focus on calling the rest of the game right, ya clowns.


That was a smart play to kick to the side instead of trying from outside fifty even if it only resulted in a behind. The Giants are playing smart. That bodes well.


That guy looks like a pederast, but he can play, dude.


Lady BFC has not fallen asleep yet, but I was able to answer “how much have you had to drink” truthfully with “I’m still on my first one” because I filled this tumbler to the brim.


I do have to say that I really like the collars on the St. Kilda guernseys.


That’s the consensus on AFL reddit, too


At the quarter, 33-15, both teams came to fucking play, Giants have done a better job keeping the ball in their forward 50 the last 15 minutes or so. Gotta keep that pressure up.