Some weeks, one just wonders how the universe will make everything worse. That’s not to say that one doesn’t EXPECT everything to get worse. Believe me, that much is assured.
But thanks a lot, fat fuck Sean Payton, and head-hunting fuckwit Kareem Jackson. Inspiring a come-from-ahead loss at home. After leading 21-3. To the goddamned Rebecca Malone Commies.
However angry you expect me to be, I assure you I am 10x worser. It was poetic justice to hit the Hail Mary on the game’s final play, then miss the 2-pointer for a 35-33 final. At least I didn’t have to watch any more.
Anyway, the heroes of Week 2 are the lunatics who took the Vertically Enhanced Persons (oh HAI, Mister Ayo!) in SurvivoUr pool, and sucked out to end all suckouts. Big Blue managed to self-keep a clean sheet for the first 6 quarters of play, the first time they managed that since 1934. That’s not a fat fingered typo, neither. Their cumulative scoreline was nil-60.
And they’re 1-1 for the season, 31-28 winners over the no-longer-trying-to-pretend-we-be-tanking Qards. I was honestly too pissed off about Denver and my fantasy teams to notice how they did it, but did it they…done. Danny Dimebag rallies his troops from 20-nil at the half, and 28-7 midway through Q3. Without involving Darren Waller, because no good can come to Hippo.
Tony Romo will have the mother of all herpes after sucking off the Non-Gendered Cowpersons for 3 solid hours. They beat the MILF-Hunter Z Jest 30-10. I guess the latter are who we thought they were after all.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRAM IT!! fever look to be surging, but I guess the rain clouds came in and washed it all away. Q4 was a disaster for Fat Stafford, who lost to Purdy Mouth by a 30-23 final. I have no idea how it didn’t stay 30-20, based on the time/situation when I quit paying attention.
Those are the late games. I will neither watch nor recap LOLfins/P*ts, because it is not a mandatory fixture.
I guess the sliver of good news is that the early slate was quite entertaining. I enjoyed the 3.5-hour break from eternal torment!
Green Bay was kicking the tar shit out of Sherman’s Ashes…until they weren’t. Atlanta, without a functional passing game, somehow chipped away 6 and then 3 at a time, with Younghoe getting the winner for a 25-24 final. It bore no relation to logic, but it did happen. Arthur Smith made the coaching call of the decade, going for it on 4th and inches late, when a FG would have given him the lead (but with plenty of time and timeouts for Love to respond). Instead, he had 45 seconds and no timeouts, managing nary a first down in the process. I love that a giant meathead like Smith is willing to trust what the maths says.
Tits and Clips (sounds like a stripclub barber, yeah?) played a manifestly silly contest, where not-SD was, per usual, the better team on both sides of the ball but kept letting Vrabel’s resilient fuckadoos hang within striking distance. It is what they both do, and Tennessee predictably held JUST in the nick of time to force the tying FG instead of give up the back-breaking TD. Followed by the predictable Clipper pants-shitting in OT. 3 and out, followed by 3 for the win. 27-24. Welcome to the basement with the Donks, but it will be ours alone soon – and for the duration.
By scheduling quirk, Seattle and Detroit have played three years in a row. It was bonkers last year, and the same in 2023. Maybe in retrospect, one should have expected a bit of a hiccup coming off such a huge road win in Week 1. And surely a response from a Pete Carroll side that conversely got embarrased at home. Still, when Geno chucklefucked away a 10-point Q4 lead, it looked like a Fuck LioUns reprieve. But they lost the toss, and the refs annoyed an all-time blatant hold on the winning TD. Buster never touched the ball. 37-31, never bet on a SeaTruthers fixture.
Did you expect the Fat Humps to notch a road win? Me neither, even against an imagimary opponent. But despite Trent Greening their QB (on his 2nd TD run) early, the outcome was never really in doubt. 31-20, with the 500s sliding into their comfort zone. DFL in the worst division in football.
The only thing I got right all fucking weekend was Survivor. I expected Bills Mafia to be angry and focused. They were. Despite spotting Vegas 7, they closed on a 38-3 run. That’ll do, Buffalo. That’ll do. Davante Adams got concussed, so that’s probably that for them.
What is it with WKRP and slow starts? Is it that we never knew who was the morning show DJ? Anyway, they lose 27-24 to the visiting Ratbirds, who always seemed to have a working margin in this one. Cincy has come back before, but I don’t get very good juju from their camp. Oh well, what the fuck do I know.
Did you have Chefs/Jaguras as the defensive slog of the day? Fucking liar. Kansas City grinds it out, 17-9. They always figure it out. Always. Which Rikki is very thankful for, obviously. I noticed nothing interesting.
Oh my cats. Perhaps Chi**** is an even bigger dumpster fire than Denver, because they thought they had sommet cooking. They don’t. Strawberry Fields put together a magnificent, DJ Moore-filled TD drive early, then shat himself the rest of the way. Meanwhile, the Bearistocrats! defense made Baker Mayfield look like a real boy. Final score deceptively close, 27-17. YES, that’s the 2-0 Brady-less MRSA. Todd Bowles can coach.
I will be back for Week 3, because my self-loathing has no bounds.
I hope the Navy doesn’t start losing those like the Air Force loses jets.
I’m just going to take my USAF time and be quiet. On the other hand…
Vincent Kompany’s touchline look – Divorced Dad trying too hard to seem cool
I’ve eaten very healthy/healthily/healthfully today.
As a result, I’m fucking famished.
Thanks for reminding me – since I don’t want to wait for room service, I’ll open a MRE (yes, I actually like the taste of those, well almost all of those. For the life of me I don’t know how anyone could eat the spinach fettuccine ones)
Boy have I got a place for you. We can undo all of that with a quickness.
I’m all for equal gender opportunities in broadcasting but Jesus Christ, did they drag this woman in the #2 chair for Forest/Burnley from the dock lands of Brighton by her bottom fucking lip? Let’s scour the ranks, NBC, and at the bare minimum let’s find a woman who doesn’t pronounce “th” with a moist, overbitten “ff” sound, deal?
The lady announcer on today’s footy (Robins Hood/Burnley) is my new favoUrite. She’s the anti-Mowins, has a very pleasant tone of voice, knows her shit, and lets the action do most of the talking.
We are at odds
Well, there’s only one way for you two to resolve this like gentlemen. Sporks at dawn-ish!
I was gonna suggest urinal swordfight.
nods in #2ndPill
Plastic sporks for maximum damage.
I am caffeinated enough to win a literal pissing contest (see above), otherwise pretty sure Fronk crushes me in any Feat of Strength!
I just mowed the lawn. I’m a cripple for 48 hours. NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE!!🤓
I didn’t see a single snap of NFL football yesterday but by using my secret Hippo decoder ring I’m all caught up!
Either that or I need to drink more Ovaltine.
I mean, Hippo could be making all this shit up?? YOU NEVAR NOE
I accept the true gospel according to Hippo.
I should know the true messiah, I’ve followed a few!
duh-na-na-na-na LEADER!!
For Sharkbait’s use, next time he mixes accordingly.
My supply IS running low. I should get more
No free shipping? Fuck that.
shouldn’t it be “planing”, as it flies* and not ships
*still may be in the air
LemonJello and bk making deals.
Nah, he can have it. I prefer stuff that I can (more or less*) maintain myself.
*ie I couldn’t do a full refurb and rebuild of a pair of TV3-117’s on my own, so for such jobbies I have to rely on trained techs
So if the cat goes missing the chip in him can help us track him.
Somebody (officer rank) better be getting crucified for losing a damn F-35. There are PFCs and LCpls that lose everything for misplacing their rifle, not a multi-million dollar airplane.
I’m willing to bet a lot of Lowratio’s daily rations that the enlisted ground crew is getting blamed.
Taking Lowratio’s rations is a good way to get your kneecaps bitten off.
He eats like a goddamn king.
Pfft, officers are misplacing/misusing billions on boondoggle programmes since the 40s and there never seems to be any blowback on them.
ie – Zumwalt – 4 billion a pop and is basically a cross between a toothless destroyer and a fucking Perry-class FFG.
The Littoral combat ships? The first ones are getting yeeted (because they were fucking useless and not particularly well designed/made), yet the USN keeps procuring those.
The Gerry Ford-class? Oy, vey….
USAF – How many billions sunk in hypersonic weapons without anything close to even viability. Meanwhile, the Russkies are already perfecting theirs (and using them against juicy targets) and both they and the Chinese are starting to really go for full-rate construction.
The KC-135/KC-10 replacement programme’s hitten more bumps than Charlie Sheen.
The B-52 re-engine programme.
The B-52 replacement programme
F-35 continuing dev problems
Overall unit availability rates being between abysmal and worse
The Army/ANG? Oh-so-goddamn many to count
The Marines? Dumping their armor just in time for the Ukraine live-fire exercise to prove that lightly-armored, mobile forces can be stopped by a determined opposition…
At best, some poor Lance or civillian subcontractor would be scapegoated, because officers and LockMart can do no wrong.
My boss is a Navy guy and his joke is that the Air Force uses their budget allocation on golf courses and improving their living quarters and when they run out of money they ask Congress for fighter jets.
lol, each uniformed service thinks that about the others. Except the Marines, they’re salty that they are either forced to use hand-me-downs by the NAVY, or be forced to use blackmail material from Tijuana (and the like) to get the occasional new toy to
immediately bludgeon to piecesplay withThe only two military organizations in the US are the Army and Navy. The Air Force is a corporation, and the Marine Corps is a cult.
And Marine Corps Air is the Navy’s Army’s Air Force.
Disagree. The USAF’s a country club and the Marines is a special education programme 😀 I can joke about the Marines, because sis-in-law decided to join ’em straight out of CalTech. I’m a bit more considerate with her fiancee, ’cause poor bastard lost his dream job when they dumped their heavy armor (not that I didn’t joke that I have more tanks than his precious Holy Corps :D)

I guess using the wrong ammo might be a good idea.
Congrats for actually reaching the calibre, my brain still indignantly screaming about the three “clips” for an AR-15… It’s a GAAAAAAAAAAAH (translation: M4A1/M16A4.. the AR-15 is a related BUT DISTINCT WEAP.. GAAAAAAAAAAA)
That’s an all-timer from The Onion. “Pizza party! Pizza party!”
Don’t forget all the hand-me-downs from the Army, too. And this whole divesting of armor/artillery and other proven implements of war in order to “pivot” to the Indo-Pacific with the square root of fuckall to do but dig holes and die in them…well it’s a gottdammed shame what’s become of my beloved Corps.
Yeah, one of the things I do for my side-gig was to condense “lessons learned” from what we’re observing in the live-fire exercise in Ukraine and with each day, it becomes clearer that the Marines’ pivot is little more than a particularly spectacular way to commit suicide (against anything withing shouting range of being a “near-peer” state like China). Ah, and also that weapons attrition rates assumptions (and ammo expenditure) are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than expected. Ah, and that Soviet/Russian vehicles are more survivable than ours (at a fraction of the cost).
I don’t recall where I heard it, but the question of resupply to these squads/platoons out on the atolls and islands in contested waters was brought up and some “genius” logistician figured the Marines could live off the land? Is there an online course for that? Add it right after the annual Trafficking In Persons course as a requirement.
… At .. an … atoll?! You mean the places where even fresh water’s an issue? THE FUCK?! Also, there’s a big problem with atolls that same fucktard hasn’t even considered. A couple of heavier thermobaric weapons (ie the Russians have started mass-producing 3 and 5 tonne buggers) and everything outside of a proper bunker on the island will (if lucky) be insta-ded and if unlucky – be quickly drowning because that person’s lungs and other soft tissues would be fucked.
Ok, I have a novel idea. How about we send several platoons/companies/battalions composed of staff officers to test out their hare-brained schemes. If they survive for a couple of weeks to a month in a live-fire exercise against a determined RedForce (there’ll be plenty of volunteers for that from line units), they can get to inflict their “good ideas” to an unsuspecting marine unit. If not, well – the next people would be less inclined to be that bloody retarded 😀
As for how we can get the staffites to give that a try.. We lie – firstly, promise that it’ll only be simulated ordnance lobbed at them . Secondly, we promise that if they take part in this fieldex, they’ll finally get something beyond their attaboys without having to try and convince someone that getting the clap at the green zone merits a Purple heart and/or a Bronze star
“Oh, I’d definitely go, but I have dental on that Tuesday.”
-Bn Adjutant, probably
When I was in the Army
with the Army of the Potomacthere was an Air Force enlisted guy in our barracks, who was attached to some Army cartography unit. Now these were nice, brand-new barracks; nicer than pretty much every dormitory I saw when I was touring colleges with my daughter. That guy whined like he was living in a tent or something, and didn’t know what he had done in this life or the last to deserve such horrible treatment.I always love DFO military wormholes. We have actives and SO MANY veterans here, despite being such libtards (who can obvs SUCK IT)
Beep… Beep… Beep…
/the sound of 2Pack backing away from the conversation
Back in the old country (when I was doing my “national service obligation” ’cause I didn’t manage to flunk my intake medical :D) we did some cross-training with Marines. Despite our barracks (including the ones assigned for their temporary quarters), they were ecstatic, ’cause (in this order) we had a still, WiFi, taught them how to pirate sat sports channel (using US government property).. and they even had a roof over their heads and no rats to nibble at them 😀
Meanwhile now, while I was doing some my refresher after fucked over to a “real” country and decided to join the reserves (just in time to be shanghaied to help with the exodus from asscrackistan), we had some USAFE officers in our barracks (single bed a room, WiFi, 32” TV… basically the shit you paid extra to get in college) that threw a stink, because we had only one fucking brand of decaf in the caffeteria 😀
Fuck most officers, but double fuck the airdale officers.
Ah, slight correction on the Zumwalts. 4 billion’s without the R&D. The total stillborn programme’s ~20 billion (in 2015ish dollars). And at the end of the day.. it got replaced by the ship it was supposed to replace – the Burke (albeit upgraded), which was a bargain at 2 billion a pop XD
Was the LCS the one that had a problem where some MBA in the Pentagon thought that they didn’t need all those people on a ship because automation? But it turns out you need all those people to keep it working when stuff breaks down at sea, with damage control being a close second.
Yes, the one with automation, palletized combat modules (that were never actually developed/produced), a pool of “specialists” (which meant that those poor fuckers would spend more time at sea that ended with people avoiding that track like the plague).. Ah, and did that on two separate ship platforms with differing subsystems, because “reasons” 😀
Reasons being powerful Senators had shipyards in their districts that needed business to stay in operation?
That explains the use of multiple shipyards. They should’ve stuck with a single design (or at the VEEEEEEERY least, two designs with common components).
In a perfect world, they should’ve gone with a stretched Perry that had at a cut-down version of the combat systems of the Burke (and which could serve as an “arsenal ship” for Burkes when sailing in a carrier battle group)
Don’t they have a black box / ping- y thing? Transponder? What the actual fuck? Mebbe they just counted the planes wrong. Math is hard!
Let’s see, normal transponder that should’ve been on (as flying without one in congested airspace leads to disaster.. ie Pacific Southwest 182 that had a mid-air with an F-4). There F-35 is supposed to be also also perma-connected to other assets (as part of the concept for net-centric warfighting), which should’ve also been transmitting to the end. There’s also the flight-plan that was in the onboard nav, which should be known, so if the pilot bailed (as there’s also a separate beacon/transponder as part of the ejection system to notify SAR/CSAR where to look the pilot) while the plane was in auto-pilot, the route should’ve been known. (either as a pre-programmed flight plan or as a “maintain heading of X” at “Y altitude” type of deal)….Then again, the USAF still hasn’t recovered that uranium core from the Goldsboro incident of ’61, or the USN that .. A-4, was it?. .with the Genie (a nuke) from the bottom of the ocean.
Tl;dr: Something really fishy is going on, because the plane should’ve been trackable to the end.
Stuff I read said, “Best guess is it’s at the bottom of one of these lakes west of Charleston.” SC, not WV. Not that you couldn’t lose one up a holler back in West ByGod.
Except that people tend to notice planes crashing – both because usually (but not always, ie that F-106 that managed to belly-land itself) crash rather spectacularly. Plus, that’d mean debris and an oil-slick that ought to be a decent signpost that “Here be 80 million of your taxpayer dollars”
Yeah, but some of those lakes are fuckin’ big. Like out-of-sight-of-land big.
Well, it is a Stealth fighter. Maybe it’s just doing its job really well.
I know it won’t happen, but imagine this plane somehow turning up in China/Russia. The DoD will shit enough bricks to build affordable housing for the entire homeless population 😀
Everyone from the CO to the newest boot in that squadron should be on line walking, double arms interval from each other, until they come across the wreckage.
And stand by for the DoD-wide “safety stand down” after this clown show.
Medicine: Heroin
Look, it’s almost 4 in the afternoon!
So Monday night football starts in an hour and a half?
Maybe, if you aren’t super attached to the idea of using Earth hours!
Why start now?
Another option is to move at relativistic speeds, so that with time dilation it will only seem like an hour and a half to you.
Only Japanese high speed rail gets up to.8c
Or Coach Reid trying to make it to an Arby’s before they close up for the night.
don’t have to go back if you never left.
She has a point: we’re less than a century away from colonizing and destroying OTHER celestial objects! Time will operate differently there!
Sixty years ago we were only twenty years away from colonizing the moon and forty years away from time-warping to Jupiter and beyond. Instead, we are now trying to perfect the electric car, an invention that effectively predates the Ford Model-T by twenty years, forty years, and sixty years, depending on your time-warp.
Meh, I’m only twelve parsecs old
The Portugeuse believe in naps, right? GET CREATIVE WITH SLEEPY TIME HOURS
(I went to bed at 8:30p last night and woke up around 9:30 this morning, so I pratice what I preach-ish)
Welcome to my time warp.
Ugh, again? Fine.
[takes a jump to the left]
[Practices pelvic thrust]
It really drives them insane!
Somehow this chart doesn’t have the same oomph that it did last week, but who cares, because for the second consecutive week the Raiders are on top of the AFC West, baby! Now I just need something to happen to cause the rest of the regular season to get canceled, and for the playoffs to start immediately.
Remember when that was supposed to be a killer division?
Even Pepperidge Farm is hesitant
Also, hello folks, how’re you all doing this lazy* Monday doing?
* All meetings (side-gig and main job alike) got postponed until at least Wednesday an’ there’s nothing really to do (well, not true, but I really don’t want to do touristy shit in DC today) and I’m growing kinda… loopy from the inactivity, lol. Yes, I wasn’t at all kidding that I envy Hippo’s ability to unwind and relax.
I’m back at the salt mines from vacation at the Outer Banks. I didn’t do anything but look at waves, read, and nap. It was great.
… sunlight and relaxing by the sea? Funny how one man’s (or rather 99.99% of mankind’s) idea of pleasure is another person’s idea of torture 😀 Though reading would take the edge of for me . Thank our bald and philandering overlord for making Kindles a thing, since at a book a night, I’d run out of space in my bags before I stock up on enough reading for a decent vacation 😀
E-readers get my vote for best travel innovation since commercial air travel. Even more so than GPS and rideshare apps. Although if I had an e-reader in 2007 I never would have read “War and Peace”. I was traveling in China and there weren’t a lot of books in English around, they were quite pricy too so I went for the thick books for value then just left them in a train or hotel when I was done. I also read “Tess of the D’Ubervilles” and a couple other lugubrious classics on that trip.
Kindle > half-open books laying around the house.
Plus, outside of the storage capacity – they also just are better on the eyes than LCD displays. I’ve found it amusing that it took that long for manufacturers to actually include a light with the device (which is especially silly, since that Nintendo.. or Sega.. Or PSP? .. I never.. uhh did handheld gaming, so whichever was it that had that popular mod with the front light). That said, I miss my page turn keys (aka the only thing that regret not having on my Paperwhite 5).
Concur on the page turn keys, but yeah, otherwise my Kindle is great. I do hate pretty much every update they’ve done in the past couple years though, just a bunch of stuff I don’t use that drains the battery faster. Might look into something 3rd party whenever this one dies, thank goodness for DRM stripping so I’m not tied in to the Amazon ecosystem
I am happy to say that my Kindle’s never seen an update ever since I received it at launch, so I’ve never experienced the series of poorly tested upgrades. And that’s despite the fact that I do a sizeable bit of my book purchases from Kindle 🙂
Lucky! I am quite envious
Nah, it wasn’t luck. It was literally just me being bloody stubborn, since I wanted to see how much it’ll take for the Kindle to nag me about an account and internet access. Turns out that it never did since the OOBE process, plus I don’t do periodicals on the device, so WiFi turned out to be absolutely unneeded on my bugger. Wifey wanted to keep her device up to date and came all the worse for that. In fact, she was so annoyed, she was looking for a way to downgrade the firmware (or failing that to get a new device with the original firmware and just use it 😀 )
It snuck the updates in on me when downloading new books. I actually do have an extra kindle that hasn’t been connected to anything since I got it a couple years ago, so that might be an option
I am a hard copy booky-book guy. It is my break from screen time (which is already way too much, every day).
I love the ocean. Makes me feel peace and contentment. But yeah, I need a book with me (though I won’t always be reading it) or I gets itchy. And I prefer having my phone/tablet in my trusty backpack, JUST IN CASE
When I was a kid I would dig a big hole to sit and read in. The shade and moisture in the sand when you get a meter or so down make it a pleasently cool reading spot
The nice thing, though, is that you can say to yourself, “Hey, I want to read that book about the Battle of Midway that I saw mentioned the other day*,” and literally five minutes later be doing that.
*Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway . Highly recommended.
The problem I have with my kindle is that it’s made me very bad about remembering authors and titles, since I pretty much only look at that information one time (as opposed to paper books, where I’ll see it every time I pick it up).
And bought, as that is precisely my cup of tea. Though it’ll have to wait a bit, since I’m working my way through Glantz’ trilogy on Stalingrad (up to book 4 from.. 5ish, I think)
Trust me on this – the Kindle (the bookreader, not the tablet) has a screen that reads the same as a normal page, without the eyestrain of LCD/IPS/OLED. That’s why bookreaders are still a thing in the age of tablets and big-ass phones – the experience is different, plus the battery life’s measured in weeks to months even with heavy reading (I’m averaging about ~60 days a charge, in airplane mode and with the backlight off during the day and at ~7 for night reading). Since it’s difficult to explain, if you can borrow an eReader from a friend (or perma-borrow from a store, but only if you’re wearing blackface) to see the difference. That said, for books that I really enjoy – I get me the hardcover collectors’ editions, ’cause I do like those. Especially accompanied with cognac and a proper smoke
I’m not saying that I’ve been trying to find a “how-to” on removing the VIN from, say, an F-35 that I found discarded in a ditch and then also finding a body shop that can fix it up and give it a new coat of paint.
I’m also not not saying that’s what I’m doing.
By gawd, you found it ! You actually found it. The first bit of military surplus (or wastage.. or “fell out the back of a lowrider” bit of kit) that I have absolutely no desire to own even as a model kit 😀
Seriously, though – given that even old MiG-29’s transponders keep working after you yank on the ejection seat’s lever, I have to wonder what befell that -35B (that also should have a constant data link going as well) that they couldn’t bloody find the thing as soon as it crashed
I have a 1/48 kit of the -35B, yet to be built.
Kitty Hawk.
Niiice. Don’t forget to use a cleanable cyanoacrilate glue for the PE, tho. (or better yet – UV-curable glue)
Go bowling.
For those of us a little bummed out this morning…
And I would like to peak under her protective cover…
.. Uhhh, that’s actually possibly doable, because the lovely
colonel Sarah MacKenzie(Dunno why, but JAG is a staple of any time I get properly sick, alongside women’s curling and chicken soup) Catherine Bell is from one of the last generations of decent actresses that didn’t mind paying a bill or two doing Skinemax flicks 😉Since I was bored… Hot Line (S2E04) and Dream On (S5E09. Yer welcome 😉
There’s also a lot of hilariously bad photoshopped images of people who are definitely not Catherine Bell doing things you do not see on Skinemax. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Years ago I had a friend in L.A. who was head over heels in love with his new girlfriend until one night he saw her in a Skinemax flick doing it up with two guys.
No one likes a challenge anymore.
I have never, ever understood “I want a chaste woman who has been waiting JUST FOR ME her whole life” as a cultural phenomenon. Though I know it exists.
Who wants to have to live up to THAT kind of expectation? The man or the woman, JEEBUS.
Also, much like pretty much everything, people get better at sex with practice
Uhh, I think that one’s more of a defensive mechanism, since if there’s no “reference data”… I’ve always been of the somewhat silly notion that love conquers (almost) all (I’m realist enough that everyone has certain lines in the sand that can’t be crossed), be it past lovers, hearbreak.. Or even the worst of all, rivalling football fandoms (though wifey’s pretty cool, for a ManUre faithful) 😀
On one hand, I understand his reaction. On the other, it’s skinemax so “boning is implied but not confirmed”. On the third (because swimming off the coast of Fukushima was a bad idea) – he should be strutting like a fucking peacock because he’s more of a man than those 2 dudes combined 😀
I had one of those! It fell out of my pocket into the washer, and the 4 button never worked again. I still kept it for ages after, because I get attached. I just ruthlessly cut everyone out of my life who had a 4 in their number!
Vrabel’s Resilient Fuckadoos has more legs than Lowratio. 100% accurate + 😅
The 2023 punting has been but passable. Stressor-level concern.
I’m pretty sure that Johnny Fever was the morning DJ. That’s why he and Venus Flytrap were such good friends. They knew each other from the shift switches.
Or am I wrong?
(quickly checks Wikipedia and TV Tropes)
Possibly, but unconfirmed. Venus Flytrap is the Evening DJ, but Johnny Fever does have the energy and manic-ness that would apply to a Morning DJ.
According to the Wikis, I am partially right. Johnny WAS the morning DJ but Venus was the evening DJ. Another DJ did overnights.
Also, usually non-talk radio stations don’t have overnight DJ. They usually only do music and commercials.
Old geezers like me remember midnight DJs. Howard Stern was a midnight DJ. That was back in the good ol’ days when the DJ had to put the songs on the turntable by hand. Hell, I even remember TV and radio stations signing off around midnight/1 AM.
For younger people like myself, what’s a “radio”? 😛
FFS, Y U NO EDIT. I meant “what radio” – DAB/FB or AM (that I’ve never actually seen someone use in the EU, though I think there are some things still broadcast on it)?
That’s where you can get “Kelly, Mad Mike, and The Wombat! On K105’s Morning Zoo!” Or whatever is in your market.
105? That ought to be FM. I was just curious, because the idea of music on AM seems odd to me. Then again, in Ireland and the UK we’ve somehow managed to take the DAB+ standard (that can provide CD+ quality music) and instead congested it with enough stations per stream (or mux?) that we’ve got MUSIC radios doing 32kbit mono broadcasts.
Ok, I wonder how many people from my generation (very late 80s) and beyond would realize that’s a crystal AM radio receiver (or for that matter, how many would even thing “radio” and not some sort of old-timey war “thing” 😀 ).
If they had a 150-in-one electronics kit, “Crystal Radio” would be in it.
Sure, unfortunately with advent of the internet and widespread computer ownership, such kits weren’t nearly as popular with my generation and younger. It’s a pity too, since those were fun as hell – I was more fond of the various home rocketry and RC plane kits. Alas, my kiddos won’t be able to make their own V1 (1/6th or 1/8th scale, and a shitty digital camera as a “payload”) using stuff freely sold in their school’s copy shop
I remember being able to pull in far away radio stations on fm, because it was so uncrowded compared to am.
Really?! Oh man, I thought he had that whole airplane motif, where his show was like an overnight flight and he’d address the listeners like a groovy pilot would address passengers, and he had women and liquor and candles in the studio. Did I make all that up in my mind?
Being a Bengals fan (Artistic Interpretation)
“You Fool!” – HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (10/1/99 Episode) – YouTube
Note: I would’ve made an Aristocrats joke, but that wouldn’t have been appropriate because its guaranteed that someone will be scoring in an Aristocrats joke.
The Bears are excellent at Bearsing, but absolutely nothing else
Even in the woods?
I really hope “The Woods” is the name of the new craphole stadium they’re gonna build out in the ‘burbs
It should be the name wherever they play, home or away.