As I’ve mentioned numerous times, I am a history nerd. Recently I came across a couple history centric (British mostly) youtube channels posting full length documentaries that have sucked me in over the past few days. After consuming yet another documentary about WWII and The Blitz, I decided to keep the British theme going this week and reached for my copy of Churchill: A Drinking Life and see what I could make for this space this week.
I found that I had already bookmarked a couple drinks in that book a while ago, and decided on an interesting sounding one: the Orange Blossom. An interesting gin and orange juice concoction served by FDR to Churchill during a visit to the White House in 1942. Apparently Churchill wasn’t a fan. I wonder how it is:
Orange Blossom
1 oz. gin
1 oz. vermouth
1 oz. orange juice.
Shake up the ingredients with ice like FDR and strain into a tall glass
A quick note here, I opted for sweet vermouth here. I based that call on a quick search of alternate recipes. Ones that weren’t just gin and orange juice use sweet vermouth so that seemed like the obvious decision.
Anyway, there is a slight orange nose from the juice. Going back in a second and third time reveal some deeper vermouth aromas. It’s a nice mix that leads into the sip here.
Speaking of, it’s rather interesting, and not at all what I expected. It’s heavy up front on the orange juice flavors, but it’s more complex than that. Yes you get OJ, but there is a slight sourness there too. I suspect the vermouth is bringing out or enhancing the underlying citric sourness of the orange juice. Which isn’t bad mind you, but like I said before, it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. I thought the sweeter notes of the vermouth would be more prevalent but they are completely gone, moving this firmly into the sour category of drinks. Also, the drink is not very boozy tasting either. This could be a good thing depending on what you’re looking for. The complexities of the orange juice and the vermouth mute any kind of herbal flavors the dry gin could impart here. Resulting in the cocktail not tasting very strong. You can tell there is something in there thanks to the aforementioned vermouth, but gin? I doubt anyone could immediately pick up the fact that there is gin in this. The finish is mostly orange juice, with a slight bitter/sour citrus aftertaste. Of which does dissipate rather quickly. A good thing in my book, as any sour flavors left lingering on the palate can get old rather quickly.
This was good, but I don’t know if I’d go out of my way to make it again. It could be a breakfast cocktail, but for breakfast, I think I would defer to a screwdriver. It doesn’t fit well with dinner either. Maybe if the main was duck in an orange based sauce? But then again it might be too much orange there.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
I wonder if this would work with Lillet Blanc instead of the sweet vermouth?
Sounds like it’d be worth a shot.
Was wondering about a bit of sloe gin, myself. I generally like a touch of it with OJ in cocktails.
The first time I ever drank alcohol in a bar, I had sloe gin fizzes. I was staying at my friend Denise’s house, and her parents took us to this weird Western Pennsyltucky bar out in the boonies. An ambulance showed up and hauled away some pathetic old boozer who had the DT’s. Nobody even blinked. We were 14. The place was called Pearl Harbor.
So you got bombed at Pearl Harbor?
I sure did.
“Pearl Harbor” was what I wanted to call the beach house that we lived in in Del Mar after I started decorating it with broken surfboards (eating shit on a wave is known as “pearling” cause it’s like you’re diving for pearls) but another roommate pointed out that our Japanese-American roommate might not be cool with it.
I have some, I should try that…
If it’s good think of a dog theme for it!
There’s never enough orange
-Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice futures
[edit; spelling, cause I can’t]
this is why I loves youz.
Random line from a movie 40 years ago, and y’all respond with GIFs from the movie
I read a great biography of FDR that described Churchill’s stay at the White House during WWII. Man, that guy drank from the time he woke up until he went to sleep, and at all points in between.
I’m shifting my image host from PostImage (which now converts all uploads to an incompatible format) to a new one called IBB. Here’s a test image. tWBS gave this to me; it was his late father’s E-6B flight computer. It’s very well made of aluminum instead of the more common plastic. His father owned a Cessna at one point and I helped Seamus track it down to its current location. He gave it to me because he wanted it to have a good home, which it does.
Is the home in some bankers boxes in a bathroom at your club residence?
I keep it here:
Mighty mighty.
Churchill probably would have fit right in the Clubhouse. He and Hippo could get their EPL on righteously.
oh, chuh chuh. We could also gush at how hot his best biographer is…
I gotta say, the original recipe sounds like something you’d concoct with the bare leavings of a liquour cabinet because Eleanor drank everything else.
I’m thinking of using some of the cachaça we bought in Brazil to make drinks tonight.
Sugar, lime and lots of ice and you’ve got a party coming.
No video? For shame!
I was wondering whether FDR’s mind was on his money, or his money on his mind.
(and of course, he really don’t love hos)
He was definitely rollin’, they hatin’
I always loved the intro track to that album because Lady of Rage did most of the heavy lifting, but Snoop made sure to poke his head in to make sure everything was copacetic before stepping into the spotlight for Gin and Juice.
Get ya pooper scooper!
& the shitkicker version:
This is probably my favourite track on that album, complete with the WBALLS intro.