Monday Morning Mock Draft: Punch Drunk Love

It’s week 2 of the Long Winter known as the off-season, and as I write this not only is it cold and dark out, (not cold enough to snow, however, because that would be fun), but I have a) lost my battle with a cold, which is now in full control of my sinuses, and b) have to be in court tomorrow to explain to a judge why my two clients, (one of whom is definitely in South America and the other of whom might as well be), shouldn’t face consequences for various, well, um….

All of this has combined to put me in a less-than-great mood.  Which makes me want to punch something.  A face, perhaps.  Which means it is finally time for the much anticipated “punchable faces” mock draft.

I believe that several people have recommended some variation of this topic.  RTD was the most recent, so he gets the first pick.  The rules are simple:  Is it a face?  Do you want to punch it?  If you can answer yes to both of these questions, you’ve got a qualified pick!

As always, wait ten picks or one half hour between picks.  Your commissioner is the one, the only Ivan Drago!

Careful, because whatever he hits, he destroys.

Rikki has already given me his pick.  It’s a fantastic pick.

Martin Shkreli truly does have the kind of face that even a mother would want to take a swing at.

With the second pick I’ll take long-time DFO metaphorical punching bag

Matt Gaetz, and select him to become a literal punching bag.  Oh I can already tell I’m going to display very poor form and totally telegraph the punch as I’ll be starting it from my heels.  Can’t be helped.

The person you select MUST be real.  Fictional face-punching is too broad, and also I might get stuck for a topic and want to use it later.  Also please do not actually go out and punch one of your draft selections for realsies.  That’s illegal, even if they really, really, really have it coming.

The rest of you are on the clock!

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Brick Meathook

Penn AND Teller


Y’all havein too much fun…


Gavrilo Princip. The 20th century ran it’s course because of this guy.

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If it wasn’t him, it’d have been one of the other shitheads.


IANA early 20th century history expert, but from what I remember there were four or five near-misses prior to 1914. Lots of Russia told Austria-Hungary to get bent, which dragged France and England into it, which dragged Germany into it, etc. Diplomats would then work overtime and smooth over everyone’s ruffled feathers.


There were five of them out there to shoot Ferdy that day.

It was inevitable.

Senor Weaselo

Sounds like you’re gonna take him out.


All right, I’ve got businessman, actor, and pundit. Need to round out my squad with an athlete and a musician. For musician I’ll go with…hmm…I’m hearing a bit of buzz about this Justin Bieber fellow…

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Is that buzz the engine of an orbiting MQ-9 about to deliver a Hellfire through his bedroom window?


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Brian fucking France killed NASCAR. Another way to demonstrate how useless France is.

King Hippo

Daddy Vladdy Putin

(will NOT google his ugly mug)


Nuts, I was hoping to steal him in the 4th round.

Good pick.


And joke roont. ROONT I say.


What the cinnamon toast fuck is he thinking?


Just because he’s dead, ya’ll don’t want to take a swing at Henry Kissinger?

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I’ll do it.


My dad’s just happy he outlived him.

Even Turner outlived by a couple weeks. I think that was intentional.


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Maybe I’m the dumbass.

Did Don T take him or no?


Table it until Don T follows up.

No one endorses breaking Hannity’s face other than me, huh? More bloodening for me then.

Don T

Call me the ‘03 Vikes ‘cause I missed a pick 🤪
And get a doctor to diagnose scrofula to excuse you from court tomarrah


This guy slides down another draft board.


He’ll punch back but I’m taking one for the team because he did the impossible-made dudebros even dumber than they were before.

King Hippo

(Sean Payton)




i mean come on

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Last edited 11 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

We have failed as a collective group for the douchebag lasting this long.


Certainly the best value I’ve gotten for a pick so far.


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If there’s ever someone who deserves to be James Earl Cash’d with a crowbar…


Thanks to doc for the inspo. I want to take Thomas next but if I’m being honest, Alito has the more punchable face.

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Last edited 11 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy
Don T

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That’s why I call him “Clearance” Thomas.

Don T



Agreed, just look at that stupid shithead.


Due to all of the (appropriate) GOP picks, and for Equal Time Reasons, I pick any member of the House Democratic Leadership of the 38th United States Congress.


Late to the draft, but my 1st pick: Peter King

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Doktor Zymm

Lots of good options for who to take second, but then I remembered the Handmaiden
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/anxiously awaits Boebert’s turn on the Punching Wheel of Fortune…

Somebody tell Gumbygirl to get in here and start swinging haymakers!

Doktor Zymm

It’s looking like she might really lose her primary, so I bumped her down the priority list a bit, but I will be happy to take her for round 3!


Bob Kraft has her with a first round grade, but that’s for a different draft topic.

Last edited 11 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Boobs seems like she’s going to Plaxico herself at some point, right? I can’t be the only one thinking this will happen.


Haymakers? Gumbygirl don’t miss.


Miles Teller.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Steal. Top shelf. Well done


Off to walk the dog. Man I sure hope that my third pick is still on the board when I get back.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Now that we have a rush on actors:

Sam Rockwell.

He’s amazing. I generally love him in his roles. Probably a really nice guy.

But goddamn if his face doesn’t trigger some prey-drive shit in my brain

Game Time Decision

if you see Argyle, he gets punched alot in it

Don T


Although his interpretation of W made the Prez waaaaay sympathetic.
On reconsideration, yeah sure.


To be Devil’s Advocate, that would be an accurate representation for W. Just a simple guy way above their station.

Doktor Zymm

Thank you!


[door flies open]

[rushes to podium hand in 2nd pick]:

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(Chris Kattan, for anybody who is Ctrl-F’ing)


Robert Downey, Jr (pre-Crisis version)


GOP politicians going fast, so better punch Josh Hawley while I have the chance.

Game Time Decision

Since my first pick was voided, I pick Pierre Poilievre, a Canada POS politician.

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Doktor Zymm

While there are plenty of men I would love to punch, I’m gonna trust that y’all have those bases covered and punch all the women that it’s not socially acceptable for anyone but another woman to punch.
Gonna start with MTG.
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Doktor Zymm

One of y’all better get Snyder for me

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I was torn. Like “Advocating even humorously for violence against women” versus “Equal opportunity- she is at least as punchable as most of her male colleagues”.

Once again, Dok rescues us from a dilemma

yeah right

While this is indeed a wonderful choice, her face already looks like it was backed over by a fully loaded armor personnel carrier about 17 times.

Last edited 11 months ago by yeah right
Game Time Decision

Gary Fucking International disgrace Bettman
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Can I add The Blair Witch? She’s punchable.

Last edited 11 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Game Time Decision

Shit, Sorry
but he does deserve multiple punches

yeah right

Tawmy fackin Brady.


Sticking with the Tech Bro theme, I’m going with Jeff Bezos. Go fuck your whore anchor slut on Mars and run out of oxygen!

Please note this is not meant to slut-shame. We love sluts of all types and sizes!

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When your $200B gravy train says, “Wear your underwear to the event,” you wear your underwear to the event.


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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I don’t care whether he really annoys the fuck out of you or he just mildly irritates you: Cris Collinsworth has an unquestionably punchable face


Can’t believe he’s still on the board, so I’ll take Rhonda Santis

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Last edited 11 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

Here’s where he found out his dad is a lot cooler than he is.

Brick Meathook

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Game Time Decision

he looks like he was already punched.


With Goodell and Manfred off the board, it appears there’s a run on commissioners, so I’m going to take Gary Bettman before it’s too late and someone else gets to punch him.


This is a solid first round right here.


This is personal. Look at this arrogant shit that still thinks a team should be built as though it were playing in the 80’s. He reached for both Dimes and Saquon and it took 2 1/2 years to sorta get out of the Salary Cap Hell that he created.


Jared Kushnir. Couldn’t get away from that motherfucker while Trump was president.


Value pick


That gets an A+ grade from me.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Frank Fucking Sinatra

King Hippo

This horrible fat cunt (Wayne Rooney)

Don T

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem



No fair! How is this not the 1st Overall pick?!



Senor Weaselo

I’m not sure whether you should be upvoted for the humor or downvoted for the saying you have a punchable face, so… both (which cancel out I guess).

/Is there a Frinkiac for Homestar Runner? Probably not but I’d throw in a “The Cheat is a fine looking young man. That is an ugly bird.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Senor Weaselo

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Might have been there in the second round, but when you got your guy, you go and get your guy.

King Hippo

that is HALL OF FAME calibre self-hatred chuh chuh!!


Ben Fucking Shapiro. I’d get an image but I dont want google thinking I want to see right wing propaganda

King Hippo

(I similarly refuse to google the German Elton John, otherwise he’s #1 with a bullet)

Brick Meathook

(sounds of Draft Board being hit with chair inside the Redshirt Draft War Room)

King Hippo

Just look at this fuckweasel (Steve Jobs). Fuck him, fuck his 200% markup laptops, fuck his stupid goddamned fragile phones that my kids demand.

Bonus – just imagine the satisfying squelch when you punch his corpse face!

King Hippo

(the picture)


So dead or alive, huh? Not great value but whatever you’re into.


Mark Zucker(punch)berg

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The interesting thing is that Zuck is one of the few folks we’ll see today that has spent some time learning how to take that punch, and even punch back.

Senor Weaselo

Balls took Ginger Hammer, so I’ll take regional disgrace Rob Manfred.


I’ll take Elon Musk.

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Or even the retro look

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Run on Tech Bros coming…


Jesus, did Rikki have to trade all the rest of his picks to be able to get Shkreli?


Too easy. Roger Goodell


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Last edited 11 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury