About six weeks ago I badly injured my back and have been forced to spend almost all of my time in bed, as even sitting for extended periods of time is untenable. Physical therapy starts soon. I’m lucky nothing is broken, and that the damage will heal. For now, though, the isolation and near constant pain is frustrating and has tinted the kinds of creative projects I’ve been working on. I thought I’d share with you a journal entry from a week ago, while I tried to work out a new narrative style. It needs work.
“The trees here keep to themselves; I tried to lie against one but it refused me, fluttering its limbs in such a manner that I was sure it wanted me to move elsewhere. During the daytime I prefer to hide inside. Eventually the day recedes and I emerge to a cleaner, darker environment. The stars are suffocated by pollution from the city, but the sunsets rage beautifully because of it.
I pretend to taste the smog in my teeth and lungs. It fills me, and I become an instrument in the pseudo-industrial orchestra. Buttoned up, buttoned down, I stroll the sidewalks in a straight laced jacket. My rhythmic steps beat the streets to my circadian soundtrack as my internal clock flashes twelve o’clock; I don’t bother to reset it. My mind wanders inside itself: my perceptions are selfish, my concepts subjective and amorphous. My polluted neuroses mirror the rivers that fail to return my reflection.
I see myself from above. I sit on the roofs of the neighboring houses and watch myself sit in the alleyway, confronting the houses about their issues with individuality and listening fiercely for their replies. Their business is my business, since I have no business of my own. I watch, I listen. I suppress the urge to intimidate them into changing their ways. They stand, full of bricks and wood.
Unfortunately, houses don’t have eyes to stare into. I can’t see their souls in their pupils, their insecurities in their irises. There are no eyes to betray fear, vulnerability, corruptibility. Though they may not truly be, these subjects appear stalwart.
The moon appears in my alley between three and four in the morning. I’ve never known a moon like this one; when it appears to me in this place it sees through me. I feel it burning through my chest, rooting around to find that muscle pumping oil through my aluminum veins. My fingers curl and twist when it finds its way to my eyes and sees into my mind, sees the things I can’t see myself. This is the only time my tongue trips over my teeth; I can’t bring myself to ask what the great white orb of the sky sees in me. After all, its opinion is the only one I care for. Unbiased, representative of the true environment, but I fear its scorn. The moon knows when I’m broken or changing. It sees what I do, knows what I think, what I want, my angle, my needs, my shortcomings and compensations. It has no master, and I fear it.
It rains here. The people stay inside, the birds stop flying and hole up under cover; traffic becomes sparse and the sky closes up. Some things emerge, though. Umbrellas unfurl. The oil in the gravel seeps out. And I sit on the side of the road, staring at reflections of streetlights in the pavement. Rubber tires make a ‘galosh’ sound when they stream through water and hydroplane. I replay the sound for myself in my head; galosh, galossh, galossshh. The water spills from the road as the treads on the tires force it out to the side. I walk at the peak of the wake made by the water sliding off the curving road; I look at the reflections at my sides, and walk by trusting my feet.”
I want this to be better. I want my body to heal. I want the things that I make to make me feel proud. I want to take risks that make me feel something new. Soon I’ll take back my life and make it work for me, surely.
As a life long sufferer of back pain – until they widened my vertebrate – I feel for you. It sucks and seems to go on forever, so I’ll cheer you up with a story.
I was living with my older sister and my back was giving me all kinds of pain. I sneezed in the shower and then experienced a nuclear bomb of pain. I couldn’t walk. I had to crawl, naked and wet, into my room.
Just then, my sister opens her door, getting a full view of my manly nakedness.
I was in so much pain that she started crying, and I crawled from my room to the sliding glass door . . . and lit a cigarette. I had the presence of mind to try and wrap myself in a towel.
I was frustrated and in major pain, so I called my father, crying and begging for a solution. My sister is still crying at this point, and I’m chainsmoking.
The spasm passed, and I was able to stand.
A few days later my sister said, “You’ve always claimed to have big balls, now I can confirm that.”
Only men with big balls say they have big balls.
Wew boy. Thank you for the perspective. I’ve dealt with back injury for about 12 years but am grateful it’s ot life altering on most days
YEEEE HAWWW I GOTTA JACK IT INTO A CUP AND PROVE I NEVER SAW THAT BITCH IN MY LIFE https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/cowboys/2024/02/29/dallas-cowboys-jerry-jones-alexandra-davis-paternity-test-lawsuit/72787436007/
so caitlin clark is going to the wnba draft and will soon become an adopted fat hump
it was a good run kid
on the plus side, she’s likely gonna live within less than an hour or so from my house
Hope she’s OK with the massive pay cut she’s about to take.
Not to mention steep drop in attendance at the games.
i think she might get a few more national endorsements with this. however, if its THAT much of a paycut and she fades into obscurity, nuke the wnba from orbit
“When are you gonna pick up your end of the couch?” freaking kills me.
Just got the news that an attorney we know dropped dead in the shower this morning. 75 and planning his retirement.
Keep your loved ones close and remember it’s never too early to stop working.
DFO should be safe here, as we nae shower
rare millennial here that got his job w/pension-401k before the ’08 collapse (summer ’08…phew). also been somewhat sensible with money. grandmas inheritance went to the principal of the mortgage (should now be paid off in just a decade), should retire by 60 and work part time bullshit jobs until ss kicks in
WILL NOT work extra like these boomers…but I bet they cause the apocalypse and destroy my pension/401k
if that happens, im shitting on my maga mom/dads graves after they pass. their 3 yo granddaughter will never be a toys r us kid now thanks to the world they voted for and wanted
My retirement plan primarily revolves around the Yellowstone Caldera erupting between now and 2035, thereby making my retirement moot.
hopefully when the nukes all go off, a brave, smart hacker uploads those coordinates to all the nukes airborne to land on that specific place at once
I mean, if they can do that I’d prefer they aimed them all at Mar-A-Lago.
it might be underwater by 2035, tho
My retirement plan? I’m a Millenial musician, I got no shot in hell.
/The shot in hell is called a cozy professorship
Misleading headline, Alex. Clearly, your brain is not rotting. Hope you feel better soon, we need you around here. You up the tone!
Lol the good news is I’m out of the Taylor Swift boreal forest
Don’t you need to return to that forest soon?
Yes that’s true, what with the new album
Hope you’re feeling better soon. Great writing, btw.
Thank you! I wasn’t confident in it but if it hit, that’s great
I almost forgot – Happy Leap Day, everybody!
One of the fun things about our new operating system is that it was rushed into production and as a result a lot of the case names went in with typos. So now, in order to find the case, you have to know the typo and recreate it, otherwise it won’t come up.
I’m told this is being addressed, but I’ve seen slugs cruise through my garden faster.
My God, you’re white.
Good thing, given what’s likely to occur in the next election.
Was talking to a guy about that today…sure, we’re all fucked, but mediocre white guys are less fucked than others.
Buddy, they don’t get more mediocre than me!
My wife’s workplace has similar issues. 666 Main Street, 666 Main St., and 666 Main were considered different. There are such things as soundex, but evidently the goofuses who built their system didn’t know or didn’t care.
That’s cool that your wife’s firm represented Nick Saban, though.
I wish you a speedy recovery Buddy. Do the PT, try to double the reps if you can. I trust you will be back at it soon, until then keep the faith and rest. Ohhh… and that’s some cool writing there Alex.
Hey thanks. I just want to exercise again! Right now putting pants on feels like exercise
Putting on pants!?
I’m sorry Alex, but we’re going to have to ask you to leave DFO. We have very few rules, but the wearing of pants is strictly forbidden.
That’s the problem right there. Why the hell are you putting pants on?
DFO policy clearly states No Pants
I’m gonna be real, I wear sweatshorts every day. I haven’t worn an actual pair of pants in a long time
Love this.
Reminds me of this lyric from Built to Spill:
Wow. I really enjoyed this. The personification of inanimate objects due to loneliness is something I can identify with. Feeling there but not there. Yeah, this really fucking hit home. Great piece, man! And like everyone else here, I sincerely hope your recovery goes as smoothly was possible, and with no setbacks. Cheers!
I fucking love Bob doing that!
oh hello, daytime whiskey!
I NEED that glass
Bobs Burgers Bob Belcher “Hey, Daytime Whiskey” 11oz. Hand Painted Bourbon Glass!! Old Fashioned Glass/Rocks Glass https://a.co/d/44diKtA
Also this:
Bobs Burgers Mr. Fischoeder “Oh Bourbon” 11 oz. Hand Painted Whiskey Glass. Rocks Glass/Bourbon Glass/Lowball https://a.co/d/iOVElig
Alex, hope that your back is better soon. And keep working on yourself, you’re doing fucking great. I know that slow and stead isn’t what we want in our progress, but it’s what is sustainable over time.
oh and stretch, before, like doing, anything
Stretching has been huge, for sure. Thank you for the encouragement
Holy hell man. Hope the back gets better soon.
Love your prose though.
You can verify with Hippo if the pain meds can be a reliable muse or not.
Opium: the way, the truth, and the light.
Here’s to my sweet
SatanOpiumSorry about your back, but I’ve had a really bad cold and cough for the last two days, so let’s make this all about me.
Seriously though, feel better. Even spending two days confined to a couple of rooms drives me nuts.
he’s got a man cold, deal with it
-Lowatio, making a crying motion
Thanks! It’s not ideal!
Y’all see?? This is what the Fatty Payton Donks (hold the WOO) will do to a ninja.