Happy Friday one and all. For this week, I wanted to break a streak I’ve been on here. It might not be the case, but it certainly feels like I’ve been neglecting the plethora of awesome cocktail books I have on hand and should be sampling from, rather than relying on links I find or straight up googling combinations of ingredients to see what comes up. This is more an indictment on my writing process more than anything but either way, I wanted to utilize resources at hand and I think I found a winner.
After leafing through a couple books, I grabbed Drinking French. I used this one once before, as evidenced by the receipt bookmark I left in it. I’m glad I left it there because on the bottom of the page is an interesting sounding drink called the Ménage à Quatre. It’s a simple 4 ingredient equal parts cocktail that sounds intriguing with the ingredients it calls for:
Ménage à Quatre
.75 oz. Gin
.75 oz. Lemon juice
.75 Grand Marnier, Cointreau or Triple Sec
.75 Lillet Blanc or Cap Corse Blanc
Add the gin, lemon juice, Grand Marnier and Lillet to a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake until well chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
There is a very interesting aroma at work here. I get a lot orange aroma, among other scents mixed in, mostly floral. I’m guessing that comes from the Lillet. Either way, it’s a great combination that provides a good start to the drink.
Speaking of, right off the bat this is excellent. Though I will say it is surprisingly heavy on the orange flavors up front. I was definitely not expecting that, especially since the only source of the orange is an equal portion of Grand Marnier. I’ve had that in dozens of drinks but I can’t recall it being that strong of an ingredient/flavor. Despite the heavy orange attack, the subtle Lillet flavors do come in underneath and add a brightness and floral notes to the palate. The gin is completely covered. I hardly get anything, and obscuring London dry gin is no easy task. Though given that this is a French cocktail, I wonder if there was a little extra incentive to cover up the contributions of the English to this drink.
The finish is more of the same. The orange flavors slowly dissipating into a lingering slightly sour aftertaste on the palate. Overall, the drink is very good. It’s simple to make, and very flavorful. Also, it kind of is a nice change of pace compared to other, stronger gin based cocktails. I’d quite happily make this again, especially if I know someone isn’t a gin fan. I’d absolutely recommend this/make it for them to change their minds.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
I reached out to Aimee Mann and explained RTD’s issues. She said, “He needs to see it from wifey’s perspective, this might help you understand”.
So I’ve been looking into this Canadian fasting thing and it’s called Trudeauadan and you can’t watch hockey until after the sun sets. Worst. Secular. Tradition. Ever.
Starting to prep for getting my taxes done today. It starts by me going through the pile of mail and stuff from the past year to find everything. And then file it all away. We may be hoarders when it comes to anything sent in the mail.
The office looks like a bomb went off as the whole floor is covered in litte piles of like things
It’s a pile SYSTEM. Please step away from the Receivables slash Junk Mail mound.
Gonna have to put a bookmark in this one – the Dr. Mrs. is cutting back on her consumption for a bit, but this is absolutely something she’ll enjoy one she falls off that stupid pious wagon.
Taking that savings and putting a down payment on a new vacuum?
Just one?
But livers regenerate fully! (Source: Greek mythology)
I’m in the midst of an unintentional fast. I’ve not had anything to eat since Wednesday at 7pm. Not sure how it happened but here we are.
Me too
-Andy Reid between mouthfuls of salad
No way in hell Coach Reid eats salad*
*Macaroni, potato, egg, chicken, ham salads excluded.
This may be the cocktail that makes me like gin.
Be careful. Gin is like tequila; there’s something in there that changes people’s behavior.
My friend Bill would say: “Gin gives me a third nut” and he did not mean that pleasantly.
/buys all the gin
-Lance Armstrong
You lost me at “My friend”.
imaginary friend
Give it a shot!
Today in Atlas Obscura, there was an article about a book written by a Portuguese guy to help his countrymen learn English. Unfortunately, he wasn’t erm…fluent himself, so the book was uninrentionally hilarious. He called it
” English as she is Spoke.” Here’s a sample
I too have fond the knuckle of the business.
“Uninrentionally hilarious” Turns out I’m a non-English speaker myself!
I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
Are you “doing a wink to somebody”?
“English as She is Spoke” is legendary. Mark Twain thought it was the greatest piece of unintentional comedy ever. Neither of the authors spoke English; they first used a Portuguese:French translation book (they both spoke French), then used a French:English translation book to compile their new edition, and they translated it literally into the English that neither understood. Twain called the book “perfect.”
In fairness, being valuable to breast is the same in all cultures.
Its are some blu stories could be DFO’s tagline!
When I think of menage a trois, I am thinking something else…
That’s a menage a cinq!
How often do your refresh your lillet? I keep it in the fridge but don’t use it enough and am not sure when it goes bad.
Not as often as I probably should. I keep it in the fridge too so (in theory at least) It should last a decent amount of time
Packed house here at the retirement community gym on Jesus day. Guess they want to be fit when they meet him.
Jesus HATES fatties ppl forget that!!
The real reason I quit Catholicism.
That and the fact you kept getting passed over when it came to picking altar boys to… You know.
Really wrecked my self-esteem.
“That’s not the only part of you that the Catholic Church wrecked…” – your proctologist
The rosary beads aren’t bad, it’s the damn crucifix.
–Westboro Baptist Church, MAYBE
If ever there was a “church” that should be erased from this plane of existence by the finger of god, it would be these assholes.