Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 20: Possible Canadia Bronze Medals Day!

You’re not getting much from me today. I did not write this post ahead of time, as I usually do, and I just came back from playing golf (badly) in the heat.

I’m so tired, I have no energy to bitch at y’all for criticizing my beloved Marika and her slutty picture. I’m just going to reuse last week’s gif:

I am slightly disappointed that this site has nudity standards because Marika has some outstanding pictures of herself at the beach topless. She got some nice nipples, yo! You know who else has nice nipples?

I am voting for RFK’s nipples and I suggest you do too.


Golf Update

I got a Par today on a Par 5 that I’m hoping will get me a Skin but I kinda doubt it. It was a pretty forgettable round. Two 10’s, a 9, and an 8.


It’s still fun, though, and I had a good group. I was happy with my choices of clubs for the 4 Club Tourney. On to the next one!


Copa América

Canadá needs to beat Uruguay tonight to get the official 3rd Place spot. Uruguay is probably still pissed off about the Colombia game. Canadá is pissed off because of how they’ve been treated.

I predict at least one fight and I will be greatly disappointed if one of the Canadians doesn’t pull an Uruguayan’s jersey over his head during the fight.

Tomorrow is the final and I’ve got Colombia as your winner. What say you?


I saw the NATO press conference and, as I mentioned on DFO as it was happening, he was putting me to sleep. Joe’s Gotta Go.

I need to put that on a T-shirt and start selling it.

I think it would be really funny if both Biden and Trump died of natural causes prior to the election. No one is prepared for that scenario.


Women I would not bang with Peter North’s dick:

  • Lauren Sanchez
  • Kamala Harris
  • Any of the current pop stars of today’s music (including Taylor Swift)

Women I think y’all think are disgusting but that I would absolutely bang if given the chance:

  • Marika
  • Megyn Kelly
  • Kayleigh McEnany
  • Tomi Lahren
  • Tulsi Gabbard


As a quick reminder, the full Summer of Soccer schedule is below:


Your weekly Psych gif:


Your weekly hot girl pic:



Your weekly music video:


One last thing:

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Blame the yinzers who need “help” for my lack of contribution.

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Brick Meathook

Self Portrait
Number 300

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Brick Meathook

I think your comment was 300!

Brick Meathook

You schedule it; I’ll be there.

I nominate Joe Jost’s in Long Beach for the next DFO-LA summit meeting.

Brick Meathook

Go to Slack. Give me a date and a head count.

Brick Meathook

Self Portrait
Grand Army Plaza, New York City

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Brick Meathook

Self Portrait
Fallingwater, PA

Brick Meathook

Self Portrait
Museum of Modern Art, New York City

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Horatio Cornblower

Shooter is said to be an early-20’s male, (there’s a shocker), named Thomas Crooks, and that he’s a registered Republican.

That fucking meteor cannot get here soon enough.

Horatio Cornblower

Apparently the source is the New York Post, so probably go ahead and disregard that being accurate.


Accurate to MAGAts

Senor Weaselo

It’s almost a Fuhrer-esque number of ways he’s avoided thus far.


Kind of amazing how many MAGAs hate CNN and the media, yet can’t line up quick enough to speak to them.

Also impressive is how much sudden faith there is federal law enforcement.


I just found out I know someone who knows an OF performer who makes a stupid amount of money as a top 1% earner and I regret every life choice as I know I’m going back to NOT be the one managing all the Portland stripper (and there are many) OFs. I’m just a chump public servant

Horatio Cornblower

Rose Namajunas just knocked one of her opponent’s fake eyebrows off.

Almost like she was throwing a kill-shot and just missed, grazing her opponent and doing some visible damage, but nothing real.

Mr. Ayo

Sexy Saturday UFC Edition is live!

Mr. Ayo

Cortez can figure four choke me out any day to let our her frustration for losing this match.

Horatio Cornblower

She is way out of her depth in this fight.