Monday Morning Mock Draft: Don’t Get Board

Inspired by some controversy in last week’s draft about movies based on disasters, this week we’re going to be drafting board games.  The rules are, I hope, very simple:  if it’s a game that involves a board, you can draft it.  If it’s a game that does not involve a board, you cannot draft it.  If it’s a movie based on a cursed board game, (glares in Jumanji), you cannot draft it.  If it is not a board game at all, you cannot draft it, and seriously, what are you even doing?

Now, is it a board game mentioned/played in a movie but the board game isn’t real?  Doesn’t matter, you can draft it, as long as it’s a board game.

All right, I have had a long weekend and it’s time for those ice cold Sunday night beers.  This isn’t the longest post ever, but it turns out the 250 word thing is a myth, (gets to 330 words anyway) and also you’re not here to listen to me ramble, you’re here to waste your employer’s time and draft board games, AND ONLY BOARD GAMES.

With the first pick I will take that good old stand-by of my youth, Risk.

Back in the days before Dungeons & Dragons, (not eligible as a board was not necessary, although I did give this a lot of thought because of the mapping and dice and I’m willing to listen to arguments to the contrary.  For now it’s out), if you wanted to play a game that never, ever ended you played Risk.  Especially if you followed the rules that limited you to no more than 12 armies per territory.  You’d play for hours, have to go home from your friend’s house, and when you got back the next day your friend had two more territories than you remembered and a wide-eyed look of innocence on his face.


The rest of you are on the clock.  Remember, build up from Australia, work methodically through Asia, and

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Senor Weaselo

Shogi. Because I can post this.


Dejarik but only if you let the wookie win


Much like Ben Shapiro’s wife’s nether regions after her husband gleefully announces that the kids will all be at sleepovers tonight and they’ll have the house to themselves, the JD Vance jokes have dried up.

But I’m happy to report that the soil remains fertile.

Last edited 6 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Doktor Zymm

I’ve been enjoying the Magic jokes


The pics of him dressed like a woman showed up over the weekend and people were calling him Sofa Loren.

Lots of tread still left on the couchfucking tires.


Popomatic Trouble! I can’t find an allowable image. Trouble!


I’m out of Trouble, whew!.


Pandemic Legacy: Season 1. In the boardgame world, a Legacy game is one where the rules, board, pieces, everything can change. Then the changes are left in the game for the next play. You might be done with the game after about fifteen or twenty plays, but you have to look at the cost per play. You get a score at the end, and my wife and I have completed it four times now (buying four different copies) trying to better our score.

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Mystery Date – don’t get the dud!

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