Happy Friday! This week’s drink is a little bit of an experiment. I’ve been eying making more spritzes for the summer since they go so well with basically everything this time of year. Plus, they can be low ABV so you can have a ton of them and still claim to be hydrating yourself in the summer sun! Also, this particular one gave me an excuse to tap into my herb garden. Aside from growing basil, rosemary and oregano, I also have two pots of mint going because mint grows like a weed and needs to be separated from the rest of the herbs. With that in mind, I wanted to go a little off the board and try a white wine spritz since most of the ones I’ve made are red wine or sweet vermouth based. I figured a dry white would be a good base, and added some lemon too, since I know lemon goes well with a sauvignon blanc, as well as mint.
Made up White Wine Spritz
4 oz. White wine (Sauvignon Blanc for me)
2 oz. Club soda
1 sprig fresh mint
1 Lemon slice.
Add wine to glass with ice and top with soda water. Squeeze in the lemon and garnish with the mint
Neutral nose, some slight mint and lemon mixed in the natural wine flavors. I thought there would be more lemon or especially the mint since it’s fresh from the garden. Though not getting smacked in the face by an overbearing mint smell is probably for the best, given how light this appears to be.
Did I say light? It is light on the additional flavors. It tastes like watered down white wine because that’s exactly what it is. I get some of the lemon juice adding some citrus-y sour notes in here which does compliment the dry white wine nicely. I wish the mint imparted some more flavor though. I think I need to muddle it next time, as opposed to clapping it a few times to release the oils in the leaves for their flavor. If I do that, I’ll be fine straining it as little bits of lemon floating around would be less than appealing from a visual perspective.
Another thing this has going against it, and is completely my fault is the club soda. I have no idea why club soda goes flat so quickly, but this one while it still had some carbonation that I tested before constructing mind you, doesn’t hold up. The carbonation the club soda is critical to the “spritz” element here. I think a little more bubble action would kick this up to a proper spritz and make it that much better.
So, overall not a bad first run at this experiment. To recap: Fresh club soda, more lemon and muddle the mint to get more flavor. There is something to build on here for sure, but this wasn’t exactly it. I did finish it though. I can’t waste good wine after all. Despite my best efforts to improve upon it.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
Let’s see how Couchfucker’s doing today…
Vance: Has anybody seen the movie “Gangs of New York?.” That is what I’m talking about, with these ethnic enclaves in our country, it can lead to higher crime rates.
Stop it. I refuse to believe he said that
So do I, it would require that he have a modicum of taste in movies, plus what they called couches back then were really hideous so I doubt he would watch.
He also told people in Wisconsin that he likes beer too much, is polling lower than any other VP candidate in recent history, and the SNL sketches haven’t even started yet
SNL gonna fuck up and get him 100% approval somehow.
“Have you police officers seen Training Day?! That’s what I’m talking about! Stop King Kong and the ethnics on Day One!”
Talking to a client “my best man, who was in my wedding…”
Me, taking notes: SETTLE IMMEDIATELY
I guess as opposed to his Best Boy, who worked on his film production?
People are consistently amazing.
or his Key grip standing there with a “whatabout me face”
He could be his best man at dick sucking, doesn’t automatically mean he was part of a wedding.
Yeah, I’ve just started buying six packs of mixers in cans. The bottles just go flat too damn quick.
I should for club soda. Tonic lasts longer. I have no idea why
I think you need one of these siphons, pal.
Enjoy your big roast out of the over every single night.
That’s not his wife, and that is the Bill Cosby (TM) siphon.
Get out of that apartment, Miss!!!
Totes. & you can use them to huff whippets too!
Glad your mint is thriving. All my trees died.
I’m starting to think maybe all I’m good at is being a killer…..
Scotchy looks up…
Game Recognize Game
I have killed at least 3 mint plants so you are not alone
I went away for 4 days and came back to very wilted plants. I thought they were done but they’ve rebounded amazingly.
My mint is having a banner year, I should be consuming more of it. Perhaps tonight, in the form of mint juleps.
Same here.
Just started looking at a case where the at-fault driver was found covered with “wet noodles” which were also noted to be all over the driver’s side of her car.
The police note that the driver denied having been eating noodles at the time of the collision, then ticketed her for running a stop sign. Unfortunately CT does not have a statute forbidding driving while under the influence of ramen.
What’s the reality here? Just some general, “not paying attention-ness”?
It doesn’t really affect my issues with this case, but I suspect it’s “not seeing a stop sign because face was buried in a bowl of wet noodles”
That’s some inattentive driving if there ever was some.
I remember when I used to commute to work and seeing someone eating a bowl of cereal and another reading a newspaper. While driving. On the highway, granted in heavy traffic, so not going fast, but WTAF
I will never not have a job, and for that I have the unbelievable stupidity of the great unwashed masses to thank.
DUP (Driving under pasta) is second only to parking tickets on a traffic cops daily tempo over here you know.
She could have just claimed to be a Pastafarian and exercising her 1st amendment rights…
Also, RIP to Jack Russell, a great singer and really good terrier.
Great White, West Warwick RI’s least favorite band.
Certainly Rhode Island’s hottest band.
The “Girl Drink Drunk” sketch is one of the greatest, IMHO. Love the “just getting office supplies” bit.