Not As Think As You Drunk I Am: Tuesday Open Thread

Why yes, my elder child (aka The Deacon, aka MonkeyButt) went off to kindergarten for the first time this morning. And yes, I am having the Parental Feels regarding this development.

And my favorite dog in the world passed away this afternoon.

Hence Weeknight Drinking!

Drink 1: Darkest Manhattan.

I’m not usually a Cocktail Person, because I am lazy and would rather just pour something into a glass. However, my very favoritest restaurant in town just closed, and this was their recipe.

2 parts Bowmore 15 scotch

1 part La Fuerza Rojo vermouth

2 dashes of Cherry Bark Vanilla bitters

2 maraschino cherries

1 giant Death Star Ice Ball

NOTE: I am told this is more properly referred to as a “Rob Roy”, as it utilizes scotch. To which I say: fuck you. The restaurant called it Darkest Manhattan, and it was a Scottish place. No offense intended to Sharkbait and our own fine Cocktailiens, who seem above this sort of snobbery, but all the obscure bullshit names for slight variations on the same drink make me want to brain someone with a bottle of Mirto.

ANYWAY: It’s peaty. It’s sweet. It’s smokey, though if I had a cocktail smoker I would probably add more. Two cherries mean you get one off the bat and one at the end, unless your significant other has stolen it. Which they did.

Drink 2: Red Stripe Beer


Due to past experience, I associate this beer with Hot As Balls weather. It’s simple. It’s delicious. It tastes like something, but is eminently quaffable. FUN NOTE: the beer may be made in Jamaica, but the recipe is from Galena, Illinois. If you’ve never been to Galena: don’t. It’s a busted boomtown (lead mining) about as far from Jamaica as it’s possible to get, metaphysically.

Drink 3: Monkey Shoulder!

I’ve reviewed Monkey Shoulder before, and it remains my go-to. Scotch plus monkeys- what could go wrong?


-AiyukWatch 2024: nothing. Apparently the Niners have a deal with the Steelers and a long-term offer on the table for Aiyuk.

Frankly, this is all trending toward farce. I understand why Aiyuk apparently nixed trades to New England and Cleveland, but why choose Pittsburgh at this moment? Preseason should always be taken with a grain of salt (except for indications of player health) but Russ and Justin Fields are doing their damnedest to out-shit each other so far. Maybe 2024 is the year they finally have a bad enough record to draft a reasonable quarterback, but they it’s gonna be a long two years (minimum) before the Steelers see good quarterback play. Sure, Mike Tomlin seems like a good dude to play for, but he comes packaged with Arthur Smith as your actual coach.

At this point, I think Aiyuk’s endgame is either pushing for the cost of living adjustment or waiting for a Mystery Team (Detroit?) to decide to jump into the discussion now that the market has essentially been set. If he actually wanted to go to Pittsburgh, he’d be there by now.

-CRIMEBEAT!: Former Lions/Clots/Tampa tackle Gosder Cherilus was arrested on a flight from Boston to Dublin for urinating on an elderly passenger, hitting another passenger then taking that person’s seat. I’m literally at a loss where to start with the jokes here.

HAHAHAHAHA fuck you, Tyreek.


 Don’t watch anything. Take your dog for a nice extra-long walk. Or sit on the couch and read to them. They don’t care about plot holes or inconsistent characterization. They’re just happy you’re doing it.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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I’m so sorry about the doggo, Rev. We don’t get to live with them for long enough, but we love them forever. My cat is 16, I frequently wake up at night and make sure he’s still breathing.


Jimmy carter was holding on to see this!
That’s Lil John!!!

From the window, to the WALZ!!!
That’s Rocking!!!

Doktor Zymm

Not the best photo, but this is a wildfire in Nevada seen from my plane window. Seen a few wildfires from the air in recent years and it’s always a bit mindblowing


Found a funny:

DNC: here’s michelle obama to inspire you

RNC: here’s a guy who sued arby’s because his roast beef was woke


Oof, yeah, the first day I dropped the older one off at pre-school (and i was a stay at home parent from the get go so this was already a big change), me and the youngest came back home to immediately take the cat to euthanasia-ville. I was crying but figured a 2 year old wouldn’t remember too much until a few years later when the subject of pets came up and she just kept saying “Keysha died”


So I heard the Obama line about “obsession with crowd size” but missed the thing he did with his hands, indicating Trump is worried about his tiny cock – ONE OF US ONE OF US

Doktor Zymm

List of the song for each state at the DNC rollcall. Lol at Black and Yellow for PA, gotta suck up to the Yinzers since Philly will already be voting blue I guess 😛


Pittsburgh votes blue too.

Doktor Zymm



Its too bad FDR had to ruin it for everyone. If Obama wasn’t term limited, this election would be all but over.


Hottest day of the year and the Dr. Mrs. manages to break the icemaker.


Convert one of your fifty-three vacuums. Probably a YouTube vid for that.


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Doktor Zymm

I have an extra if you want to drive up to the Bay area to pick it up


It’s tempting.


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NGL, Michelle Obama’s speech was fucking fire.


I feel like the Obamas are that couple that’s better than you at everything, and you wanna hate em, but they’re also super good neighbors, so you just hope they think you’re good enough to be around.

Downfield Matriculator

Re the Aiyuk Watch: Steelers must be saving money to throw at him by having Fields and Wilson share an athletic supporter . . . simplest explanation for that 2 QBs, 1 Cup video they recorded against Buffalo.


Sorry about your dog.
Enjoy the school years, they pass much too quickly.


Ooh! I found the appropriate stream of the DNC!


It’s basically this, but with American politics!


Why are the dumbest jokes the best?

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Sorry for your dog. It is truly the worst loss IMO.


Seconded. Big day for you good and bad, please drink to oblivion. The dog had a good home and life.


Doing some dadding by assisting in making a Lego Lamborghini. Eating some snacks from the one and only Don T.

Isleño Chicharrón Tiritas, confirmed muy sodio.


Exceso Sodio

Doktor Zymm

I learned some gen alpha slang today. The best one is that ‘Ohio’ is now an adjective meaning something is creepy and bad. Here’s a sample gen alpha sentence: ‘The Panthers are giving skibidy Ohio’


Ohio Senator J.D. Vance

Hey, it works!


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Sincerely sorry about the doggo.

Doktor Zymm

There is some sort of 3 team soccer on the teevee here, omegaball? It looks like maybe 20 spectators, amazed it made it to ESPN

Doktor Zymm

Civ 7 preview released today. People on the internet are already in full whinging mode, lol
Sounds decent to me, though we won’t know for sure till it actually comes out and I get a few hundred hours of gameplay done


Dammit. I’m in. Need a new laptop/tablet that can handle Civ7.

Doktor Zymm

Maybe not! It’s going to be available on the Switch at release, so most PCs from the last 10 years should be able to handle it


Still need a new machine, then. Last bought this one before I retired, 11 years ago.

It’s still running Win7. It’s time.


You too?
/ he’s serious

ArmedandHammered is the one I bought and with both SSDs and RAM coming down in price it is a lot better to get smaller amounts and upgrade yourself, I have another 2TB SSD to add in and I have already upgraded to 32g ram.


Found a solution to the rabbits chewing our charging cables –


Metal Braided Wire USB C to USB C Cable 6ft, 2Pack, 60W 3A, Stainless Steel, Strong Durable Wire, Tangle Free, Pets Chewing Proof, Silver

Doktor Zymm

United sent me a notice to plan for extra time due to the DNC. There was basically no traffic because everyone who normally commutes in is working from home this week and there was a whopping zero people in the precheck line. This is the emptiest I’ve seen ORD since 2021. No extra time was required!


I have TWO (2) count them, two Death Star Ice Cube molds.

We moved TangerineJello into her apartment for her senior year in college. Empty Nest Jellos! Two more semesters of tuition and then we start serious traveling adventures.

Can I make a Darkest Manhattan with the Monkey Shoulder?


Didn’t that jello want to go to grad school? MAYBE GET A CERTIFICATE?!

Doktor Zymm

If she’s in a STEM field grad school is free


All the Jellos were told that a Bachelors was covered, anything after that they’re on the hook to pay.

Degree Rundown:

Lime: Computer Science
Orange: Art Education
Tangerine: Technical Theater

Doktor Zymm

Tech theater? Awesome! I have a couple friends from high school theater who ended up going into that professionally and while it doesn’t pay super well they love their jobs


Sets and props are what she loves to do. She spent the summer in Missouri working for a summer theater group, 3 shows in 10 weeks.

Game Time Decision

Congrats Jellos
You must be a proud pappa


MA gets Dropkick Murphys in a huge upset. FACK YOU!!!!


Iowa gets Kool and the Gang “Celebration” because no one/nothing of note has ever been from or in Iowa.


Well they could play

As Slipknot is from the area


I had no idea! Assumed they just oozed from the mire in some unholy dimension.


Iowa was a killer album.


Sean Astin announcing for Indiana while people chant “Rudy” – yes, I’m bought in and thoroughly enjoying this.


DJ on the stage at the DNC roll call, playing state-appropriate songs during each state’s vote. Example: My Own Private Idaho for the state Kamala definitely will not win.

Arizona got Edge of Seventeen, I HOPE because of the Xena taco skit or whatever.


Fuck yes Lil Jon at the DNC. BETTER THAN KID ROCK.


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This guy gets it

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Harkins is showing The Mask 30th Anniversary tonight so we going.


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Severely under rated show.