Monday Morning Mock Draft: Order Up!

I don’t remember my maternal Grandmother ever cooking.  She must have, because she raised 5 kids and none of them starved before reaching adulthood.  Of course one of those kids was my aunt and godmother, (and it turns out the one who bought me that Leroy Jordan jersey and turned me into a Cowboys fan, so thanks for that Aunt D!), and one of my earliest memories is her and a friend babysitting my brother and I and trying to cook a chicken without first thawing it.

I’m pretty sure I remember that because it was the first time I had McDonald’s.  My brother and I were delighted; my mother less so.

My mother was a better cook, I think, than my Grandmother.  At least Mom didn’t order every meal from the pizza place, with a side order of take-out fried chicken thrown in, which is what Grandma did.  I’ll let you guess which option us ingrate kids preferred.  I would say Mom cooked more out of necessity than because she enjoyed it.

The current Mrs. Cornblower is a very good cook, although she’ll admit to any of seven felonies before admitting that.

I, on the other hand, take after my mother and grandmother.  I can grill a steak OK, and when I do salmon or tuna it usually works out OK because I just put it on a grill, count to 5, flip and repeat.

Less is more when it comes to fish like that.

Hell, I can even whip a salad together to go with the proteins.  But that’s really about it.  I rarely have the time and less so, (and more importantly), the patience to actually cook in any meaningful sense.

One of the few times I cooked for the family was when I mentioned one of Mom’s stand-by dishes, hot dog casserole.

Yes.  Hot. Dog. Casserole.

When I mentioned it (for God knows what reason), Mrs. Cornblower, groaned.  My kids, who were probably something like 8 and 6, popped up like black-footed ferrets on a prairie, wanting to know more, wanting to know if we could have it, and in fact could we have it for dinner that night.  Mrs. Cornblower said “they’re your kids” and abdicated the chef’s throne for the evening.  I made hot dog casserole that night, as follows:

Get a bunch of hot dogs.  Boil them.  Yes, hot dogs are better grilled, but a grilled hot dog doesn’t have a chance against what’s coming.

Get a package of elbow macaroni.  I suppose any pasta will do, but kids respond better to elbow macaroni than other pastas and this is very much a dish for children.  In fact, if you know an adult who likes this you may want to preemptively report them to the FBI:  they either have done or will do something soon to deserve it.

Boil the pasta.

Get a packet of frozen vegetables.  Birdseye is best but let’s face it, quality has long since fled the room.  Just boil the vegetables.

Can you tell we’re primarily Irish?

Now that everything’s been boiled, (oh, yeah, boil them in different pots), mix them together into a steaming pile of…goodness.  Yeah, let’s go with ‘goodness.’  Still looks sort of like a disconnected mess, doesn’t it?  How shall we tie this toge…

That’s right, fuckers, we’re tying this together in the whitest way possible, with mayonnaise!  And not a little of it either.  We’re talking a heaping wooden spoonful just glopped in with the food and stirred until it’s just a mayo-laced mess.

Serves 4-6 people.

When I was a kid I loved this meal.  I’m pretty sure that’s why Mom would make it, because it’s easy and we’d eat it.  My kids loved it the one time I made it, although they never asked for it again.  I had a plateful as well, as as an adult this is one of the worst possible combinations of food and food preparation that I can imagine.  It’s just terrible.  I suspect the childhood appeal is that kids will eat literally anything if you dunk it in mayo and, at least for me, mayo has no appeal to my adult tastebuds.

This is a very long way of telling you that while I can hold my own at dick-jokery I am no match for the culinary skills of our own Yeah Right, and this week’s mock draft is, with his enthusiastic approval, (at least I think it was enthusiastic), we’re drafting dishes you would like to see Yeah Right make for next season’s off-season Sunday Gravy.

With the first pick I will take the meal that got me banned from the kitchen early in my marriage, beef stroganoff.  Another of my childhood favorites, Mom made this with hamburger, (we weren’t the Rockefellers, so we weren’t whacking up good beef for this), sour cream, noodles, and occasionally mushrooms and/or onions.  The one time I tried it I forgot to drain the grease from the hamburger before putting everything in and good lord was that inedible!

Save me from myself, Yeah Right, get me a real recipe for a real beef stroganoff and I swear to Xenu I will make it.

The rest of you are on the clock…

This is the last mock draft of the off-season.  Hippo Thoughts moves in next Monday, so clean up after yourselves, would ya?

We’ll be back in February for more of this nonsense.

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Next pick: just to see what Don T says: Mofongo

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Third pick: Churros y porras con chocolate

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Oh, thanks to Gumbygirl’s chicken adobo pick, I choose lumpia next!

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yeah right

I had thought lumpia had been done before.

yeah right

Alright, let’s take it from the top.

For Horatio, from season 3.


Next pick: Since you’re going to Portugal, you might as well get used to cooking this. Bacalao a la Vizcaína.

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Doktor Zymm

Ooh, Laksa!


Bento Box


chicken saag is my vote, i cannot seem to get the hang of properly preparing Indian dishes

Doktor Zymm

It’s not easy to do well, they tend to have a lot of steps and the simplified versions aren’t great


Yeah, it did feel like there were missing directions. One of my wife’s book club is Indian and her food is fantastic. I should see if she could give me lessons or at least good recipies.

yeah right

There is the toasting of the whole spices step and again, the trickiest part is having all of the spices like fenugreek and kashmiri pepper and cardamom pods, yellow and green! Etc.

Just using a bottle of garam masala dampens down the total flavor.

yeah right

I’ve never done saag but my Indian recipe library is pretty solid.

I was partial to the vindaloo.

Game Time Decision

I know that yr usually does like the main course, so wonder what he can do desert/baking wise.


Let us not forget that I myself made shitty ice cream!

yeah right
yeah right
yeah right

I pick Pupusas con Curtido!

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Doktor Zymm

Or arepas!

yeah right

Haven’t done pupusas yet but I did do empenadas.


Adding this here because this post needs filler. The Dr. Mrs. bought some oat-based yogurt with pea protein. It was terrible, so we started feeding it to the dog instead. In addition, our neighbor gave us some cat food and our princess decided it is below her standards so she refuses to eat more than a few bites. So while supplies of both still lasted I would combine a bit of each along with dry dog food to make a delicious “dog trifle” that, based on my dog’s reaction* would be worthy of the dog equivalent of Star Baker.

*she reacts like this to anything edible, though


How about a Filipino dish, like chicken adobo?


My best friends Mom was Filipina and made us boys (usually 4 or 5 horsing around) chicken adobo frequently. Every chance I get where it’s on the menu I get after it.


I mean they’re a better idea than driving a car; at least you’re far less likely to hurt anyone other than yourself.


The way most people of them aggressively weave in and out of traffic makes me just nod knowingly when I pass one smashed on the side of the road with an idiot holding the broken parts of his (it’s rarely a girl) body.

Don T

Revisionist history!


Anytime we say an adult on a moped my dad would tell us that is what happens when you drink and drive. You lose your license and end up looking stupid riding around on a moped so everyone will know your shame.


While I’d love to see how much happiness Yeah Right could bring with a sous vide setup, that’s a technique rather than a recipe. But here’s an actual dish that might be nice: bacon wrapped jalapeno popper stuffed smoked pork tenderloin.

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This looks sinful.


I have but one. Cacciucco toscano. I figure if Yeah Right can make this I’ll stand a chance.


She was no help BTW…


Oh yes she was, she helped make the mayonnaise.


you have to let her up off her knees to help with the meal

Doktor Zymm

As a kid we did the hamburger helper beef stroganoff. Honestly still pretty tasty

Would love to see one of my favorite Polish dishes that I have never actually attempted myself.

Note that the ‘L’ with a slash through it is pronounced like a ‘w’ in Polish so these are pronounced like ‘gwubki’

Or you can just call them stuffed cabbage.


One of my favorites as a kid.


They call them halupki where I’m from. Us classy folk call them Hunkie Hand Grenades. I’ve made them before, they are yummy.

Don T

Happy Secular May Day!
My pick: arroz con habichuelas y bistec encebollado 😉


Has Yeah Right done Osso Buco? Because I pick Osso Buco.