Sexy Friday – 20240920

TGIF! Please delete all posts and accounts you have on porn sites or porn forum sites. Just stay here and post normal stuff. Even though this a Sexy Friday, that doesn’t make it off limits.

Survival – Personal Edition

Let’s create a pit oven. That’s right, a proper ground oven.  This is more of an outdoorsy, by yourself version, so we’re not using cinder blocks or cooking a full pig, but that’s still a damn good idea. No, this is your standard pit oven by yourself to cook something to keep you alive. Let’s get to it!

  • Do some digging. You’ll want a rectangle of some sort. Start with 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide and 3 fee in length. Stake it out and make sure your cooking target will fit. Adjust length or width to accommodate.
  • Line the bottom of your pit with rocks. Ideally the rocks will be of the flat variety and no larger than a grapefruit. Also, make sure you grab more than you need for this step because they’ll be needed later.
  • Now build a fire on top of those rocks. Grab some wood and kindling and light it up. Also, be careful, there will be splinters so stay to the side of the pit so you don’t lose an eye.
  • Once the fire is started and burning good, find a sturdy long stick to spread those embers evenly around the bottom of the pit.
  • Now use those extra rocks and create a grate in the middle of the pit. This should have four sides, two low sides to target the heat, and two higher sides that will support a spit.
  • Skewer your meat with that spit. Please research field dressing whatever animal you intend to cook, but be ready to skin and gut at the least. Also be prepared that if your animal is older it will be better to boil in a pot of water. In that case, hang the pot on the spit and put the animal in the pot for cooking.
  • To quickly and thoroughly cook that animal, use a wetted canvas to cover the pit and help trap that heat in the pit. Use some extra rocks that were too big for the pit to anchor the canvas to the ground.
  • Last, and certainly not least, you have to take care of properly extinguishing the pit after use. The best way to do this is with sand. Cover the entire bottom of the pit of embers and rock with sand. Then douse with as much water as possible. Don’t start a forest fire, please.

Good job! You’ve just had a wild cooked meal in a wild oven without burning down a forest. Congrats!

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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yeah right

Today reminded me that during this last week of Irish life that I have a new tattoo.

First one in 12 years.

It’s at that not attractive state and I’m now applying lotion and when did that happen?

Jesus. You people can probably fill me in on the timeline.

Jaysus there were a lot of pints and Jameson.

I bought a cap!

Last edited 7 minutes ago by yeah right

(his new tat is Gaelic-looking script below his navel that says “Blow Me I’m Irish”)




LOL Fuck off, Sillycuse.


They’ve NEVER beaten Stanford in ACC play!

yeah right

Bold statement!


Mac users: “Oh you mean Sam Optionmyer?”

yeah right

We stayed at this really cute VRBO on the tip of the Northern Ireland coast.

My God, it was so drafty!

And NO place to get a latte!

One star


comment image


That looks amazing. How was the sauna?

yeah right


yeah right

Dunluce castle. Finished building in the 1580s.

Great view of the invading ships coming into a rocky landing.

Insanely cool stuff.


That’s a great thing about Europe. IT’S SO OLD.


We were in Rothenburg, Germany for a couple days; it’s a really well-preserved village from like the 1200s. Most of the protective wall is still intact, and you can just walk around and imagine keeping watch or whatever. Also, they have a sick-ass Museum of Torture.

King Hippo

oh God. So much delicious grease on that #ShamePizza. Tomorrow is gonna suuuuuucccckkkkk


comment image

(Hippo’s digestive AND septic tracts, artist’s rendition)

Last edited 42 minutes ago by WCS
King Hippo

If one wonders why Lesser Harbs might flame out, recall that he put Herbert the Duck back in the game – with a high ankle sprain – up three scores. AGAINST THE BLACK PANTHERS.


Lesser Harbs Idiocy or Tomlin Voodoo?


King Hippo

dun dun DUN!!

yeah right

That’s from the Dan Ŝnyder school of quarterback care.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Damn usually in the Kennedy family it’s the Mediterranean outsider doing the shooting, not the other way around


Found a funny:

OLIVIA NUZZI (on a romantic beach stroll): This is so wrong. But I can’t fight these feelings

RFK JR (eyeing a dolphin carcass in the distance): Get the saw


Movie on Amazon titled “Zombeaver” about co-eds on a retreat of sunning nudes are attacked by zombie beavers. They should have used the tag line “Our beavers munch you”


Is it set in Soviet Russia?


Outdoor showers are the best showers


“You mean, other than golden”

-M. Robinson

King Hippo

(also the dozens of Cal-Berkeley JV NFL supporters)

BC Dick

Why not both?


Except for the neighbors.


Like they watching you or you watching them?

yeah right

The Belmar beach house from 1984-1986 had an outdoor redwood shower. We were close enough to the beach that you needed to wash the sand off. It was glorious.

Three right turns then the shower. Completely outdoors and awesome.

I barbecued in that outdoor shower in a hurricane!

Last edited 55 minutes ago by yeah right
King Hippo

Wallowing in shame because I can’t stop thinking of #ShamePizza

King Hippo

you read my mind, Bastard Man.


Agreed. Show that judgmental pizza who’s boss!


One of the few things I remember from an old wilderness survival guide I read was that when you’re building a fire (for keeping warm, though seems like this would apply to cooking delicious meat as well) be sure to situation it by a reflector (i.e. a large rock or berm or something) so that you can sit between the two and both sides of you will get warm, instead of just the fire side.

comment image

King Hippo

Please see our note outside Clubhouse:

Ask me about SillyCuse FITBAW! (Hobos meet me in back alley after dark and come alone.) – S, Naut, wilds of Northern Ontario

(also, I love that midriff pic – especially with the stud, and the lady 2nd from the bottom is so, so choice)


Note to self: If Bengals lose to Washington on Monday, sell all property and belongings, become a hobo and venture to Northern Onterio.

King Hippo

Game Recognize Game


I started Burrow again. Take off, hoser!


Too early for s’mores?

Game Time Decision

Nevar too early for s’mores


“Fuck yeah, lookit that couch!”