Sexy Friday – 20240927

TGIF! Unless you’re in the path of Helene. Then hope you’re staying safe by taking advantage of those free flights to Istanbul they seem to be handing out.

Survival – Personal Edition

Let’s learn some sword fighting. No, actual swords, like an epee or foil in fencing, weirdo.

Ready Position

  • At rest you should keep the sword in a ready position. Both hands on the handle, sword in front of you and perpendicular to the ground. Also keep the point tilted slightly forward. From this position you can block or strike quickly in any direction.


  • When facing an attack, step into the blow with your arms held against your body. By moving closer you reduce the power of the blow. And by keeping your arms close your counter attack will have full power.
  • Use your sword to push against the blow. For blows aimed at your head, hold your sword parallel to the ground and push it above your head toward the blow. Make sure the blow impacts the center of the sword instead of the end. Blows aimed at your side, keep the sword perpendicular to the ground and push it toward the blow, again taking the blow to the center of the sword.
  • If facing a lunging attack, swipe their sword to the side and counter-attack. With a lunge they will be off balance, and double so when you swipe their sword so you should have an easy counterblow on them.


  • Make sure your strikes are steady and quick. Your strikes should only be from the top, bottom, or either side. Do not stab, or slash diagonally as you will expose yourself to a counterblow.
  • As much fun as it looks, don’t raise your sword above your head for a huge downward blow. You’ll only end up with a sword in your torso.
  • Hold your position. You can’t attack effectively while backing up.
  • If your attacks aren’t effective, stick with it. Hold steady, block, counterattack, and wait until they make a mistake. Then pounce.

There’s the basics. Hopefully you still have all your limbs and don’t have a bunch of sword shaped holes in your body.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Forgot about this skit-back in the day my buddies at the restaurant, whenever we were mildly chastised for anything would respond, “I’m Working On It!”. Good times…


To tie in with all that AFL action, you might want to look up Emily Feld.




Somehow still only played the equivalent of a redshirt (non-DFO version) senior.

I’m so flabbergasted, I must be impressed in a way.


Just can’t be a girl.


The comment section is undefeated: A video of Will Sasso discussing how no one has empathy for obese people.


I flaked on seeing Megalopolis. I don’t give a fuck if it kicks me in the balls. The fact that it was self-financed and its tagline after the movie output for the last few years being nothing but horror and dystopia and comic book shit (same diff) makes it worth seeing if I can get off my fucking ass.


Someone said Talking Heads?


Definitely a bad batch of H or fentanyl in town this weekend. We’re up to a dozen — give or take — OD’s since 20:00 Thursday.

Tomorrow night ought to be fun.


How many would you expect on a typical Fri-Sun tilt?


1-3 maybe a shift, so a dozen total from Thurs-Sun would be the high side of normal.

We’ve six confirmed with two possible and it’s not 05:30 on Saturday. Later tonight might be weird.

EDIT: We do have a survivor; at least enough to get to the hospital this side of the Shadow Realm.

Last edited 4 months ago by WCS

I’m gonna go downstairs to listen to this one on the big speakers. Good night, all. Thanks for being here and for being so great.


See Galaxie 500, I promised I wouldn’t forget about you.


[also wants to be your tugboat captain] – Eli Manning


[is also interested in the tugging industry] – Robert Kraft

yeah right

Yup, on here:

681. Shriekback – My Spine Is The Bass Line