Welcome back to this week’s recap of our brief hellscape respite. Stupid 8-3 split, but at least my late window boredom makes for good writing conditions. That and drugs.
Noo Yawk’s football Jest didn’t make a first down until inside the first half’s 2-minute warning. Despite this stone age start, they managed three offensive TDs and 27 points. The last of which came after declining to let Q-aron go for it on 4th and 2 late. Of all teams, the Fat Humps went right down the pitch and scored the winning TD. 28-27, visitors remain barely alive. Jest are 3-8 and D-E-D. Thank heaven for small mercies.
Will Levis played as well as he is capable, and the Tits lost at home to the Vikings anyway. 23-13 is your final, and I barely noticed anything but the long TD to Westbrook-Ikhine. Touch of Downs reverted to his “solid game manager” mode. We’ll see if it holds.
London’s Jaguras actually took a 3-nil lead, away to the Fuck LioUns. Homeys were NOT impressed, and closed on a 52-3 run. Baby Buster rebounded from his 5-INT performance last week (in a win) with 4 bills and 4 scores. Detroit looks downright terrifying for January. The Greatest Living American tells Hippo that the 52-6 final is Scoigami. So, YAY.
Another AFC North classic slobberknocker, another Mike Tomlin Voodoo day in SWPA. Yinzers never sniff the end zone, but SIX placements would provide all the points they needed. Wolven Sort alumnus Payton Wilson made the pickerception of the decade, and even when the Ratbirds finally answered with their 2nd TD – the deuce was no good, and PIT got the one first down they needed (despite Strawberry Fields sliding a yard short on their 2nd down play) to run the clock out. 18-16, Yinzers. The 8-2 Yinzers.
Soundtrack for everyone of those 8 losing squadrons:
You might think the Raiduhs secondary would get Tua back untracked. You would be right. 34-19 to the LOLfins, as Vegas continues to function as performance art. Brock Bowers looks like a monster, though. Congrats to all who drafted him in a keeper league.
Oh, Bearistocrats! Never, ever change. They clawed back from two deficits, stopped Love on 4th and goal at the 1, then after losing said lead…hit an incredible deep fade to Rome Odunze on 4th and 7. Naturally, they played things tight, settling for a mid-40s FG for the first win against their nemesis since 2018. Which the Packers promptly blocked. Hey, at least Caleb might not be a bust after all. I got nothin’ else for ya, people of Chi****.
Say what you will about Jameis Winston, you can’t read his eyes. There is NOTHING GOING ON UPSTAIRS. I don’t know how you throw for 395 yards, commit no turnovers, and still only score 14 points. But that’s what #ThePauls so done. Emo Carr wins again after the Saints finally fired Dennis Allen, 35-14.
Cross-country travel is no problem for RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAM IT!!, at least when TAXACHUSETTS is the destination. Drake Maye showed his good and oopsie-doodle aspects, while Fatthew feasted. P*ts clawed back as close as 6, but never threatened on their last, desperate possession. 28-22 win, as LA crawls back to .500.
Now to 3 late games. Attention span? Fucked. Teevee box? Muted.
Since Denver are my squadron, I am happy that Dingleberry and friends were no shows at Mile High. Didn’t make it any more entertaining, but a dull win has its own virtues. At least we got to see a little Penix at the end, amirite?? 38-6, Donks WOO!
Santa Clara welcomed their “rival” SeaTruthers, played their usual sub-cromulent game, and won anyway (17-13). It’ll be the Tomsulas chasing the on-bue Qards the rest of the way. Y’all can stick a fork in Seattle (who knows about the Rams). Or they fucked around, and finally found out. Geno scrambles 15 yards for the game winner, at the very death of Normal Time. 20-17 Truthers, it’s all coming up Qards and Xbox, Jr.
God bless the jizzmopper in the CBS booth after what Romo and Nantz did to it. I kept the sound off almost exclusively, and was still disgusted. It was a boring fixture, until Brokeback went Beast Mode on a late 4th and 2, not only picking up the first, but also getting in for 6 to put his charges up 2 scores, 30-21. The Chefs FINALLY ain’t catch a break! They didn’t even get a pity garbage time score, to set up a futile onside kick.
I don’t feel like staying up to watch or summarize Clippers/Bengals, so I’mma read that Allen Dulles book that Zymm recommended instead. About 140 pages in, and I appreciate that I still have miles to go before I rest. See you next week unless we’re all ded first (don’t worry, Hippo could never be that lucky).
Either God is dead or He’s alive and pissed at the Bengals and/or Burrow.
You could see the frustration on his (Burrow’s) and Chase’s faces.
Why hasn’t the defensive coordinator been fired yet?
I have no clue. My guess is the Defense’s 2nd Half performance saved his job for a week, but he should be gone. If this defense was halfway decent, we’d be 6-5 at least. With this offense putting up these numbers, 4-7 is inexcusable.
Because then Mike Brown would have to pay the DC to sit at home.
The rule of thumb I heard, way back when, was that the D is responsible for keeping it at or under 17 points. So…
You can probably just generalize it to “Ohio”.
Pupdate: Just introduced Evelyn to Rage Against The Machine. Here’s a live look at how she responded:
I read somewhere that RATM said this was the best crowd they ever played before, and I believe it.
Far too few videos are worth watching all the way through but the only way that video could have stuck the landing any more perfectly is if it had a stack of nine billiard balls balanced on its head when it hit the ground.
David Gilmour Comfortably Numb. Find the right show (I’m at work sorry).
Looks like we’re going to have to survive the holiday season without ham.
Poor Dak must be so bored. Oh wait, he has money to count.
Want to channel your darkness and despair and feel even worse?
Jesus Christ. I hope Esquire paid him well for this article.
Don’t study journalism, kids.
Well, it’s a great industry to get into if you want to study homelessness, because you’re more than likely going to get first-had experience.
“I presume you meant first-hand experience?” – Robert Kraft, calling on his considerable experience at informing someone which appendage is meant to be used
I got off a call with DOJ about some consolidation in our industry. On the whole, I
woulddid refer to many of my industry peers as “weak, lazy, bottom-feeders”. And hearing myself speak it out loud, I know this to be true.I would think that would be true of any of the modern industries.
In the VFX industry we consider ourselves “the creak of the crop” as we are churning out all that Marvel crap, because we are in the fantasy business.
So, what were your feelings on Anna Du Varnay or whatever her name was?
Sturgeon’s Law hasn’t been repealed yet.
sounds fishy
You may be right.
But, also, I may be especially right.
“Listen, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with eatin’ a bottom…” – Balls
Grazie tante Hippo Sir. We need to check in on those ’72 Fins. Do they still pop champagne or is it strictly Geritol now a daze?
Danny Dimes is Ded! Long live Tommy Cutlets! https://apnews.com/article/giants-jones-benched-devito-4e3c18749a3354aeed14a1b56c2298d0
I love how they worried Horse Cock Lock might fluke his way to a few wins, and fuck up their draft position.
Worst. Contract. Ever.
I started not only one, but TWO players yesterday (in money league) that posted big fat zeroes (Mike Williams, Tucker Kraft). I won solely due to risking the Tua start. Otherwise, Blax would have back-doored me (PHRASING) with the winning DobbinsDOWN. Thankfully, I was asleep when it happened. And that Herbert ain’t throw to Laura Palmer. Fire walked with me chu/h chuh.
Lose big, lose little, win little, win big.
Cream Stuffed Cushions is building a culture in this locker room of guys who were available during the draft when I wasn’t out in the pool with my kid and could, thus, pick them up.
I wish that I could have proper priorities like you, and that my keeper league failures didn’t occupy so many of my useless neurons.
It’s all good. I taught him to swim so now I can DRAFTHARD in future leagues.
Better than the cultures currently building in the Tampa Bay locker room, I’m sure.
my defense in one league gots me -3 points. Yes, negative, would have been better to not start a defense at all.
Also, looking forward to losing this week by 2 points.
I’m worried about whether I have enough liquor to make it through the winter.
I’m a problem solver and can help: buy more booze.
If only I could get bottles of Bacardi for $0.66 (including CRV) every week…
I can send you some Malort, that’ll make it through the winter no problem, just like dwarf bread
Somewhere in Connecticut, someone looks up…
Should we get him a large Dwarven Scone to sit upon?
I mean, he pretty much has to look up.
Oh Malort…
Correct. Get more booze.
I’d be more concerned with your weed supply.
Weed supply is just fine, dude.
pheww, just making sure
What’s the line on what they get when they trade Caleb away in a couple years?
Yeah, that checks out.
Thanks Hippo! Your service and dedication are appreciated.
Summary of the late game: At least the Bengals aren’t the Jest, and now the players can plan on spending January anywhere but Ohio
Glad you are enjoying the book! Have you gotten to the McCarthy stuff yet? So conflicting…
The Niners are stupid and I hate them for ending my survivor run. I wanted to save the LioUns for next week, and had made it this far without picking the biggest favoUrite, so I tried to get clever. Made it further than 99.3% of everybody though, so it was a good run! At least I’m in the 1% of something!
2024 Bengals Season (Artistic Interpretation):
The Simpsons – Homer’s Heart Attack
Live look-in at 1 TIAA Bank Field Dr, Jacksonville, FL:
Just getting into Nixon/Hiss, so McCarthy must be on deck.