Hey there. Welcome to 2025! Apologies for the lack of a tasty beverage last week, time just got away from me. Having a mid week Christmas with multiple family obligations will do that. The same thing nearly happened this week too. Time just got away from me.
The same thing nearly happened again. Putting together a large cabinet for the Sharkbait offspring’s playroom, I realized I didn’t have anything on tap. So, in a fit of quick thinking, I went with something quick. Bougie hot chocolate with some orange liqueur. It’s an all day type drink (I’m totally not having this over breakfast, no sir…) and stood easy to whip up.
1 mug of hot milk or water
2 tbsp Bougie hot chocolate mix
2-3 oz. Orange liqueur (Triple Sec)
Heat up a mugs worth of milk, either on the stovetop until just bubbling on the edges or in the microwave. Stir in the hot chocolate mix until all melted and worked into the milk. Add liqueur and stir. Top with whipped cream (optional)
Well this is excellent of course. The liqueur is very subtle. To the point that it’s almost undetectable. I can get that there is something in here, but it’s covered by the richness of the chocolate and the milk. The range flavor does however make it through to add a nice background citrus flavor.
I normally would have gone Grand Marnier here since it’s a bit softer than triple sec, but I ran out of it over the holidays. However, now that I’ve had this version, I don’t think I will going forward. The little bit of extra orange punch it has is needed to compliment the sweetness of the hot chocolate.
So yeah, that’s it. Simple, seasonal and delicious. Also a little bit surprising with how effective the triple sec was. Next time I want to try this with some of the cayenne hot chocolate mix I have. I can imagine how good that would be.
Once again, happy 2025 to you all. Hopefully it’s a great year for us all.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
I think they’ve run out of time but North Texas has done pretty well with an 18 yr-old QB making his very first start. The kid has piled up 449 yards of offense.
This sounds great!
Although I would modify it slightly by omitting the hot chocolate and replacing the orange liqueur with cheap rye whiskey, and I’d drink it directly from the plastic bottle with a paper bag around it down under a bridge somewhere.
Around here we call that “Tuesday”
I have a bottle of tawny port, that’s great with chocolate desserts. I don’t know if it would be good in hot chocolate, but with it- hell yeah!
I have a Nanaimo Cream (from Forty Creek) that is totes awesome in hot chocolate. It’s also great in coffee or just on ice.
But it looks like is either out of stock or not made any more.
Spiked hot chocolate is never a bad decision.
Maybe in July.
(huge intake of breath before getting ready to explain ‘maybe’ to Sharkbait)
So, you see…
It’sa me, Luigi!
I’ve never been a fan of hot alcoholic drinks, but orange and chocolate flavors sure do mix well.
Matt Gaetz returning to Congress (Artistic Interpretation)
Oh, good. The 3rd Season of “How to Elect a Speaker” is about to start. I love this comedy!
This morning, I’ve read as much as I can on the upcoming tax changes the GOP must pass. Best I can ascertain, even if you’re delusional, the best possible for TAEK a family of four (120-140k household income or so) can enjoy is like $2K/year, top-line. Then, I guess, the tariffs and VATs will either (1) lead to lower prices and, thus, more money in your pocket; or (2) efficient government spending of those fewer revenue dollars will create, as per the public contract, MOAR VALUE in terms of a stronger military, more robust economy, and strong stock market, which the family of four enjoys 24/7.
Second thought, the GOP extending the child care credit — government subsidizing of the destruction of the in-home family unit in order to free up more manhours for Workers in the aforemention strong economy, is one of those things that makes my conservative side boil. Higher individual earnings leads to fewer workers to support a family unit and, thus, more opportunities for those workers to devote more time to the family unit. Though I’ve researched it less, the Medicare Work Requirement seems to be of the same mindset.
I mean, none of it matters because of the bigger picture — it is just a sign of the times. But since I’m trying to push the Mrs to make the move to HI f/t now, it feels like I should be able to speak intelligently about the world we are in. And with these outlines of a tax plan, I do not feel intelligent.
Tariffs don’t lower costs to the consumer, they increase it; that’s ECON 101. What they will do is give Trump the chance to wet his beak on a case-by-case basis. Apple will be more than happy to pony up a few million to get an tariff exemption on iPhones.
Relying on increasing government efficiencies to fix budget issues is like trying to lose weight by eliminating broccoli from your diet.
I think you’re talking about Medicaid work requirements. Don’t scare an old man who’s close to 65 like that. Anyway, anytime I see “work requirement” I read, “shame the poors”.
Well, it’s not an intelligent tax plan, so hard to feel intelligent thinking about it. I feel like some of the stupid spreads every time that idiot says ‘tariffs’.
I’m like, surely Mr and Mrs American, there are less complicates schemes to get upwards of $2K/year.
How you prepare that fancy cocoa?
Pardon me — select that fancy cocoa.
Add it to the hot milk and stir! I must have left that bit out writing it at the last minute!
No I type dumb. Also:
For some reason, I have never been able to stand citrus with chocolate, so this is probably not my cup of… cocoa.
However, I bet a variant of this with creme de menthe or Rumplemintz in lieu of the triple sec would be quite tasty.
Hot chocolate is the only reason I would keep peppermint schnapps in my house.
“What if you were having teenagers over? My congressman tells me that teenagers love schnapps.” – resident of FL-01
He Schanapped me!
Yum! Too bad I am not supposed to drink for the immediate future.
Water for you mister, and lots of it!