Happy first full work week of the year. To kick off 2025, I had a challenge. During the holidays, I went to my sister’s house and there she had a bottle of Ardbeg Wee Beastie that was to live there for when my father or myself came to visit and wanted a tasty smoky beverage. However, Upon opening said bottle, the collective response was that the Wee Beastie was…decidedly not very good. Now prior to this, I had never had it before either. I tried it and while it’s probably not in the top few Islay Scotches I would order at a bar, it is certainly not the worst whisky I’ve ever had. Because I found it at least drinkable, I was challenged by the family to make something with this scotch. My mind immediately went Penicillin, but I was lacking some ingredients to make the syrup for that (don’t worry, that will happen soon…). What I did find was a smoky dry martini that uses whisky instead of dry vermouth and decided that was the move to see if I could accomplish the goal.
2.5 oz. London Dry gin
.25 oz blended Scotch whisky*
Lemon twist for Garnish
Add the gin and scotch into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
*The recipe does have a note about reducing the scotch if you use an Islay single malt. I deferred to the original amounts because I wanted a stronger drink, and adding less than the quarter ounce could get tricky trying to get the ratios right.*
Not as smoky on the nose as anticipated. Islay scotches are known for their peat, I figured even a quarter ounce would be more pronounced. I get slight hints of the peat, but I get more lemon on the nose than I anticipated.
This isn’t what I expected at all. I expected a little more of the smoky flavors to permeate, but that isn’t the case. I guess I should have lowered my expectations since there is only a bit of whisky in here as a vermouth replacement, but I was hoping for more. What the whisky and peat flavors do accomplish though, is overtaking the majority of the dry herbal flavors brought by the gin. It’s almost to the point that the gin is almost completely lost. Mrs. Sharkbait tried mine and she compared it to a strong, but watered down scotch, or a somewhat flat scotch and soda. We both agreed that the latter phrase is a bit too harsh for this what this drink brings to the table, butt’s not too far off. To improve it, Mrs. Sharkbait suggested an olive to hers. I’ll pass on that thank you very much but I think she’s on to something with the salty briny flavors. I can see this pairing decently well with a dozen or so oysters (Wellfleets of course)
Overall, we both agree it’s passable. Mrs. Sharbait said all things equal, she would rather have the scotch. I agree. I don’t think this is a waste by any means, but there is room for improvement. That being said, I don’t know if I’d go out of my way to make this. I think I would prefer the whisky or a gin martini. However, if I’m out of dry vermouth and had a hankering for a dry martini, I could be talked into making this in a pinch.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
a Brick Meathook Industries subsidiary
Aw. I wanted that horrific drop to matter.
So, I goofed while betting and accidently bet on Parlays for both teams:
OSU 1st Quarter Winner + OSU 1st Half Winner + OSU Win Outright = $10.50
Texas 1st Half Winner + OVER 53.5 + Texas Win Outright = $42.50
Good thing its only $42 or else I’d be tempted to root against my team.
If I ever needed football to distract me from everything that’s happening outside of my home (and inside, once the vacuum is fired up), it’s tonight.
So, which one of these teams has the best chance of beating Notre dame?
If it’s all the same I’ll pass on the smoke after this week.
We haven’t been home in two days, we just drove six hours to get home this morning, and what is the first thing that the Dr. Mrs. and her mom want to do when we get here? Drive over to K-town for dinner!
To vacuum?
I think I’m sick, not very sick, but enough to take a sick day and nap through most of the last season of Grand Tour. Hope all the napping helps because I have a busy week coming up. Anyway, about to nap through some Simon Pegg film about a talking mongoose
You’re gonna sleep through my biopic?
[makes sad mongoose noises]
I have a nasty cough from a week without heat (it just got fixed an hour ago). It’s probably #NuAIDS, and I’ll probably die.
“Well make it quick.”
-Living Healthcare CEOs
I’ve been battling flu symptoms for a week, always annoying
Welp, I’m going to Hell.
Fuck that. I’ve got jokes better than this I’ve been having to sit on!
Consider that you just like sitting on things
Nah, that’s actually funny.
Hmm. The MLB is better at dispensing justice than the American “Justice” system…
I’ll take the small victories when I can get them though, I suppose.
Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds treating the Record Book like Jodie Foster in “The Accused” begs to differ.
They should rename it as The American Legal System.
Ahem. I’d forgotten something important. Naming rights!
Pepsi Presents the American Legal System.
It’s cool they’re posting maps showing the homes where all these celebrities and actors we love live.
Now give me one with the real estate holdings of their health insurance ceo neighbors.
Only to be controversial. I’m trying out for the Today Show.
(used to live)
Could it really be any other way though?
Here we go again.
I love how two minutes after I ask everyone to please keep the patio door closed so dust and ash and bad air doesn’t get in the house it’s wide open again.
/roomba fires up in the background at Casa RTD
They’re just letting the fresh air in.
You mean out, right?
They are made men and we aren’t. We will just sit back and take it.
I love how Trump is going to be rehabilitated faster than W could have ever imagined.
“American Democracy is at stake!” Guess not. At any rate, Obama got his bag.
“Did someone say STEAK?”
-A. Reid
At the courthouse. Let’s hope there is sympathy for the poor widderwoman!
Best of luck!!
You should change your handle to “La Veuve Gumbygirl”
I’ve always been steadfastly committed to my beliefs, each time I’ve been called in for jury duty. One time, they really half-assedly picked the jurors for a DUI trial and we fucking hung that bitch.
So, all I am saying is, if anyone asks “if you gonna fucking hang someone today?” Always honestly answer yes and then get really fucking defensive as if anyone else can tell you how to do your civic duty. I bet that inquisitor is the kind of dick who stands next to the ballot drop to make sure I look right to be casting my one fucking vote twice a decade.
What’s the worst they can do to you?
Jail for contempt.
Alternatively, perjury
They ain’t got time to waste on that. Headaches just get tossed out.
Tried scotch as a young ‘un & decided it was not for me.
However, recently had a cocktail with mezcal, and enjoyed the smokey flavoUr that it brought to the party.
Maybe I’ll have to order a Rob Roy or rusty nail at a place with a good bartender and see how it goes.
WTF Redshirt?
Huh. That’s a new one.
That’s more my neck of the woods. Pataskala is east of Columbus. All I have to worry about out here on the west side is coyotes wanting to eat my dog, and the world’s fattest raccoons living under my deck.
“Hey, these things happen, mate.”
maybe litre can suggest a nice chianti and yeah right can show them how to cook some fava beans to go with it
The police ruled her death accidental, because pigs will always look out for other pigs.
(somewhat related attachment)
I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be the other way around?
Isn’t this why we’re all supposed to have AR-15s?
(I’m just going to get some kind of AR eventually because they are fun to shoot)
Cops kill people every day; why is this a headline story?
“Partially eaten”? She must have been a Buckeye fan because even pigs have standards.
THE line has Longhorns 6 point underdogs. I guess after seeing the way Texas struggled with an undeserving ASU team, it’s clear to anyone with a set of eyes that they’ve got no business in the National Championship.
Yeah, but when it comes to this year’s Ohio State buckeyes who knows what team they’ll be tonight
“^” the dark voice growled from the shadows. The only feature of his stone face in the tepid candlelight — the scar of being a Thread in the Ohio Fabric.
Injury guarantee?
Please tell me the contract gives him another year of eligibility, like a college Injury year.
Did he tear it, or did someone/ the Browns do it for him?
Yup. Kinda wondering that myself, especially after reading a bit about the details:
“Based on what has been reported, Cleveland would recoup around $33 million in salary cap space this offseason due to missing most of the 2024 season. Another $44.3 million will be added in 2026 if Watson misses all of the 2025 season with the injury, based on reports.”
Damn it. Their punishment must be more severe.
Wow, DeShaun BadTouch RERUPTURED his Achilles after just 3 months, and just had the surgery to repair it again.
I really wish certain politicians would face this level of karmic retribution.
Watson’s history suggests he’s the kind of guy who’d go to Craigslist to get his acheilles tendon repaired. Multiple times.
“butt’s not too far off.”
/Balls has entered the chat
I was so proud!!
Me after Laphroaig: “After a few drinks, this peat and seaweed flavor isn’t that bad!”
“Overall, we both agree it’s passable.”
-Joe Schoen and Brian Daboll, explaining the New York Giants Roster
Never had a peaty Scotch, but I’ve had smoky beers (porters, rauchbiers, etc.) and found that the smoke flavor lingers unpleasantly long after the beer is gone. Is it the same with Scotch?
Kind of, but its more intense up front
Smoked beers are not high on my list.
Oddly, I like that flavor in a Scotch.