Why hello there, and welcome to Hate Week Friday.
Where oh where to begin? There is so much to hate on right now, almost too much actually. It’s rather exhausting to be honest. Instead, I’m choosing to focus my time and energy on the positives going on, at least for this morning. We’ve booked a kick ass vacation in August that I am absolutely looking forward to. On top of that, we’ve got some home improvement projects in the works right now that are either A) overdue, B) massive upgrades, or C) sometimes both. So I’ve got those going for me, which is nice. Another thing going for me is the reappearance of orgeat into my bar! Well, fridge technically since it needs to be kept cold but whatever. I met up with my bartender friend recently at a videogame night another friend was hosting and he graciously brought me over some from his bar. Of course I needed to use it this week, and I found a great sounding and easy looking cocktail to utilize it in: The Army Navy. It’s got gin, lemon juice, bitters and orgeat. How easy is that? I bet it tastes great:
2 oz gin
.75 oz lemon juice
.5 oz orgeat syrup
1 dash Angostura bitters
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker and fill it three quarters full with ice. Shake until chilled, then strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with a lemon twist, and edible flowers if desired.

The aroma leads with the unmistakable scent of Angostura bitters. Going back in for another round I can pick up more of the lemon cutting through, which I rather enjoy.
Oh this is fantastic. It starts out sour from the lemon, and right when you start to feel it on the back of your palate, the sour intensity is reigned back in by the other ingredients. Mainly by the orgeat I’m guessing. I say that because the London dry gin called for here is rather subdued, and it works out really well. Strong gin could really overpower this, and while I wouldn’t necessarily call this a light drinker, it’s definitely well balanced and could easily be thrown off. Anyway, while the palate gabbing sourness is quickly wiped out, the lemon flavor itself comes back at the end. It certainly isn’t a bad thing, just a touch unexpected. Thankfully it doesn’t hang around very long and almost as soon as you’re done any lingering flavors clear the palate to ready yourself for another sip. The bitters gets a bit lost in the profile, but in this application, I don’t exactly think it’s supposed to be anything discernable. It works it’s magic in the background, helping maintain balance
This was excellent, and a good way to use up some orgeat. The last time I got some of orgeat from my friend I wasn’t able to finish it before it expired. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about this excellent drink or else I would have used it in this as a way to not waste the syrup. Knowing this exists, I’ll be making these if I need to finish the orgeat before it expires again.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
Was watching a right leaning live stream earlier, because they are actually funny, but some of the super chats make no sense, I wonder if secret messages are being passed by groups who watch these livestreams.
New phone, hopefully the bullshit will stop
how i
s it doi
Different TMobile store, pray for me
First one was a shitshow
Don’t ever go to the German one.
I’m testing my phone at the TMobile store. Bear with me, I may be a pain 8n the ass for awhile. Chrome keeps freezing up, and it happens all the time when I’m on DFO
Good luck! (might be chrome, they load it with all sorts of crap that can slow it down)
I am happy to see you also went for specific versus broad hate. Makes life easier.
Also, that looks like a tasty beverage. Methinks I’ll prepare one tonight.
It is with endearment that I say BGR is the most hatefilled man I know.
Then you’re gonna love tonight’s open thread!
At what abv?
Unspecified, but I would imagine around 5%…
Look, fellow waiting area lady, wearing uggs doesn’t make your wolf ankles look any less hairy or dry or cracky.
But give me a call when you clean yourself up.
Sure thing sailor…
SPF 5000.
Also the bra size
That actress should have gotten more work. She was exquisite.
Okay, I just looked up her IMDB page and it appears that she got plenty of work. But more of that work should have been in a bikini.
“Hang on a second there, Pancho. What gate did you say you were at?”
“My bro might like the tootsies, but a nice pair of wolf ankles?
I soooo expected that the hate week drink would just be Malort
Don’t have any here, or else I might have done just that
Thought one of the DFO by-laws was to have Marlot on hand at all times
I dont even think I can get it anywhere by me if I wanted to
Total Wine nearish to you has it and can ship it.
/you’re welcome
You misspelled “Harlot”.
Check on teh Hippo…
REEL TALK – I have never upgraded from FM20, because starting my “career” over would likely represent a psychotic break for Hippo.
Just set my lineup for 2287 Salford Hoodrats Shield (f/k/a Community Shield) against Team Knifey.
Let us know what year the meteor hits. I’ll try to look surprised.
WIll do. And the fixture now played, 2-nil to the good. Muthafucka, was they ever a doubt???
So, in this game, do you actually play, like the live game, or do you just set up your team and it autoplays?
I set the formation, make the subs and can periodically yell at them. But I don’t control the action, no.
Who won the next four World Wars?
Blackwater, Triple Canopy, Halliburton, KBR…
Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, Bell Textron…
DFO Clubhouse after Football Manager accidentally Auto-Updates (Artistic Interpretation)