Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss, at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness [in bed].
Honoré de Balzac
Going to take the high road here and say that it’s always great when you are sick and your moms take care of you.
Rushing through this post as I’ve got more shoveling to do. Stupid plow. Can hear my neighbours working on their driveways with the snowblowers. Hoping that they will do mine, but doubt it.
Also funny to me is that my oldest is telling me that I should be just pushing the snow and not lifting it as now that I’m over 50, I’m a higher risk for bad heart stuff to happen. However, when asked to help shovel, she said nope.
The snow is at waist height or more down both sides of the driveway, so not sure where to push the snow to any more. This idea was created by someone that has never shoveled snow and probably lives where it doesnae snow much.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
At work this morning one of my coworkers was like “even if you’re an Eagles fan wouldn’t you prefer a close game?”
To which there was a unanimous ‘no’ (not entirely unanimous, but unanimous from the people who actually know about football)
Doktor Zymm
Great recap Balls. And now for some art appreciation.
Already sound married
Don T
God this is so fucking satisfying. I don’t think I’ve ever watched the tape of an entire Super Bowl before, but I can find myself a Spanish broadcast I actually just might.
Rodgers can only go to Minnesota in order to complete the Fav-rah path laid before him.
He’ll be hocking As Seen on TV knee braces in no time.
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers
He’ll be hocking As Seen on TV knee braces in no time.
He did his research. He know better than to trust BIG GUBMIT and the FDA don’t know THE REAL FACTS about medicine or athletic training. REAL MEN don’t need regulations, laws, and facts; REAL MEN KNOW what’s best for themselves and especially all those silly sheep who listen to the deep state. Elon, RFK Jr., and other billionaires know what’s best for us. They told us they have the best interest of everyone! When have rich people ever lied to the general public before, SOY BOY CUCKS?!
I know it’s the Onion but there’s probably a little truth to this.
I need aspirin after that one.
Here’s a tip: if you dial 9-1-1 saying you’re afraid for your life because someone threatened you, do everyone a favor and be willing to explain where, who, why, and what’s going on to make you feel that way. Don’t argue with the call-taker why that information “doesn’t matter” and then get angrier that that comes off as confusing at best, criminally suspect (for the caller) at worst. Also, lecturing dispatchers on how to do their jorb — when you called us for help — doesn’t improve the situation.
I just scored reservations at Compratir in Barcelona on my birthday in October. Getting a res for Disfrutar is a 2 year almost impossible effort but these are the same 3 chefs who all worked at El Bulli together. They own both places. Compratir sounds a lot more casual and is based around tapas and sharing plates. It’s rated as perfect for solo diners and holy shit am I jazzed about this.
Gonna drop a bundle but there WILL be photos!
yeah right
This person really loves Jazz?
Oh, yeah.. “jazz.”
Horatio Cornblower
I have just fully entered Australia, that slut
Doktor Zymm
Jokes that straddle borders…
Saw this on teh twitterz today.
Mrs. Horatio just told me that she didn’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day and not to worry about tomorrow.
Horatio Cornblower
got somewhere between 6 and 10″ of snow last night.
Starting to get sick of the shoveling. And really hate the windrow left by the plow.
Game Time Decision
got somewhere between 6 and 10″
Deanna Favre:
Pre-VD thought – imagine Elon Musk being dipped in hot fudge and licked clean by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
King Hippo
What a terrible day to know how to read.
You guys that are much more forward-thinking than I-what have you gifted for Valentine’s Day?* I need ideas, badly.
*Balls, I’ll be honest-we’re not at the anal beads juncture of our marriage
A card is always nice:
Let’s just skip to the end.
Hope you don’t mind me classing this place up.
I swear I’m not making this up. Fendi was selling this scarf, called Touch of Fur ( lol) for 990 bucks on their website.
This checks out…
February 15, 2025 5:08 am
waves hi from Saturday night
I have two wolves inside me and they are both made of gin
Doktor Zymm
Me to Oldest Fozz Spawn: “Hey, if that snow storm becomes something serious, we’re gonna have to get prepped. What’s our first step?”
Oldest Fozz Spawn: “Well, we need at least a 30 pack, we’ve got vodka, but you should check your bourbon supply. Don’t want to get caught short.”
Sometimes, you realize your children have been listening to what you’ve been teaching them.
This period is dragging.
Matt Gaetz, complaining about his date to the quincinera.
Horatio Cornblower
I’m waiting at the Puerto Vallarta airport.
When you filter out all the domestic travelers found in a US airport and just look at disgusting Americans on vacation, it makes sense that this country doesn’t need everyone to take their shoes off at security because there’s just nothing intrinsically hateable about Mexico, like there is the United States. I can see why Yeah Right is selling secrets with a clear mind to pay for his overseas retirement.
A toast! Aaaaa!—
/blinded by faint sunlight
Uf. /lowers blinds
Ok: to Sunday Gravy, the only awesome offseason stuff there is. Over 300 dynamite recipes, with attitude, hell yes. For me, it’s a most favorite, distinguished corner of the webz. Salud y larga vida.
Don T
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
NOTE banner image from here
I hate everything about this. He better not show up and fuck Bill Guerin with a rusty hatchet.
Agree, just horrible. Won’t watch if he shows.
I’m gonna skip the anthems I think. I’ll go get a beer or go to the bathroom or something. It’s gonna be toxic as fuck during the songs in the 300 level Thursday night.
I hope he “plays”, like his idol Putin does.
Boo him harder than Bettman.
That was Real Madrid-esque! Holy shit!
Good stuff all around today, plenty of drama
Check out this bijou extinct volcano, so cozy
Lovely place for a lair!
Wow, it’s been an eventful week!
And Monaco has tied Benfica and Celtic has tied Bayern Munch and everything is bananacakes!
Benfica back ahead, party time in Lesbian.
/puts hand to ear
I’m being told Benfica plays in Lisbon.
and Monaco has just tied it up again, Sapphic Sadness
Storytime! When Gumby’s sister ” came out” to us, like we hadn’t figured it out when she was in Jr. High, lol, we found a cool wooden statue of Sappho to give her in an antique store somewhere in Georgia. The old lady who worked there was calling it the ” Indian Maiden.” I guess she looked it up while we were still browsing around, because she was very disapproving when we came back to the counter to buy it. Full on Church Lady. We paid for it, and laughed in her bigoted face.
Apropos of nothing (except maybe your story), Melissa Etheridge and Indigo Girls are playing at the OC Fair this summer. LADIES NIGHT!
Was she scissoring or something? Can’t see how much you can disapprove of a statue…
Just standing there looking Sapphic!
This is pretty fun! I just started watching while waiting for food at King Taco!
mmmmm…King Taco….
Once he is eaten, Prince Taco will become King. LE TACO EST MORT, VIVA LE TACO
Anything happens to Prince Taco, I believe Speaker Taco of La Casa is next.
Long may he reign, in spicy splendor!
oh no some Rams/QAron buzz if they can’t get Stafford sorted
no no no no no no no
Oh mama mia, mama mia, No No No!
Brugge is getting crushed by Atalanta (run of play) and winning 3-0 at halftime.
Just a weird-ass game, bananawaffles
I just ate a three-egg omelette, which I believe cost more than Zymm’s entire vacation.
Did it at least come with wine?
Who the hell eats an omelette without wine???
February is the Tuesday of months.
My brain still thinks it 2024, so kinda glad to be mosta the way through February ( and winter)
But then comes Smarch, which is approximately 40 years long!
*checks news, confirms it’s cold outside yet the dumpster remains hot*
So…another February. Slightly worse than January.
Thanks GTD.
Destroying Uranus never gets old.
Nor does trolling the Jets.
hot diggity DAMN!!!