Monday Evening Open Thread – Trench Crusade the War of Heaven and Hell on Earth

Howdy everyone!  I will be attempting to fill the void that is Monday Night, the end of the worst day of the week.

How apropo that the best song about Mondays is sung by such a degenerate as John Philips.  And I am well aware of which side he would be on in Trench Crusade.  A new miniatures game involving, Heaven, Hell, the Middle East, demons, angels, heretics, martyrs, trenches and machine guns.  A really good wholesome game for the entire family (Manson family maybe).  I am just starting to get into researching this game and I am really having to think if I really want to start something new, but there is something seductive in beginning a new world that is starting out and that you think may be long lasting.  Unfortunately, I can no longer paint figures as well as I used to (and was not that good to begin with) so I am keeping that in mind.  We can dig a little deeper into the minis later.

So the premise, is when Jerusalem fell in the First Crusade around 1099, the Knights Templar (probably the most unjustly maligned group in fiction and possibly history) commit the Act of Ultimate Heresy (all I know is that they came across an unholy artifact, it promised them riches and glory if they renounce God and open the Gates of Hell on Earth, and as you can imagine, the city did not stand for very long (waiting to see what happened to those Templars.  I think legions of demons pretty much destroy anything in their way.  There is an entire timeline here

Time line basically runs from 1099 to 1914 with the final build ups coming.  Right now the focus is more on skirmish and raid tactics for powerful relics, positions, and intel.  So basically WWI in the Middle East instead of France and demons, heretics, angels, martyrs, and conscripts (called pilgrims).  The fights involve artillery, crew served weapons, Demon Princes, plagues, assassinations (such as in 1894 when all the leaders of the world religions were killed at the same time), oh, and yes the Church’s are the main powers in this world.  The war also exists in Europe as the forces of Hell have created several beachheads.

Gonna go over some history next week to set the stage.  Now, remember, this is a KickStarter product, the first KS was launched and was successful and people are playing the game, so it may evolve a bit, but the figures look good, the setting should be pretty cool.  I do like the minis I have seen.  To find out more at

A few pics from the Trench Crusade url or the wiki:

Art created by Mike Franchina showing Antioch forces.
Not sure what this is, but looking to find out.

Till next week!

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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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So pac man jones is at raw

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Let me know when he runs onto the playing field to push the ref. Again.

King Hippo

I am sooooooo glad this series is back.

I have a demand to make of DFO Productions – WarHammer! The Musical.

King Hippo

It would be worth the effort, Praise Morrigan!


Usually doesnt end well as most things in Warhammer enter the Maraviglia




Dear Elon, you fucking wanker,

1. F




5. U


He’s a troll. He’s just wasting everyone’s time.


wait, the old man that owned the mlb team in cleveland passed away just before the season starts?comment image


damn we needed bob uecker to last just one more year


Cross him off then.


This feels like the Fan Fiction ending to How I Met Your Mother. I still prefer the official ending, but this one does close the plot holes of her not getting rid of the players when they started winning and getting the attendance up.


Yeah, I’m not sure that “she’s secretly a Baseball Scouting Genius and a master manipulator” is any less of a plot hole.

I can just as easily close the “why didn’t she trade all the good players away” by saying “because then the city could argue that she’s deliberately sabotaging attendance and can’t invoke the termination clause because estoppel and breach of the covenant of good faith and blah blah blah”


“Right now the focus is more on skirmish and raid tactics for powerful relics, positions, and intel. So basically WWI in the Middle East instead of France and demons, heretics, angels, martyrs, and conscripts (called pilgrims). The fights involve artillery, crew served weapons,”

I would certainly hope that there is a relic/weapon called “The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch” in the keeping of Brother Maynard, so thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in God’s infinite mercy.


I still maintain Tuesday is the worst day of the week. At least Monday has the decency to be a part of a long weekend every once in a while.


Thanks a lot for making me think it was already Tuesday.


Personally, I could never get the hang of Thursdays.


Fuck Wednesday crowd over here….


I’m the rare breed that hates Friday. Everyone is so focused on the weekend that you almost blow an aneurysm to get them to do shit.


Hey, we found the jerk who’s trying to get us to do stuff on Fridays!


When I worked at the post office, Tuesday was the best day. Except after a Monday holiday, then it sucked.

Horatio Cornblower

Apparently JD Vance is in or headed to Vermont to do some skiing. My son, who lives in that brave little state, just tested me “Why is JD Vance coming to ski in a state that voted against him faster than he finished in that couch?”


Can’t decide if I’m rooting for the Michael Kennedy, the Sonny Bono, or the Michael Schumacher.

Oh, who am I kidding, it’s the Schumacher.


Which one is the most painful?


The Alex Zanardi, but that wasn’t skiing related.

Brick Meathook

I just learned of the Mark Fidrych in the previous draft post:

Getting strangled by your own clothing which has become caught in rotating machinery.


That is the reason kid’s sweatshirts no longer have drawstrings.


I went to school with kids whose dad was using an auger thingy, and he fell in the hole with it. Drilled.


How about the Natasha Richardson, you think you’re fine, just a wee headache, and then BOOM ! Coma. Death.

Nah, way too easy. Schumacher it is.


(…must resist Fargo reference…Secret Service may be watching…)


Nah, Elon took care of it.


Very cool stuff!!


I don’t understand Ohio at all, man.


The Heart of All my Ass!


Huh, what?


The Heart of IT All my Ass!


Ohio has the most astronauts per capita of any other state. It sucks so much people actively leave the planet to get away from it.


That explains the three Super Bowl losses and Cleveland Clevelanding twice in a row the AFC Championship Game; the football gods themselves interceded to keep the Lombardi Trophy out of Ohio.


This game setting reminds me a bit of the movie Legion, which I watched a few weeks ago while exercising. It had flaws, but served as a perfectly decent backdrop for throwing weights around.


Eh, still more Biblical accurate than Noah.

Horatio Cornblower

Paul Bettany landed Jennifer Connolly, so that’s someone I would absolutely follow into Hell.


We used to bowl in a league with a 90 year old woman named Peggy Tingley who looked exactly like the “all the babies are going to burn” ceiling scuttler. She had like a 6 lb ball, she’d shuffle up to the line, drop it, and get a fucking strike. Bitch.




What a bunch of pussies


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Last edited 2 hours ago by ballsofsteelandfury

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Amen, sistah! When you’ve got an old pussy, it needs a lot more time and attention to make it purr.


Why can’t you paint no good no more?


You’re such a buzzkill.