Monday Evening Thread – There has to be a morning after

Still working on the Synod of Prophecy, trying to pin it down to be entertaining and actually make sense seems to be eluding me, and yes, I have tried both sober and stoned, still no luck.  Plus, Noir seems to be ill and I have been paying a lot of attention to him, but he seems to be a little better now as he is eating.

So, you get this

So, while working today I tried to watch the Poseidon adventure, and this damn song is all through it –

Stella Stevens has some incredibly nice tits.

I understand why the song is used, because of the hope to be saved.  But for me the song has always been about retribution.  You having some fun tonight, huh, just wake till you wake up in the morning.  I guess that comes more from my pessimistic outlook on life and has really kept me from enjoying my life as much as I could.  But that is my problem, and I still think the song is about the aftermath of an evening – good or bad.  I love that a lot of people only think of the good feelings from the song, but I like to see if I can find a dark aspect to a song, say “Que Sera, Sera” which people seem to think is a comforting song, but in the movie it is from (look it up yourselves – lazyasses), Doris Day’s son has been kidnapped and she is singing the song after the ransom has been paid, but the kid has not been found.  To me, it is so dark, just not even hoping anymore, just waiting for a resolution with none of what you expect her to be doing.  What songs do you think people take as happy, but are the opposite?  Or have we done this as a draft before?

To get the taste of the above out of your mouth – enjoy:


Oh, and go fill out your brackets!

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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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I’ll say (type?) this: there are very few things that make operators shit themselves as quickly as a likely overdose in cardiac arrest.

Holy fuck. Hope this has a happy ending (settle down, Mr. Kraft)….

Strangely large amount of fires around the area tonight, too.


Eireann go bragh, my darling dears!


2025 version: “Let me tell ya about this new crypto coin I’m into…”

Brick Meathook

Still Life With Mugs And A Hat



Aww, Jesse Colin Young died. I saw him many years ago at the Syria Mosque.

Don T

In retrospect, dweebs dwell on the past.


Red in tooth and claw

Doktor Zymm

Tiny earthquake or upstairs neighbors?

Doktor Zymm

4.0 19 km away


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Downfield Matriculator

Hey I felt that one too — Happy Monday in the Bay!


There’s been a bunch down here lately.


Tomorrow is one year since I started here. Last night of the workweek that was one long St. Paddy’s Day weekend. Staying conscious throughout tonight will… challenging.

Thanks for putting up with my inane insanity!
Also, three years sober as of yesterday. That’s how one celebrates St. Cirrhosis Patrick’s Day!

Doktor Zymm

Congrats on all of that!


That’s fantastic. Tell him to keep at it, one day, one hour, one minute, whatever, at a time. It’s not always easy, but hang tough.


That’s awesome, congrats.


You are a real window to the world for us.


You’ve come a long way, baby! I’m so proud of you, my Yinzish boy!


Thanks, Auntie GG.


So, that new medical drama The Pitt is surprisingly good, but I was not prepared for them to actually show a baby being born.

Don T

An acquaintance once described a mutual friend as “He drinks like an Irishman on payday!” Knowing my friend, and stereotypes, the acquaintance was right. And I’m drnk. Happy St. Pedro Díaz.

Brick Meathook

Self portrait with flash, 03.08.25


Only thing I can think of when I read that headline


Kenny “hiding” in his jacket will never not be hilarious.


I’m pretty sure people don’t pick up that Beat It is about not fighting.


Duh, it’s about masturbation.


I thought it was about eggs?

Col. Duke LaCross

White Lotus straight into Gemstones last night might have been one of the most unhinged 100 minutes of TV I’ve ever seen.


Coming from a Bears fan, that’s truly saying something.

Col. Duke LaCross



I’m finishing up season 4 of Only Murders in the Building. I love it so much!

King Hippo

I wrapped up s2 of White Lotus last night. That Mike White, he one disturbed muthafucka.


tipsy of the hat to all ya

Doktor Zymm

So I ordered a bunch of crab cakes and soups, but Fedex got stuck in weather and they only arrived today, after shipping last Monday. Stuff was still cold, but definitely thawed, although the corn and crab chowdah was still pretty frozen. They’re going to ship replacements, but kinda thinking some of it is still okay to eat. Not sure how risky I want to be, maybe just the chowdah


Gift it.


Glad they included this fact ” The penis is 161 times larger than the average human’s”

Doktor Zymm

Someone had fun calculating that

Senor Weaselo

Little Alex Horne, probably.

Horatio Cornblower

“Seems bigger than that”

-D. Favre


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Don T

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Doktor Zymm

So I joined the DFO Bracket dealy and I made my picks by looking at the historical % of matchups between seeds and then used draws from a uniform distribution to pick winners using that historical %. This is only mildly scientific and basically guaranteed to fail, but actually generated a fairly cromulent bracket!


Yeah me too! [narrator: not her too]

King Hippo

I laboUred over mines for 2, perhaps even THREE minutes


Oh you used a Weibull distrubution instead?


Why yes, yes I did! I did the math the old fashioned way


Joined, I have not watched a single game and don’t normally watch college hoops so celebrity auto-fill it is.

Horatio Cornblower

How does one join said Bracket Dealy?

I’m in the market to come in last in a bracket challenge, and it might as well be this one.


Screenshot-2025-03-17-at-5.40.57 PM
Horatio Cornblower

Thank you sir. I shall embarrass myself forthwith.


Oh, that’s a good’un!


My bracket is done, and it’s hilarious!


Holy shit that’s a great idea! I’m going to do a second bracket!


I pretty much went with the Pin the Tail on the Donkey theory. That’s how I make most of my decisions.


That’s a good topic about songs that sounds happy but are actually not that way. I’d go with Modern English and “I Melt With You” about nuclear war.

Last edited 1 day ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Brick Meathook

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Very nice!!