Get Your Hot Garbage Here! Your Thursday Night Football Open Thread

As you may have guessed, I don’t have high hopes for this game. Fortunately, when it comes to football I’ve been wrong many, many times before.


-Eli Manning heads the list of retired players that are eligible for the first time to be voted into the Hall of Fame. I have some bad news-he’s eventually going to get in. His thin resume is that he led the Giants to two miraculous upsets of the hated Pats, he was very much liked by the media and players alike, he played in New York his entire career and he is a successful social media personality. Yes, the bar is that low.

-Some Browns rookie pleaded no contest to some lesser domestic violence charges. Mike Hall Jr. will be experiencing a wee deja vu on Sunday when the Giants plead same halfway through the third quarter.

-No one is scoring these days-a rookie QB has yet to toss a score through the air so far. Well, with the exception of the Saints. Their 91 points scored so far is the most any team has put on the board since 2009. Much like an intense discussion regarding meatballs in the Fozz household there will be a cooling-off period. Mainly because so far they’ve refused to play three wr sets and defenses will adjust to that right quick.

-Tee Higgins’ pretend groin sprain is coming along nicely-he practiced today.

To The Game!


-Is Jacoby Brissett the perfect cromulent bridge QB? Though he’s yet to throw for 150+ yards he’s also not thrown an INT and made good game-managing decisions. That resulted in the upset vs Cincy and the OT loss to Seattle. This is everything you hope your future tablet-toting QB can do while the rook-in-waiting gets up to speed.

-Mike Williams was treated like the injury-prone dude that he is in week one-he ran all of two routes. Last week he didn’t get many targets but route participation ramped up to 23. This week? With Garrett Wilson drawing #1db Christian Gonzalez it would appear that the 6’3″, 218 Williams will be covered primarily by the 5’9″, 185lb Jonathan Jones. Jump ball, anyone?

-Aaron Rodgers has all of one pass over 17 yards to date. He’s kinda exactly what the Jets need right now, someone that doesn’t turn the ball over. He might think he’s still a dynamic difference-maker but those days are gone.

-Futility, meet the Jets-they have all of one non-OT win over New England since 2011.

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Hey! This is the first Thursday my opponent in the Freezer Vodka league HASN’T had a running back drop 30+ points on me!


From the “That’s Sketchy As ALL Hell Department”:

Woman is going to bed, and notices a ladder outside her window that wasn’t there 30 minutes ago. Doesn’t know who’s it is, or why it’s there. That’s fucking gnarly.

Mr. Ayo

Ripped from the local headlines just today in my area:

“A woman who was asleep in her Bellevue apartment woke up to find a strange man standing over her while he performed a sex act.”


Holy fuck thats terrifying


Sounds like a Jezebel Halloween story, which it’s almost time for if Jezebel still exists


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Sounds like the Bear Bandit was indulging in a little Haitian Delight with a journalist.

(Olivia Nuzzi, who unless I’m remembering incorrectly I had relatively high regard for)


Qaron has drank the blood of live foxes for over a decade. This Springfield, Ohio thing is making him consider taking a coaching jorb at Ohio State next.


Jim Jordan can give him some great pointers, like “Completely ignore the repeated sexual assaults by the team doctor, and when it’s brought to your attention, ridicule the kids.”


Today has been WONDERFUL


Ew, she was 31 when they started bumpin bear cubs


Slow down there, Representative Gaetz.


Drake going down like the Jets lined up Kendrick on D


I made friends – well, the dogs did – with the married couple at the table next to me. They’ve now informed me about The Kit Kat Club in Portland.

One stripper comes out wearing only a Darth Vader mask, one has Pennywise make up, one strippers theme is “social awkwardness” – she will walk around the stage, bend over so her asshole is just smiling at ya, then scream between her legs at you.

Soooooooooooo DFO meetup there soon?


You had me at “asshole is just smiling at ya”

Last edited 19 minutes ago by ballsofsteelandfury

Well, fuck. I guess so. I haven’t even been to Mary’s for the tacos, but I’ll go to a strip club for DFO.


Whatever happened to the pieman?


Aaron Rodgers is os legitimately unlikeable it’s making me root for the patriots


Let’s not say things we can’t take back.


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This score is surreal


Announcers in midseason Rodgers-slurping form.


It’s awful. Kirk, he’s not gonna fuck you buddy.


“Not a problem with me.” – minisldr, NC


What’s a Pirates favorite instrument?
A guitarrrrrrrrrrrrr

What’s a Pirates second favorite profession?
An arrrrrrrrchitect (that’s my personal bias joke, since I used to be an architect)


I do not believe that I have ever, in my life, seen the Jets look this competent.


He’s game-losing fumble in the Divisional Round will be so hilarious.


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I wish i had seen this before last Sunday, but it still works,

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Also Rich Lowry.


JV ball has “Souther… Alabama” (?) up on Appalachian State…


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Rodgers bringing a contagious energy to the Jets


Super spreader event?


I’ve got the game on mute.

Subtitles: “protect #8 at all costs”

Rodgers immediately gets sacked


Back from Croatia, my first visit there since 2002. The country has really taken off and it was a wonderful visit. Last trip it was still pretty war torn, few scars remain today. I posted this Pic yesterday, and it’s not a good looking lady for once, but still can’t believe I took it. Brick would be proud.


That is really cool!



Doktor Zymm

I was there in 2007 or 2008, was already starting to redevelop. Lovely area of the world!


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Some drunk dude came brandishing an “s”word at a couple walking by. Of course, by the time the police got there, our ninja here was gone.

Last edited 1 hour ago by WCS



That’s the only s-word I know that gets censored, so I’m still guessing

Doktor Zymm

Was it a cutlass?


It was me.

