CLosing Out Septemeber 2024 Footy Cont’d

MOAR fixtures, and thank fuck a vast increase in quality.  Especially at the tippy-top…

Stanford (+21.5) at Son de Clem (7:00, ESPN)

Maybe one watches the first quarter of this game.  But probably not.

Georgia (-1) at Roll Damn Tide (7:30, ABC)

Coach DeBoer will absolutely love being a small home dog – they ain’t gots no RESPEK!! – except that it’s probably warranted.  Georgia are a machine, who already had their off week (earlier this month in Lexington).  But I’m expecting it to be a game into Q4, at least.

Illinois (+19.5) at Paedo State (7:30, NBC)

I think there’s some mild upset potential here, but it’s probably wishcastery.  Anyway, if you want to flip channels at commercial breaks of the real game.

Washington State (+6.5) at Boise State (10:00, FS1)

Tweaker Time on the Smurf Turf!  Wazzu is still unbreaten, but Boise and their shit-hot tailback pose a serious challenge to that record.  Fascinating watch.

Arizona (+9) at Team Secular Big Love (10:15, ESPN)

Will there be a letdown, following last week’s big road win in Stillwater?  If so, Bear Down FOAR Midterms has plenty of offensive power to pull the upset, or at least make one stay awake later than we’d like.  All in all, bumper crop of Tweaker fun this week.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Watching Arsenal pull a rabbit out of their arse seems so long ago, when in fact it was a mere 12 hours.


[rubs hands together]

Okay! Who’s ready for some Pac-12 After Dark?


This won’t get interesting until the ALTITUDE comes in to play.