Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 15

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack Handey, Balls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the fifteenth edition of a potentially sporadically recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC! Now also (occasionally but not today ) in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.

  • United 1K: Not just for white dudes in blue sport coats and/or khakis anymore.
  • This democratization of amenities is great, except for now the 1K line is like 15% of the plane. How does that even happen?
  • Things I saw on the B-W parkway the other day: a shopping cart, two cops assisting a driver who had driven into a grassy area nowhere near an exit ramp, and dozens of people whose cars clearly didn’t come with turn signals.
  • Aside from the big three reasons for couple fights, I have to assume one of the next on the list is cleaning before the cleaners arrive.
  • Nevermind, it’s still behind “I’ll be ready in five minutes”/other versions of why the fuck am I still waiting for you to be ready when you said we were leaving ten minutes ago?
  • You know what’s a great word? Pudendum.
  • Building on a sidebar with Sharky in the DFO back office, how great would it be to be able to bartend in a high end cocktail bar where you were allowed, nay encouraged to be a dick to patrons who deserve it? It could be like a classy soup Nazi sitch, with the soup being delicious liquid booze broth (chilled). Rude to a bar back? No drink for you. Reach into the garnishes to grab a snack? Lose your chair at the bar and go stand in the corner. Drink half a cocktail and then send it back? You’re 86’d. Tell the bartender you want them to make up a spirit forward whiskey based cocktail for you and then complain that it’s too strong? We’re cutting up your credit card. Man, that would be awesome.
  • Anyone familiar with what I’m less-than-affectionately calling “the most racist rest stop in America”? That would be “South of the Border”, marking the border of North and South Carolina with as many offensive Mexican stereotypes and tchotchkes as even an unreasonable person could imagine. Some highlights include but are not limited to–
    • A MASSIVE sombrero tower visible from space (or at least the highway)
    • Stores that sell cheap sombreros, maracas, and other cliched shit
    • Mexican caricatures that would make Speedy Gonzalez say DAAAAAAMN
    • A restaurant in the shape of a sombrero
    • Everything is “Pedro’s”, and I don’t think anyone who works there/owns the place is named Pedro
    • Billboards leading up to the stop predicated on butchering English (and other tropes)
Photo Credit: https://www.drugstoredivas.net/south-of-the-border-review/
  • Speaking of horrible racists, Tucker Carlson getting the axe is both a moral good and something having a negative impact on Fox, so win-win.  Fuck everyone involved there.
  • Whomever invented quiche is an evil genius. Omelets but with pie crust? Yes, I’ll have dessert breakfast, thank you very much.
  • That always reminds me of this joke from a simpler time, when making fun of a President for being stupid was more about literacy and neo-con lunacy rather than absolute corruption and the imminent threat to democracy:

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney stopped in to a small diner for breakfast while touring through the country.

The waitress comes to take their orders. Cheney orders an omelette. She turns to the President and asks for his order. President Bush turns to the waitress, smiles, and says sweetly, “honey, could I have a quickie?”

“Mr President!” shouts the waitress. “I thought you were bringing a new era of decency and morality to the White House, but now I see that was all a LIE!!” She storms off.

After a few seconds, Dick Cheney says quietly, “George, it’s pronounced quiche.”

  • Ok, one last joke, inspired by Sharky including pickle juice in his most recent cocktail of the week

A man works at a pickle factory and comes home every day with a lot of anxiety.  He says to his wife “I keep having this urge to put my penis in the pickle slicer.” She, of course, replies, don’t do that! But again and again, he comes home from work and tells her “I still keep having this massively strong urge to stick my penis in the pickle slicer.” His wife continues to be incredulous replies “you know you can’t do that!” But one day he comes home completely forlorn, and as soon as he walks in the door his wife goes “oh no! You did it didn’t you? You stuck your penis in the pickle slicer?!” The husband replied, “yup.” And his wife asks “what happened,” to which the husband answers “they fired me, and they fired her, too.”

  • Alright between the rain coming down during my third installment of writing this, the ridiculousness of Aaron Rodgers following in the crocs-steps of BrittFar to the meadowlands, and the Bears being competent-esque in the draft, I think it’s time to wrap this up (I’ll take things Antonio Cromartie has never said for $400, Alex/Ken).
  • Here’s this week’s fill in the blank: “Now that the draft is over, what my NFL team really needs is __________.”


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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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Doktor Zymm

I doubt I’ll make 1k again this year since they put the qualifying $$$ back up to pre-pandemic amounts, although the PQP for award flights means I have a shot. SFO is back to being elite heavy which means I’ll never get all my PlusPoints used this year, although they’ve been great on flights to/from Lima, so maybe I’ll just go to Peru a couple more times


We had a cleaning lady come in a while back, and I asked my wife the same question: “Why are we cleaning up for the cleaning lady?” She told me, “The first time it’s to show them what you expect it to look like. After that, they won’t throw stuff away for fear of throwing away something that wasn’t actually rubbish. Their job is to dust, mop, clean sinks and toilets, and wipe windows. It’s not to make the bed or pick up trash. They’ll just put it in piles anyway.” We didn’t keep the cleaning service that long, because what they did wasn’t really worth what it cost.

Last edited 1 year ago by BugEyedBoo

Here’s this week’s fill in the blank: “Now that the draft is over, what my NFL team really needs is __________.”

…to dig up the corpse of Georgia Frontiere so that I may piss on it then set it aflame and no I don’t care that it’s probably dust by now.


Stillers had a good draft, but could still use an OC that can playcall his way out of a wet paper bag.

That would be nice…


It was on-the-job training for that goofus. He got a little better, but I’d be pleasantly surprised if he doesn’t suck this year.


“Nevermind, it’s still behind “I’ll be ready in five minutes”/other versions of why the fuck am I still waiting for you to be ready when you said we were leaving ten minutes ago?”

I’ve learned simply to put on my pants, get wallet, etc. then sit right back down and watch some more sportsball / movie / Rick n’ Morty & take another bong hit until The Good Mrs. Reefer is (finally) ready.


We do this dance at my house too. I wait downstairs for my wife. The funniest part is when she is finally ready to leave and says “it’s so frustrating that WE are late again.”

“We” is never me, but I wouldn’t live to see the next day if I ever questioned “we” vs. “I.”


It’s the opposite at my house. I’m ready to go and Gumby drifts aimlessly, like seaweed. And 9/10 times he forgets something.


A wise man once told me “Pick your battles”.

Some of the best advice I’ve ever received.


So it’s only taken about 6 weeks, but my family has made our feral bunny into a snob.

He now drags the romaine lettuce into his house and eats it, but the strawberries and tomatoes stay outside and can fuck off to him.

The are starving bunnies in China that don’t get fresh strawberries, Bun Bun (oh wait, bunnies in China are probably appetizers)!


The spoiled asshole…whose house I carried under the roof overhang so that he stays dry.


comment image


But such an adorably cute lil spoiled asshole!


Absolutely. I’m a fraud, I check on him all the time and love the little spoiled asshole.


How could you not? I just want to hug him and pet him and love him and call him George.

King Hippo

…a therapy cat!

Charmslinger can name him or her (cats believe in having genders, soUrry, woke mob).

Doktor Zymm

It’s overcompensation for the fact that most of them are spayed or neutered


Now that the draft is over, what my team really needs is 4 months of two-a-days… With double the grass drills…

/ mumbles to himself about kids getting soft

// walks into the broom closet by mistake on his way to the bathroom








Yes, that bar would be excellent. Classy cocktail dive.


I’m sorry, but Chili Today, Hot Tamale is funny.


I resemble that BMW remark…


Oh my…
