A Selekshun Uff Phrases From Recent Posts Zat Vould Make Goot Werner Herzog Moofie Titles

My Pitiful Human Experience

The Familial History of Schizophrenia

Your Absent Stepfather

Lost To Iceland

This Wonder Site of Dreams and Wishes

Roving Packs of Ham Beasts

The Dark Blood Ritual of Penance

God’s Ongoing Quest To Drive Me Insane

The Last Time We Had To Suffer

Tormenting My Dreams With His Insipid Chant

The Most Existing Thing

Kroenke’s Mustache

An Independent Beast

Gorge Themselves To Agony

The Unplanned Amphibious Excursion

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At first I just glanced at the title and thought Fek was back again.


Seeing something from one of my posts on here feels like getting a KOTW.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Normally I would agree, but then I’m like “Do my insane ramblings really map that directly onto Werner Herzog?” and I get worried


This post needs a “Gratuitous Rick and Morty References” tag. What’s that, you didn’t make a reference to Rick and Morty? Well, you should have.


You really, really must.


This is consistently an outstanding feature.

Great job.

Teddy's Bridge Over Troubled Water

“Roving Packs of Ham Beasts” is a good description of your average Midwest family gathering.


I have never seen one of his movies. And I bet there’s not one fucking car crash scene in any of them. Plus, probably no boob shots, at least none that are all artsy, I mean more refined, like in the Porky’s trilogy.


The tallywacker lineup scene is still one of the funniest fucking things I’ve ever seen.


Fucking Hawthorn.

That is all.