DFO, money comes in – End of Regular Season

Well, many of you said we didn't know what we were doing.  Many doubted that we could make money.  To that I say this:  ONLY I PROVED YOU RIGHT!! Everyone else is showing a profit as we head into the playoffs!  Excellent work, my friends!   There is a reason I

DFO, money comes in

And then there were three.  I am plumb out of money due to going on tilt and making some bad decisions.  Well, at least I didn't end up naked in someone's closet like last time... And guess who has taken the lead?  King Hippo!  The King had a tremendous week while

DFO, money comes in

So much for not going on tilt.  I swear to you that my initial reaction was to throw it all behind Green Bay to cover against the Raiders.  Did I do what my first instinct told me to do? WhyEaglesWhy had another excellent week and is now firmly above the $300

DFO, money comes in

Try as I might, I'm right back where we started this whole thing.  Considering I've amused myself and hopefully you readers, that's not too shabby.  King HIppo had a nice comeback and is now relatively close to where we started with a healthy $153.  WhyEaglesWhy nailed his solitary pick to

DFO, money comes in

Everyone was Even Steven this week except for WhyEaglesWhy, who managed to get both of his games right.  While I only lost $1, King Hippo and DTZM had the misfortune to have their losing wagers be the ones with higher dollar value. Onward! Balls of Steel This is the week that Tony Romo

DFO, money comes in

An interesting week as Why Eagles Why and I managed to come out ahead while King Hippo second-guessed himself into a losing week.  If he had stuck with his original picks and wager amounts, he would have come out ahead.  It was DTZM's turn to play Even Steven, but that

DFO, Money comes in

So, it was Detroit's turn to fuck us.  I think this is a clear sign that we should change our picks if we see that we all picked the same team. Meanwhile, WhyEaglesWhy had a pretty Even Steven week with two wins, two losses, and one PUSH! King Hippo similarly picked
