Request Line: Villains and Villainesses

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. A miniaturized DJ 3000 continues to fiddle with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses. A miniaturized PETUNIA is seated in front of it, still ranting about the other

Request Line: It Is Known…

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER is seated comfortably behind the soundboard, looking somewhat reverent.  Seated inside the booth is arguably the greatest athlete in human history, fiddling with the microphone height. BO JACKSON: All right, that - hic - feels like that should do it.  How's it - hic -

Request Line: May Flowers

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. A miniaturized DJ 3000 is fiddling with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses. The portal window into present time has been shrunk down to the size of a

Request Line: Micro Machines

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. DJ 3000 is fiddling with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses. The portal window into present time - which is normally about the size of manhole cover, or

Guest Lecture Series: We Need to Stop Disrespecting the Memory of Lieutenant Porkins

Editor’s Note: Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of the DFO Guest Lecture Series!  We've had the privilege of welcoming folks like Mike Brown and Eli Manning to the podium, and we're thrilled to welcome this week's guest and his very strong opinions about matters that happened a long

Retreat of Darkness

...there was a pause of profound stillness, then a match flared, and David Dunn's lean face appeared, worn, hollow, with downward folds and dropped eyelids, with an aspect of concentrated attention; and as he took vigorous draws at his pipe, it seemed to retreat and advance out of the night

Request Line: Significant Figures

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities are trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. DJ 3000 is fiddling with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses with a puzzled expression on its main console.  DJ 3000: WHY THE HELL ISN’T THIS… JIM NANCE 081-RD-92C: Can we hurry this

Request Line: Honorifics

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY... DJ 3000 and various other robot entities are trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. DJ 3000 is fiddling with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses with a puzzled expression on its main console.  DJ 3000: WHY THE HELL ISN'T THIS... JIM NANCE 081-RD-92C:

Request Line: Tributes

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY... DJ 3000 and various other robot entities are trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio. DJ 3000 is fiddling with a complicated contraption of wires and lenses with a puzzled expression on its main console.  DJ 3000: WHY THE HELL ISN'T THIS... JIM NANCE 081-RD-92C: