INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The recording studio is calm and quiet. The PRODUCER is sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair with his feet up, watching college basketball on a computer monitor. DJ 3000 remains pushed up against the wall. The PRODUCER claps his hands as he reacts
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Your “Free Agency Begins” Monday Open Thread
It appears that ArmedandHammered has been trapped in The Warp (also known as the Immaterium, the Empyrean, the Aether, the Sea of Souls, the Realm of Chaos,or the Warpspace) so it's your old friend Rikki here to fill in. Some random notes: I bought some "bone-conduction" headphones to use while swimming
Request Line: Dirt
Request Line: Songs of the South
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the sound board, cheerfully adjusting the various knobs and sliders. DJ 3000 remains pushed up against the wall, with an “Order Out of” sign hanging from his main console. — [DOOR FLIES OPEN] — PRODUCER: Oh, FUCK! The PRODUCER leaps out of his chair
Request Line: The Shining
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the sound board, cheerfully adjusting the various knobs and sliders. DJ 3000 remains pushed up against the wall, with an "Out of Order" sign hanging from his main console. --- [door flies open] --- DANIEL JONES enters the room with a rapturous expression
Request Line: Movie Theme Songs
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the sound board, cheerfully adjusting the various knobs and sliders. Inside the studio a former NFL start sits patiently waiting for the show to begin. PRODUCER: [smiles to himself] Man, it is great to be back. [punches talkback button] Okay, we're all
Your “Give it Up” Monday Night Open Thread
Some Modest Proposals…
That’s My (Las Vegas) Raiders! GONE AWAY
EXT. LAS VEGAS RAIDERS SHARED HOUSE – DAY Establishing shot and title card. ANNOUNCER BETH MOWINS: Silver and Black Spoons [sic] is filmed in front of a thriving Scorpio [sic] audience. CUT TO – "THAT'S MY RAIDERS" MULTI-CAMERA FILM STUDIO – DAY The show's film crew are all in their starting positions, and a
Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh
That’s My (Las Vegas) Raiders! My Friend Maxx
EXT. LAS VEGAS RAIDERS SHARED HOUSE – DAY Establishing shot and title card. ANNOUNCER BETH MOWINS: The Raidders Family [sic] is filmed in front of a drive Julio [sic] audience. CUT TO – INT. LIVING ROOM – DAY HUNTER RENFROW and KOLTON MILLER are seated on the couch. HUNTER RENFROW, whose left leg is