Did you get that thing I didn't send you? Consider this an alternative "AFL Beat" that will mainly focus on the games I watched/tracked this weekend (and I make no promises of doing this on the reg). Keep in mind that I watch these games post hoc on the WatchAFL app,
Tag: Not that many links
Your “Happy Thanksgiving Eve!” Wednesday Night Open Thread
Whose Big Turk? My Big Turk, Apparently
Even on Independence Day, the Content Must Be Mined! (Though not necessarily mine)
Your “July Eve” Thursday Night Open Thread
*Featured Photo Credit From Here Brace yourselves, but the year is halfway over. That's right, tomorrow is July, the beginning of a four day weekend for Scotchy and Horatio, the start of a regular work weekend for Archduke LaCross, and a countdown to Independence Day festivities for most of us working
Your “Dear Lord, How is it Already August” Sunday Evening Open Thread
Through Which Open Door Should You Go?
For many fantasy football players that aren't me, this is a huge week. And for many real football players that aren't in northern California, it's an even yuuuger week. I'm talking, of course, about the winter solstice. Oh, and fantasy football championships, and playoff hunts, and end of the year discussions
Can’t Bear to Say Goodbye
Request Line: Things You Maybe Heard Right
2017 Quotables – Week 16 (Results)
2017 Quotables – Week 15 Results
Banner Image from Pinterest. What? Screw you. And yes, he is a big ol' meathead. Buenos días, damas y caballeros. Your usual consigliere de Quotables has decided that you all deserve his entertainment but not his judgment. So you're stuck with me. Boo fucking hoo. This week's submissions here. You'll note not all
Your “Sunday Night Is For The Birds” Sunday Night Football Open Thread
Banner image from NBC Sports Evening, degenerates. Your usual sot/introducer was unable to cobble together enough enthusiasm to slog through three of these open threads today, and who can blame him? I climbed out of the content mines juuuuust long enough to hit 30,000 feet and write up a little something