Does dim llawer o lwyddiant i’w gael yn hanes pêl-droed Cymru. Aeth Cymru i mewn i gêm gymhwyso Cwpan y Byd FIFA am y tro cyntaf yn y 1950au. Ac eithrio rhediad sydd bellach bron yn chwedlonol i rownd yr wyth olaf yng Nghwpan y Byd 1958 (lle collodd y
Tag: wales
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 5: The Battle of Fishguard
Your “Portugal/Wales” Wednesday Morning Open thread
Your “Wales vs Belgium/Free Agent Frenzy” Friday Morning Open thread
Sorry for the interruption buddies, but, I would like to wish all you mother Canuckers out there a Happy Canada Day! Please rise for Canada's official national anthem. Here's a quick history lesson of how Canada came about: After numerous drunken conferences--our Fathers of Confederation loved to get hammered so much that Sir