Jared Fogle is a Dick


Thank you, Jared Fogle. You have proven bias correct. When I look at you, instinctively, I think, “That’s a man who knows a shitload about porn,” and now I know that little voice in me was correct all of this time.


I went to grad school at IU. I have personally had a putty-colored sandwich from just that same restaurant of infamy, and the one thing I can tell you is that Fogle apparently lost weight going up and down one flight of stairs. He physically lived in the most proximal domicile to about 50% of the Indiana University campus, and by that I mean across the street from the uni. All the while, it turns out that it was just to maximize time at home in his windowless one-bedroom



Enjoy being crowned king among pud-tuggers or the next 36 months in a minimum security federal penitentiary, you prince of voluminous pornography.


The loser in this? Subway. First RGIII, now Fat Jared. They should probably go animated and find something indestructible and capable of eating gallons of their “sandwiches.” I propose Gompers, the new Subway goat!


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Covalent Blonde
There are worse things than frying an egg naked, but few things that will scald your tummy as much.
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If Subway REALLY wants to disassociate itself from things that give it a bad name, it should stop selling those “sandwiches”.

Seriously, not enough is made of how much Subway sucks. It makes Arby’s look like the French Laundry.

Old School Zero

If you think this is bad, never look into what the Quiznos people are into.


Never ask for mayo on your sandwich!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Enjoy being crowned king among pud-tuggers or the next 36 months in a minimum security federal penitentiary, you prince of voluminous pornography.”

Has he even been charged with anything yet? Nope. But you are putting him in jail for……….. masturbating to porn? I can see calling out the BS ad campaign, but your standards would have 90% of the male population and 75% of the female population in jail. I’ll have to wait until he is actually convicted of something illegal in the US before I get down on his moobs.

Just by association his fake career is over.

*Above comment void if satire.

King Hippo

That fake career has made him worth $15M.



I agree. Until someone alleges that he masturbated to kiddie porn, then I don’t get why the destruction of his reputation. As far as I know, that hasn’t happened yet.


Have a feeling that Jared is gonna end up a po’ boy.

King Hippo

In a just world, he’d get to be Bill Cosby’s very own pudding pop. Damned statute of limitations.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Have you seen the story about the head of his foundation? Holy kidballs, that guy is fucked all the hell up. If you have a kid, maybe don’t read this, I don’t and I would gleefully beat this POS to death with Jared’s corpse.


The sources for that story are all just neighbors? Not defending anybody, but that is shitty “journalism.”

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

They did knock on Jared’s door, and it was a developing story at the time. Wait, why am I defending Fox 59? I think that it’s going to be that this guy had his garbage spread out in Jared’s foundation files, at least I hope that’s it. I always hope that shit like this is as small as possible, just one scumbag instead of a group of them. I’m often disappointed, though.

King Hippo

Yeah, we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves. But my spidey sense says the tar and feathers will likely not go to waste in the end. Keep it on a low boil for now, yo.

Horatio Cornblower

Aw c’mon, I just sharpened this pitchfork and set this torch ablaze! I ain’t waitin’ fer no facts!


South Park is gonna have a feel day with this.



If the allegations prove true I suggest a full 12 inch (don’t short him Subway) turkey sub inserted anally on a daily basis.
Free extra meat on his birthday.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hopefully you are speaking about former foundation executive director Russell Taylor; since he is the one being charged with the crimes.


hi i’m jared and i lost 245 years


There it is, that’s the one

Horatio Cornblower

This is why I always eat at Burger King; no way any mascot that looks that wholesome could be into porn.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Does Macdonalds or Burger King have the butt-rapyest mascot?

comment image

King Hippo

I figured you would go with Grimace. Amorphous ball-o-rape that he/she/it be.

Horatio Cornblower

For official mascot purposes I’d say the Burger King is the rapiest.

But that guy in the picture Moose dragged up, whoo-wee, that’s a rapist.


Who knew masturbation burned that many calories?

Horatio Cornblower

Is it weird that I’m going to the gym right now?

No, I’m really going to the gym. To work out. I swear.

Oh fuck it.

King Hippo

If only my office JUST thought me celibate. Pretty sure there is some kind of office pool amongst variants of a) pervert, b) closeted homer sexual, c) serial kiler, and d) who’s Brad?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

How would they find out? Unless of course it was an actual pool.

King Hippo

Shit, that does capture my farmer’s tan, upper body definition, and social awkwardness. How deep in the NSA are you, Moose??

Horatio Cornblower

Think about the Bible! THINK ABOUT THE BIBLE!


Plus the footage of him being ushered out by cops shows that he’s grown quite a nice set of man titties and muffin top. Mmmm, such excellent cushion for the pushin’ by his daddy in jail!