It’s Time to Take Arsenal Seriously and Other 24 October Lesser Footy Matters

I didn’t want to make everyone queasy with a morning picture of aptly named manager Arsene Wenger (or any of their similarly hideous players), so instead I offer a slightly out-of-focus of pic of a random piece of art from my hairdresser’s shop. I am considering purchasing this as a Christmas gift for my oldest daughter, who is a cat freak, musically-inclined, and headed to college next August. Thoughts? Also, if you are ever in the Raleigh area and in need of a badass haircut, and/or your eyebrows waxed (SHUT UP, it’s not gay to not want to look like a goddamned werewolf), you are ordered to go to Devil’s Haircut on S. West Street.

Ahem, back to the task at hand. The English Premier League. All of NBC’s advertising is focused on the Manchester Derby, and yes, that’s an important game (Sunday, 10:00, NBCSN). Top of table City vs. #3 United. But the reason United won’t go back on top with a win? Fucking Arsenal, man. I can only make 4th place/Horatio’s locker jokes about them so long. They’re legit, folks. And it’s not just restricted to England – the Gooners dispatched Bayern Munich 2-nil midweek in Champions League group play. That just doesn’t happen for clubs like Arsenal. Well, it seems to be happening this year.

And with a home win over a humiliated Everton (who barely bothered to leave the dressing room in a shocking home thrashing at the hands of Manure last weekend), they will watch the Derby waiting to see if THEY will ascend to first place. This is “big boy” NBC’s featured match (Saturday, 12:30), but given what I’ve seen from my beloved Toffees of late, this one should be well in hand by the half. Tom Cleverley’s return is at least another week away, and that is the only thing this dispirited Evertonian can hang onto for any gleam of hope. Somewhere, Marty Schottenheimer’s ears are burning…

Leicester vs. Crystal Palace (USA) and Chelski vs. West Ham (NBCSN) are the best of the 10:00 Saturday matches. Everton’s slippage offers room for other sides to climb up to the upper-middle class, like the jackasses from Chelski. Hopefully, the more likeable Leicester and Hammers solidify their good standing instead. But I have grown very used to disappointment.

Speaking of disappointment, HOLY FUCK this Saturday JV dog slate…

Clemson at Miami (noon, ABC)

Da U can play da offense, so this might manage some entertainment value, at least. Clemson has enough athletes on defense (particularly in the secondary) to make enough stops to win comfortably, though. Provided they don’t get too self-aware. Their steady ass-pounding of Boston College has made me a believer, though.

Texas Tech at Oklahoma (3:30, ABC/ESPN2)

Yeah, this really, truly is the best game of the “prestige” window. Seriously, take a goddamned nap. The Red Raiders do not usually travel well, but Boomer Sooner is unpredictable as hell. As is Big 12 footbaw (Kansas excepted) in general.

Texas A&M at Ole Miss (7:00, ESPN)

No defenses need apply. Johnny Reb’s ass still hurts from that trip to Memphis.

Utah at Southern Cal (7:30, Fox)

Trap game for Team Secular Big Love. Will the Men of Troy fall to shit after the emotional loss in South Bend under their new interim coach? Or will they rally at home in true “fuck it” mode? It’s always hard to predict how fucking teenagers will react.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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I’m like “what I just ordered some fuckin’ curry”

Brick Meathook
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Just spent an hour with my dad because the customer service guy from the Philippines lied to him about NHL network. There are only so many derivations of “I only use the online service to watch TWD” or “fuck if i know” He was nice enough to not mock me for being obviously drunk. I am beyond just obviously drunk

He already has my best site for illegal streams and was planning to watch the game on his computer anyways because previously mentioned idiot IT guy 12 timezones away made him think after hours of talk that it would just be on the PC version for no fucking reason. I really don’t like this IT guy.

Doktor Zymm

Three hours or so till it’s time to go out. Time to put on a movie and start pre-gaming in a very moderate fashion! Feel the excitement!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know a video is asking too much, but I at least want a liveblog of it as it happens

Not the party. Just the pregame. The world needs to know your pregame movie and I wanted to copy and paste my comment


lady snow is delivering an extended Drunk History on Henry XIII and Elizabeth I. I’m in heaven.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know a video is asking too much, but I at least want a liveblog of it as it happens

Brick Meathook

I’m about to have to leave the relaxing and infuriating enigma of CFB, for the merely infuriating and soul killing fun of a family din din.

Fortunately, I’m drunk enough that i will either be genuinely mellow or homicidal if the need arises. No passive aggressive bullshit.

Have fun peeps…see ya’s later if I’m not detained.


Oh shit…I gave up on that one.
Where’s the fucking remote?????

See kids, this is why drinking too much is bad.


Nice to see that Sparty finally pulled their vajayjays together and pulled away.
Buckeyes still gonna kill ’em unfortunately. And that’s presuming they get that far unscathed.

Brick Meathook
Doktor Zymm

Fun fact. I lived on the same block as the Kiev for a year.


My goodness. What a random and interesting thing to know.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I mentioned my birthday was 9/11 earlier. Weebabyseamus mentioned my 18th must have sucked. But it is my parents anniversary and they got divorced the year before 9/11 happened. I was hoping to have one decent birthday but that never happened. So it has always sucked. Just sucked more the year it happened and every year since because no one will celebrate my god damn birthday

I might be bitter about this. Sorry.


Damn dude. Even before the parental divorce thing I was seriously feeling sadz for ya.

I mean I can only imagine…

Happy 18th to me, gonna partay toonight. Wait, what? OH COME ON!!!!!

But with that extended backstory I just wanna sit next to you and stroke your hair soothingly.

But in a totally not gay way, just so we’re clear.

Brick Meathook

Is today your 18th birthday?


9/11….that was his 18th.

Folks split a year earlier, so he had the need to have a good one on 9/11/01. A need that went unfulfilled.

Brick Meathook

OK, I see now. Your post was a little confusing but I get it now. I’m going to continue drinking and taking multi-vitamins now. Thanks.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Someone needs to take Brick away from his alcohol. He has hit the point of no reading comprehension. Also, whoever takes his booze bring it to me




Wait…I’m still allowed to drink tho…right???

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah I am just up for stealing Bricks booze. You are alright

Brick Meathook

It’s not the alcohol, MTWV. It’s all the propane I’m huffing right along with it (I used up all my ether last night)


I got keyboard cleaner if you need a fix.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am fine if whoever steals what is making you fucked up finds propane. I could try that too or fall back on my 4 liters of whiskey. I like my whiskey so the propane will just be used for normal reasons


That nearly made me spit-take some vodka.
Damn you.

Brick Meathook

Normal reasons? What else is it used for?



Brick Meathook

“Kiss me. Kiss me.”

Brick Meathook

Never Jack Ruby was a lefty. Huh.



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I made it 5 seconds into a Rick and Morty clip before I went to this

Wasn’t even a fan when it aired. Love it so much now.


LMFAO. It does have an infuriating hook. I had it in my head for days after the ep aired.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

“Shit of the floor. You gotta shit on the floor. I’m mister bulldops. I’m mister bulldops” That is what most would consider the hook part of the song and that got you? Yeah, worked on me too, listening to it for the 6th time.

Brick Meathook

Hey Hippo, as per our earlier….fuck, I don’t even know what to call it. This is the real (as in not real, but real movie, not cosplayed, etc) Baby Doll. Actress’ name is Emily Browning. God, what the hell did I do before Google was a thing??????


Oh fuck…she’s Australian.

Doktor Zymm

So…am I one of the more sober people here? Weird. Granted, it’s just because I’m going out later, and re-reading the party details the sexy costumes do seem to be encouraged, and I’m city-wise enough to not go out further than my corner bar while being simultaneously drunk and wearing something I feel the need to wear a coat over on the bus. But still weird.


Hey…you do that Suicide Squad Harley Quinn for Halloween, and I’ll drive wherever to supply you with whatever you might need. Booze, transpo….whatevah. I have a weird thing for Harley Quinn, and no self-respect.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am still on trying to get you to go as a female Mal.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am gonna watch Heroes Reborn finally. That being said I never made it past 7 min in both times I said that before. I am a fan of the new season but just got distracted by nonsense here the last 2 times


Was looking at the Cuse B-ball sked and noticed that we’re up against NC State on Feb 27th and two days later we play UNC. Hipp, Seamus-we’re gonna have some fun over that weekend.


That Feb 27th game is getting its own thread, by the way.


Sad thing is, as long as u beat the fuck out of the fightin’ asterisks (Carolina) I can forgive you for beating the fuck out of us.

I am so emotionally damaged, huh?


Maybe we’ll gel by that point but I think you guys will finish higher than us in the league and have a very good chance at whomping us.


What worries me is that a guy I’ve never seen play is gonna by our lynchpin. Unless the KITTEH (cat barber) has suddenly developed an outside threat.

Brick Meathook

I wish NCSU had the Vols’ kicker. At least he misses from long distance.


This one is one of those “Go Meteor” games for me.
Cocksuckers on both sides o’ da ball.


Racist Grampa….who’s got one of those?

/looks around sheepishly




I suuuuuuck at taking shots. I might as well already be 30.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am older than you? Shit.Wasting part of my life working 2 minimum wage jobs was for nothing. And a true artist never loses the shot taking skill.


[piggy-backing on The Hipp]

Do you like spicy food? Enjoy it to the hilt now while you can, buddy.


Already on it.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am 31 or 32. But still am on board for both spicy foods and shots.I win!

My birthday is 9/11/83. I know that but never know my age and refuse to try to get my age right here.


Wow. Your 18th bday must sucked ass dude.
Sincere condolences.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Sill is a goddamn Saint. This will be the first and last time I am ever nice to him, but he is being nice to 20 drunk people while staying sober. I admire the effort

… can I go back to being dick to Sill, that felt like forever


Sill does deserve credit for dealing with our shenanigans.

Sill Bimmons

Not sober, just not drunk.

Drunk people are funny when you’re not drunk.

Brick Meathook

Good afternoon, folks! I am completely and totally hung over from last night’s marathon Sexy Friday . . . Hell, I’m still drunk is more accurate. I’ll have you know that I got my burn on in the safe and responsible atmosphere of my own Man-Cave (yes I actually have one!). No motor vehicles, sharp objects, or spouses were involved. Bully Dat!!!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah, many of us are irresponsible drunks. No need to brag

Brick Meathook

it was actually a cry for help


Boy did you come to the wrong place.


FWIW, I’m knowingly doing a “beer to liquor” day today. Just bcuz I don’t want anymore beer but still want to keep…hey fuck you, why am I explaining myself?

Brick Meathook

“Never complain,
Never explain.”


And never put anything in writing. 😉

Sill Bimmons

Upgrading Pitt from the Independence Bowl to the Belk Bowl or, dare I to dream, the Taxslayer Bowl.



Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

Best sign of the day:


Now drinking: Prairie 3rd Anniversary Raspberry Farmhouse Ale. Tropical Storm Daydrink continues.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Do you not have any real drinks at your house or local bars?


These drinks are not just real, they’re too real.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I said I was gonna take a break from drinking while eating my nachos, but calling rum/everclear mixes and raspberry beer acceptable I will take a shot of whiskey just out of spite.


Whoa, who had the rum/everclear mix?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Oh that wasn’t you? Sorry. I have no clue who really had it now

Spanky Datass

It was yeah right via Memphis. And rum is wonderful but Everclear is only fit for cleaning bongs, just ask Sill.

Sill Bimmons

It’s true!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am mean to rum only because I abused it. Drank a 1.75 in an hour in college, spent the evening 18 and drunk off my ass with an RA that never called the cops. To this day can’t even smell the stuff


Also, there’s no way in hell you’re taking a shot of whiskey without me. Arming the Buffalo Trace.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I missed taking the shot with you. I am gonna take another one now to keep up, or something. Yeah don’t care, I am up for another shot for no reason.

Spanky Datass

Samuel Smith: Tadcaster, Taddy Porter.

Sill Bimmons


also winter warmer which is not only available in the winter as its name would suggest


Samuel Smith’s stuff is all good. Love the Oatmeal Stout.

Spanky Datass


I’ll look for the winter next time. Luckily two of my local booze barns are in and arms race over craft beers and the preferred weapon seems to be bombers!

Sill Bimmons


apparently some people call it winter welcome it’s about telling not spelling i think it’s there best beer and its in my top 5


Hippo Dude, I am so disappoint I didn’t see this earlier before today’s face to face. I would really have liked to check out teh eyebrow work.

No judgement, fwiw. When one hits 40, hair seems to sometimes get a mind of its own.

Aaaanndd…that’s enough on that particular subject, even for THIS site (hey, at least I don’t get censored here, right?). Still LMFAO’ing ’bout that, btw.

Sill Bimmons

I haven’t paid for a haircut in almost 20 years.

Sill Bimmons

I have a nice bullet-shaped dome.

I’d look weird with hair.


Wait a minute. You’re Tony Bruno, aren’t you?!

Sill Bimmons



Finished scan of the completed angel pic from last month (hope this posts direct; tired of making people click on links). Please validate my ego:


I’m excited when my stick figures resemble something more than two lines and a circle connected. This is some damned fine work, sir.


Thank you. Much appreciated.


I’d fuck her. Unless she’s related to Cris Angel.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

You are really talented, but never trust WCS. Accept the love from everyone else though


Pardon my lack of eloquence (I maybe have had a drink or two), but that fucking rocks da house. Very impressed.

Sill Bimmons

Have you ever sent your work to Palladium Books?

They do a series of RPG books that are full of art similar to yours.


Added a bunch of Christina Hendricks cleavage gifs to Sexy Friday.

So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o’clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn’t go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head ’round the door, and mentions there’s a little sweets shop on the edge of town.


The original RoboCop never gets old.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am sticking with my 12 year old instinct of just hiding instead of dealing with my dick dad. But feel I should spend time enjoying things. Half naked lady for you.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Just heard my dad scream at levels he normally only does on steroids (breathing issues). Yeah just gonna hide up in my room for the next 6 hours


Punch him in the mouth.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

That is what I default to because I could take him now. The avoidance thing just works better


I understand.

How are you on liquor?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am way beyond prepared on that front. But I am putting off drinking now because I just made nachoes again

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Did your dads dad break a hockey stick over you with 20 witnesses that all got called unrealable because he was coaching your hockey team. I live with him now and supports me and is making an effort. I should shut up. Plus I have nachos to eat.

Please take this as sarcastic and dark, not needy. Like I said I have nachos so I am happy

Spanky Datass

Butterbaker Mayfield is entirely to geeked about playing his former team. Calm down son.

Spanky Datass

Sooners -7 : Red Raiders -0.


The afternoon games suck. lady snow and I are going to drink more wine and play Life Is Strange.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I want to bitch again so it is happening. Same police that use 95% of their resources (not lying, that is their plan) trying to take money from people .001 over the limit can’t be bothered with solving the 30 year crime spree that happens every year
