Your New Year’s Eve Open Thread

/arrives home today at 3pm

Son: All done work, dad?

Me: No. I’ve got to make a few phone calls and then put something together and then email it off. [walks downstairs]

Son: Let me know when you’re done.

Me: [mumbles and grumbles about this time-sensitive thing that has to be done] Yeah, sure.

Me: [walks upstairs about 30 minutes later-is presented with a jigger of Dalwhinnie by son]

There’s so much talk about “The Christmas Spirit”, why does no one talk about “The New Year’s Eve Spirit”? [wipes away tear thinking about son’s gesture]. Okay, I’ll assume that we’re split with respect to guys/gals going out/staying in. Whatever you’re up to, have yourself a good time. As far as the typical New Year’s sentiments are concerned, I sorta-if I bother to think about it-wish you folks well all the year long so I won’t now indulge in that stuff. That’s just me-you guys do whatever the hell you want. Whether you’re drinking up, snacking up, trying to get laid, bingeing yet again on the many sports offerings this evening (guilty) or whatever, take care of yourself so that we can keep this little thing that we’ve got rolling on into the future.

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Doktor Zymm

“Sloth would be best, he’s a lawyer”

Sill Bimmons

One more pump
Or one pump fewer
You’re not you
You went down the sewer

Doktor Zymm

I want to eat THAT


Too small….would not eat. 😉


Methinks I need to slwo the drinking to make it to next year….


Bulleitt bourbon AHOY = 2 and 3 drinks

Sill Bimmons


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, since you didn’t answer the dinner and drinking question; you’ll be punished severally…… with food porn.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Happy New Year, UK and Ireland!

Doktor Zymm


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That’s like 100 in Freedom Units.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Janitor running the big machine in the hallways, then the buffer, Most stressful; the one I have now, thanks.

Sill Bimmons

Manually filling chromatography tubes with EIGHT separate layers that if 2 out of 100 failed post-manufacture inspection the whole 100 had to be discarded and I had to pay for them.


I actually liked it cause the pay was pretty good, but I imagine that most people would imagine its a terrible job…and there were aspects of it that did suck…like when a week old deer would explode on you during the summer…but I had a job picking up road kill with a county.

Sill Bimmons

You should watch Dexter Season 5.

Sill Bimmons

~105 F Canadiana.

Doktor Zymm

Oh! They have the original Bedazzled on Netflix! Done and done.

Side note, I watched a super-depressing documentary yesterday (India’s Daughter, watch it if your New Year’s Resolution is to hate people more) so now Netflix is recommending more depressing documentaries for me. Not tonight, Netflix, not tonight.

Sill Bimmons

So which of these academic travesties is more worthy of revulsion?


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Sill Bimmons



“Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Doktor Zymm

I’ve seen worse. Much worse.

Doktor Zymm

I think watching Zombeavers might be a good way to ring in the new year.




Cant wait for the sequel about vampire roosters.


Porn is always in season!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Steak, coleslaw, beer, scotch, maybe a cigar…..

What is it for you?

Doktor Zymm

There should be an empanada group. You can put pretty much anything in an empanada, and you can pair it with whatever drink you like.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hey, I was just curious, no big deal, man.


At this point I’ve just given up trying to remember and figure out what is pass interference, and its differences between college and the pros.

Sill Bimmons
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Heart of Glass….indeed.

Doktor Zymm

Oooh! I think I hear the first drunk on the street below! Happy New Year y’all! It’s been 2016 in Kiribati for almost 14 hours now!

Sill Bimmons

New Year’s in Sydney was fun.


Pussy on pussy violence?


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The worst kind

Sill Bimmons



I got to work with GE shit all the time…PLC’s…Transformers, Motors…etc.

I fucking detest dealing with GE. They keep offering me more money to work for them instead of my current employer and I cannot bring myself to even talk to them because every fucking time I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEIR CUSTOMER SUPPORT I SEE THE RED AND BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO PEOPLE AND THINGS AROUND ME SDLKGHF{WSRIGH{WPERIHG{GVNLKSDGJSPDOTRJUFWP}{EJRF!!!!!!!!!!!!


But, but….teknawluhgee and shit.

Sill Bimmons

My grandfather worked for GE installing and servicing X-Ray machines.

I’m OK with them on a micro scale.


They are such a massive company that they don’t care at all about making one particular customer happy or project function like the contract dictates because for a lot of their shit, you got no one else to go to.

Hence most people refer to GE as “Good Enough” which is usually what they try to claim when their shit does not work.

I have been fucked so many times by those clowns.

Sill Bimmons

GE is awful.

Just not for my family, from 1940 to 1972 in particular.


Has Spotted Cow ever been discussed on this site?

Sill Bimmons

Spotted Dick has.


New Year’s Resolution #1…Moar Yoga
(too sweaty, would not bang)
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Sill Bimmons



She does have a certain…something.

Sill Bimmons

/so here goes

I really don’t get the Chrissy Teigen thing.

She’s an absolutely gorgeous woman, there’s no denying that.

But a global supermodel? I’m afraid I’m missing something.



Too asian…would not bang
(STFU HIppo)

Sill Bimmons

That’s what I said to the orange juice last night when Pitt went up by 8.


What’d the five fingers say to the face?
(no judgement…I’m and NCSU guy after all)


Still at work.


Doktor Zymm

Run for it!


Iced tea n vodka = drink #1

Sill Bimmons

That’s no way to honor St. Bourble!


I been drinking that all day.
Well, minus the iced tea.

Sill Bimmons

Someone should really .gif a Bourble Meter.

Someone really cool, with like, .gif knowledge and stuff?

Boy I’d sure like to be BFFs with someone so cool they could .gif a Bourble Meter!

I’ll bet everyone else here would, too!

Sill Bimmons

That’s very nice, but it’s not a Bourble Meter.


Yeah, but….who cares? Boobs.

Sill Bimmons

Getting closer…

Sill Bimmons

But bourble is bad.

It’s “bourbon trouble.”

There is no winning, there are only degrees of losing.

That’s why you need St. Bourble to protect you.


Let’s get on that shit. ON THE DOUBLE

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Old School Zero

That man looks healthy, but he sure does have big breasts.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Not going out; big fucking surprise.
Plenty of booze in-house; big fucking surprise.

Old School Zero

and a happy Moose year!


Why hello Miss. May I hang your jacket up for you.


If any of you felons are allowed to have a credit card, and happen to have a discover card, and have signed up for the 5% cash back thing, today is naturally the last day to get 5% from amazon. Time to stock up on bulk ethernet cable and dildos!


Are we still talkin FOOBAWL in here?


I don’t get at all Ryan Seacreast at all. I don’t get his draw to people or why he is popular…but holy shit does that guy fucking work. He does like everything from radio to TV.


He’s bland, inoffensive, and his voice doesn’t give too many people that immediate nails-on-chalkboard visceral response you get from, say, Pheeeel Seeeeems. That alone means his milquetoast ass is welcome in multiple mediums because while he has no direct appeal, he doesn’t piss off anyone from any sizable demographic enough to prevent his getting work.

Doktor Zymm

I have some dumb idea about not drinking enough to have a hangover tomorrow, since I’m making injera and other Ethiopian stuff to eat with the injera tomorrow. However, I can sleep in tomorrow, so that’s probably still a good amount of drinking….

I made my kimchi today, and it is happily beginning the aging process on top of the fridge. I’m guessing the fish sauce is the fermentation starter in there? Luckily I’ve never been drunk enough to consider drinking fish sauce.

Sill Bimmons

There’s vegan kimchi, so it must be something else.

Drinking fish sauce actually sounds like a better idea when sober.


You guys n girls with your fucked up New Years’ foodz. Ribz with blackeyed peas and collard greens. Don’t make me tell youz agin.

Doktor Zymm

Five minutes of research has revealed that the bacteria for fermentation live naturally on the veggies. Sure, I’ll buy it.


That is sexier than my body cast I had as a kid.

Sill Bimmons

Best. Job. Ever.


Inorite? Where to send my curriculum vitae?


Not enough mics? No, wait, that’s too many MCs. I’ll figure this shit out one day.


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Sill Bimmons



Tonight is the Feast of St. Bourble.


Doktor Zymm



Victory Whiskey has already made isself known in my corner of the DFO bar.

Sill Bimmons

I’ll drink the bongwater in honor of St. Bourble.


Oh. Oh jesus. That’s gonna be an experience.

Sill Bimmons

Going to discover St. TaHeCi woo


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Sara Jean, I presume?

Doktor Zymm

I think this’ll be the first New Years I’ll be staying in, since I’m really not motivated at all to shower, dress, walk somewhere and pay money for alcohol in a place where other people are. Does this mean I’m officially old?


Not old.
But perhaps, matured.

Old School Zero

Nah, just wise.


That’s why I’m having people come to my place. Strangers are bad.

Brick Meathook

Two holidays I never leave the house: New Years Eve and Saint Patricks Day.

Those two are when ALL the amateurs come out.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, this is the first year I’ve been in Chicago, rather than DC/MD. Usually it’s a friend who’s having a party of some sort, but I ain’t got the hookup here.


You’re just old and condescending.


Don’t talk down to me, old man!


Still at work and in a cubicle next to my boss since my computer crashed so no chance at sneaking out early. Thinking about the pulled pork that is presently cooking at home to feed my family and friends tonight. Thanks to all of you here that make the Internet a tolerable place to be. Or at least this corner of it. Will drink to all of you later.


I need to make some pulled pork.


No….that’s just….no.

Old School Zero

Already fucked off from work OFFICIALLY for the year, and now I’m just trying to bide my time before I have to do anything. This weekend might involve moving the essentials over to my girlfriend’s house so that I can start living over there. And then the next few weeks will be the constant fun that is moving. So I’m going to relish my downtime as much as humanly possible right now.


Oh boy, u gonna be all in luv

Old School Zero

we already b dat, now we gun b affordably in luv


Happy New Year, Western Europe!


There is literally no fucking skill in that game. Its akin to just sitting around and flipping a fucking coin over and over again.

Sill Bimmons

Easy there.

That’s what the cheerleaders are for brah.

Sill Bimmons

happy new year you guys


Happy arbitrary declaration of another trip round the sun completed, your own self, sir!

Sill Bimmons

See, a non-arbitrary way would be if the New Year were celebrated on the winter solstice like it always was in this tiny corner of the world.


I agree, that would make sense. But when did human beings do a damn thing that made sense?

Sill Bimmons

Back when they thought that the sun might be going away forever every Dec. 21.

Covalent Blonde

Did I have half a bottle of a delightful little champagne at lunch? Yes. Will I be finishing that the second I kick my clogs off after seeing my last three office calls? Most definitely!

It’s almost a pity that I’ll be too tired to keep my eyes open past about 8:30 PST. It might be fun otherwise!


I stumbled into the Spanish broadcast for the Clemson/Oklahoma game, and the announcers almost make college football watchable.


Work finished: Check
Dog walked: Check
Vices purchased: Check
Feast cooked: Check
Scotch poured: Check

Time to gluttonously eat like the Taco King I am, imbibe in my favorite vices of choice, and enjoy the fact I lived another year.

You people (YOU PEOPLE!) have a good one this evening, don’t get caught doing something stupid, wrap it up twice if need be, order Uber, and enjoy yourselves.


Everybody have a good and safe one tonight!


Got condoms, a burner phone and a fake ID. Can’t get much safer than that.


I’ve already scoped out the car I plan on sleeping under tonight.

An ounce of preparation pays a pound off later.

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