I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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Careful…hot teaks THIS HOT can melt steel beams!

Unlike jet fuel…


Hot teak

comment image


…clicked expecting Taaawmy!…and leave pleasantly surprised.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think that was Nat Turner in disguise, slightly different persona.


Our very own MakeItSnow, everybody!

/not really
//but seriously I originally thought this article was (incredibly dry) satire. Then I saw the visualization (red and white cat’s cradle thingies at the bottom) and it actually makes sense. And of course all of the comments SHOULD be satire but they aren’t.


I agree. No way the Buccaneers go 6-10 without a cream puff schedule.


YAY maths!


“Losing With Grace: The 1990s Chicago Cubs”


“Losing with Grace: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly contacts an old girlfriend to let her know he’ll be in town for a weekend and to see what she’s up to.”


Ouch. +1 Slumpbuster anyways.

Old School Zero

We better watermark this before NFLMemes steals it.

Unless it’s stolen, in which case, we better lay low and avoid Officer Krupke.

Doktor Zymm

It’s a good thing I’m at home alone right now, cause otherwise I would have gotten some very strange looks for all the hysterical laughter. This is fantastic. Top-notch parody.


Are you evening paying royalties

If this is real, the writer needs to be beaten with a sack of concrete.

If this is not real, it’s one hell of a piece of writing.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

The BIRDCANO graphic, which looks like it should have animated flames that were optimized for Macromedia Flash, just pulls this whole thing together.

Lothar of the Hill People

I thought that said “Birdgang”

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Finally, someone likes my cargo pants and poor vision!

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Don T

That 2 point conversion at 40-15 was a bit much. Not that Arians minded (mound? mind?); he would’ve done likewise.

I don’t think the Cards will be in that end of curb-stompings for a while. With you in the name of our Savior, da fuck that means?
/Though personally I value Black Sabbath more than Jesus; maybe it’s appropriate for me


I thought that was an appropriate response to Arians going for two to make it 15. You still need multiple TDs. Go for it later, if you’re able to score to make it close.


Just becuase your athletic, Cam, doesnt mean you half to be such a showoff, SMH.


Hmm, so why do Cardinal fans (football or baseball) have such a holier than thou attitude? Do they identify as the Cardinals of fandom? If so, who is their pope, and how do they elect him? Playoff wins going up in smoke?


David Eckstein


Is that a real thing? Holy shit!