Your “One More Day” Thursday Open Thread

NFL Nothings:

  • Tony Romo’s lawsuit over his cancelled gambling fantasy convention was thrown out by a judge. Summary judgment was awarded to the NFL based upon dismissal of the original complaint that players were coerced into not attending by threats of fines and such. Meanwhile, the League tries valiantly to fins a way to recoup that lost Fan Duel & Draft Kings money.
  • Packers president (& Mark Davis failed clone) Mark Murphy made some comments about a 17-game season and expanded international play. That way, apparently, everyone would get an international game, and he can justify leaving Green Bay during December.
  • Trump endorser Mike Ditka is apparently not speaking at the Republican convention. But now who will scream at the empty chair Clint left behind?
  • It’s apparently a big deal that the oldest receiver on the Saints is 22. More outlets to Mark Ingram Jr means more fantasy points for me, so I ensorse this youth movement.
  • It’s the last day before summer vacation, so let’s see who’s suspended in September:

Finally, JPP and the Consumer Products safety Division put out a fireworks PSA just in time to harsh everyone’s buzz:

Yep – that’s a mangled hand. Don’t do what Donny Don’t Does, kids.

Just a reminder – Battlebots is on tonight. GET HYPE, MOTHERFUCKERS! The episode is entitled, “There Will Be Bot Blood”, and judging the matches for Episode 2 are former BattleBots competitor and special effects artist Fon Davis, the face of Nerdist, Jessica Chobot, and special guest judge Adam Savage from MythBusters.

BTW, I thought the face of Nerdist was Chris Hardwick. Let’s examine the combatants.

Chris Hardwick

Jessica Chobot

Hmm…guess I will take Olivia Munn 2.0 for the block, Peter.

Tonight’s sports:

  • College World Series: Coastal Carolina versus Arizona – ESPN 8:00
    • Apparently, last night was rained out, so they’ll try again.
  • CFL: doubleheader action! on TSN & ESPN2
    • Ottawa @ Montreal – 7:00
    • Toronto @ Saskatchewan – 10:00
  • Swimming: US Olympic trials – NBC 8:00
    • Men’s 100m free and 200m breast, and the women’s 200m fly.

Did you know Michael Phelps qualified for his 5th Olympics last night? In the butterfly no less. In his honour, I will have 5 beers tonight. ADVANTAGE, BEERGUY!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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On episode 2 of All or Nothing. It’s good.


Pickett Fences was a weird show.

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Fuck Russia

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, yes, but that is not where this happened.


… also

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Speaking of severe injury or death.


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Senor Weaselo

Am I the only one focused more on the beginning of the video, lower down?


And the pre-flight crying has commenced.

Not mine, that takes a few more bourbons and wistful thoughts.


This guy needs to be an on-call service. Uber for bitchslapping fools.


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There are a good 7-10 babies boarding this flight with me. Fozz, you want to meet me at BWI so I can get housed and not have to drive my car back into DC at sunup?


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Mom, dad, grandpa, two children under three and two cats in carriers just boarded together. Not enough liquor on the plane…


Both are reasons it’s called the “red-eye”. You could always ask the pilots to share some of their hooch.


That seems like a worthy challenge


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Iceland’s winning goal over England.

Doktor Zymm

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Men robbing people stuck in traffic on Michigan and Wacker. That’s … wack

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’m sure they are all that way.


Ahhh… Football. What?!? Canadian what?? Ahhh, fuck it, I’m drinking anyway. Sigh…


Oh man I tried. But 2 and out? The last TD I saw was 20 yards deep past the goal post. And the clock was running on the XP try.


Try harder… that’s code for “vodka.”


Sorry, I’m back now because it’s moiety-time.

Doktor Zymm

I’m so glad my last name is pretty much unique to my family. Also glad there are no terrorists in my family.


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Why is an 8 year old a frequent flyer?


Rich parents with split custody.

Doktor Zymm

It sounds like his parents fly a lot and he goes along for vacations.

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

Never lift with your back


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Goddamit…why do I always feel compelled to gif equal time to Dok and CB?
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Here; you could use your “hope they die” internet sentiments on someone more deserving like the asshole who robbed this lady:

Doktor Zymm

Holy shit, I just read an interview with her a couple weeks ago. What total ass would do that?


Hey, gang, remember how I had to drive from San Fran to Sacramento last night because a colleague forgot his license expired before he picked up the rental car? Well my flight from Sacramento to San Fran so I could take a redeye to DC had engine trouble, so united put me and two random dudes in a freaking cab to SFO. I am a little cranky right now.


San Francisco hasn’t had a good mass fire since 1989.

Just sayin’


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Very flip deserving, if I do say so myself.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Oh, yeah, we’re just roommates.”


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“One of the reasons I think women are so obsessed with Tumblr porn is because its not aggressive.” –

We obviously traffic in different parts of tumblr. (The article uses this gif)