July 2 morning Open Thread

Man, everyone must really be enjoying the holidays weekend!

There is Germany-Italy and a shitload of WW2 jokes on tap today.  Also,  I expect random gifs, near-naked girls,  and beer talk.


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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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My spidey sense tells me….uhhhh, uhhhh…oh shit….
Sorry, let me get you a towel.


I know, these things are cracking me the fuck up.

King Hippo

to be honest…I have to wait on some laundry to finish. Oldest white Saturday night answer ever!


Today was a good day. The lady and I joined another couple in visiting three of DC’s newish distilleries and a brewery. Let’s get crunk.

King Hippo

I guess you didn’t even have to use your AK?


Shit got real for a little there, but all good




I just want to point out that depending upon where the “rim” discussion goes, it might also determine where the “depends”™ discussion goes. But yes, it never hurts to be prepared for all possible permutations.

King Hippo

I enjoy the new Glass Animals track:

What you suggest sounds DIRTY, good sir, and I shan’t hear of it…


I mentioned the salt, sugar, lime thing earlier and if we really ARE discussing a rimmed alcohol glass? It’s decent but all in all…

I can do without it.

Now if we’re discussing other applications, I prefer mine Thai style.
That means yes.



King Hippo

good Bowie hustle!!

King Hippo

This is the longest goddamned morning I can ever remembers.

/cracks 3rd beer so won’t be tempted to drive

//time to take it DEPRESSING!!


Ummm, not sure how to break this to you, but it’s 10 at night.

King Hippo


/reading is fundamental

//yes, we both went to Cow College


OK, I was just a tad worried about ya there for sec.
MooU foarevah and shit.


Some of it is barely SFW, and even still totally classless.
So I guess what I’m saying is that I think that’s a great idea….


Oh nice. A new Jim Jefferies special on Netflix. The Bill Cosby Rape stuff starts early


Oh, I am so going to hell for laughing so hard at this.
Meh, my reservation was already pretty much guaranteed.


Such attention to detail!!!!

King Hippo

I’m a sucker for detail. Also, Catherine the Great would love us this…morning

King Hippo

True or False (and this pisses my college drinking buddy off something fierce):

C.H.I.P.S. is arguably MOAR homoerotic than even Top Gun?


Also, True.
Ponch and Jon are dreamy.

King Hippo

some nights, one gets medium drunk and watches Trailer Park Boys, ya know?


Still working to achieve medium, but Eastbound and Down might be on the evening’s playlist so, let’s call it even.


OK, we’re all adults here for the most part.
Occasionally as a functioning human being you will encounter the digestive issue where maybe, let’s say the mail isn’t moving along.
Maybe it’s not enough fiber, I know pain meds contribute to it also but once in awhile you need something that will, how you say, unleash the flood gates.

Today’s meal worked perfectly.

I also recommend a plate of wings and a pitcher of beer.
My old school trick was to visit a Carl’s Junior and order anything on the menu.

Sorry but I digress.

Anyone else have a suggestion for a stoppage in regulation?

Not that I need it anymore.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Get some sugarless ice cream or cookies that taste overly sweet (ingredients known as sugar alcohols); eat the box…. ….. you’ll be ready to go in no time.

King Hippo



That’s another old school remedy.
In some cases you don’t even get to finish eating.

I have a brother who says you may as well eat on the toilet.
I don’t recommend it but he does have a point.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

There’s a Mexican place by me nicknamed Fila-squirtos for a reason. Even the freaking beans and cheese will do I !

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh





Goddamn that’s a tasty Margarita.
Quick and easy Margarita recipe.
1 can frozen Limeade
3/4 measure of tequila poured into that Limeade can, fill the rest of the can with triple sec.
Mix and serve over ice or put in a blender with ice and make it slushy style.
I don’t use a salt rimmed glass but if you were to mix equal parts salt and sugar with a squeeze of fresh lime juice, mix together and rim the glad with that I wouldn’t complain too much.

You’re welcome.
I’m drinking again!


comment image

Brick Meathook

I’ve had a different version of this.

One can frozen lime concentrate, pour into blender
Fill empty can with tequila, pour into blender
Fill empty can with Mexican beer, pour into blender
Pack blender to the top with ice
Blend until Squishy-fied
Get hammered

Horatio Cornblower

I remember this from a ways back; some German beer ad. It’s actually pretty funny.

Horatio Cornblower

Might’ve been Australian at that.

Doktor Zymm

Also, Fuck everyone who needs it. And that’s many, many people.

King Hippo

In the future, God willing, the world will have 6-foot cats that patrol the streets, punching humans that need it.


That really was comical.


Christ, that one should have been saved.

King Hippo

Honestly, I think he just wanted it to end. Before he had to take one himself.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

First read that as ‘shaved’…. I’ll stick with the first version.


Horatio Cornblower

Let’s see Germany top that!

/German kicker collapses and rolls ball forward 3′

King Hippo

the keepers have to go soon!


That’s my favorite part!


Kimmich looks like King Tommen.


Saving your best penalty kick takers for after the first five is a pretty novel strategy, and it’s surprising to see both of these teams adopted it.

King Hippo

now, here come the fuckers who are SUPPOSED to be bad at pens…

Holy fuck, this is an atrocious penalty kicks.

Maybe they’re kicking with their non-dominant legs?

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus Christ.

This is almost becoming hilarious.


What the fuck are any of these people doing?

King Hippo

The fuck indeed

Horatio Cornblower

Throwing a game?

Horatio Cornblower

This shoot-out has all the competency of the British vote to leave the EU.

King Hippo

These were supposed to be the GOOD teams? Jeebus…

Horatio Cornblower

I will never get tired of watching Thomas Muller fail.

Surprised he didn’t grab his ankle and fall to the ground after the save.

King Hippo

Is Muller taking a dive or something? Holy shit.


25 people coming to my house for the 4th of July for a cookout and pool party and its now supposed to rain and storm. I know God isn’t particularly fond of the two finalists we’ve chosen for President, but why does he have to take it out on my and my family?

Horatio Cornblower



Do they make one to cover a 27′ pool?

King Hippo

you’re ALREADY WET in the pool, so what’s the problem?


The lightning may pose a problem…

King Hippo

Hey, you only live once…just mock anyone who shows concern.


Yeah, but that’s for harming his greatest football creation.


Horatio Cornblower

That was one nasty injury.

King Hippo

My hip hurts thinking about it.

/pill bottle flies open



King Hippo

my cats are bored by teh Lesser Footy. Yours?


Napping harder than I have ever seen a creature nap in my life.

King Hippo

Thomas Muller is this team’s Odie, huh?

Horatio Cornblower

The Germans with a lightning like counterattack!

If only there were a German term for such an attack….

King Hippo

Feels weird cheerin’ FOAR teh Krauts. eh?? But Trump is MOAR Mussolini than Hitler, so…ich bin ein Berliner WOO!!!!!

King Hippo

Tell Joachim Loew. He’s not even gonna have time to get shit on before dinner now ,, smgdh.