Commentist Beer Barrel: Skål!

Denmark got a big Olympic win today, overcoming France for the gold medal in handball. I thought about burying the lede on this, in case any Commentists log onto the site while desperately avoiding Olympic handball spoilers, but… look, I just didn’t think that was very likely, y’know? I’ll apologize now if I was wrong.

Handball’s a hell of a lot of fun to watch. If you’ve never seen it, the spectator experience is thus: You’re watching basketball with faster ball movement and big ol’ goals at each end. It’s one of the two things I discovered while living in Copenhagen, in a kollegium (somewhere between a dormitory and an apartment building) on the island of Amager that are fun as hell to watch, the other being the so-bad-it’s-good Eurovision Song Contest. I’ve done a terrible job of following both since leaving Denmark, but each, in the company of friendly Danish students and frankly awful Danish beer, was a real blast at the time. I’m not kidding about the beer. The best of it was Carlsberg, and Carlsberg’s slogan at the time, “Probably the Best Beer in the World,” may be the most undeservedly kind thing anyone has ever said about anything.

Back to Amager: It’s home to ample farmland, the Copenhagen Airport, and the fairly famous anarchist squatter enclave of Christianshavn. It’s also been home, since 2007, to Amager Bryghus. Exactly when in 2007, I’m not sure; I’d hate to think I missed it while I was living so close. But the world of beer, I’ve found, is generous with second chances. Some time in the last week or two, Amager’s beers hit the Texas market, so today I can drink to the Danish victory with something a quite a bit nicer than Carlsberg. Or, what the hell, it’s their first handball championship. Two somethings!

The first something is Amager Bryghus Lawrence of Arabica, a collaboration with Gary, Indiana’s 18th Street Brewery, and more importantly, porter with coffee and oranges added. I know! I’ve never heard of such a thing either, but it immediately sounded awesome to me too. (If this didn’t sound awesome to you, please take a few moments to recalibrate your awesome sensors before continuing.) It’s a rich chocolate brown coming out of the bottle, and nearly black in the glass, and the head hangs around for a few minutes before dissipating. Lawrence of Arabica delivers beautifully on the coffee, but on first taste the orange eluded me entirely, and I’m not sure I did any better picking it up on subsequent sips. If it’s there, I think, it’s in various component parts of the flavor we think of as “orange,” not as the whole thing; there’s a bit of citric sharpness, a bit of fruity sweetness, but I had to look for both to find them, and I didn’t find them in the same place. In any case, this is a rich and satisfying beverage and a worthy weekend breakfast beer, whether you’re having breakfast in the morning like the kind of person who wants to have a productive weekend, or at three in the afternoon like lady snow and I just did. Breakfast is a state of mind, not a time of day, but naturally it helps if eggs are involved.

The second something is, like handball and the Eurovision Song Contest, a thing I remember thoroughly enjoying years ago. Let me explain: Not long ago (in 2011, officially, though they were selling beer before that), a farmhouse brewery named Jester King opened in the countryside southwest of Austin. One of their first beers was a Russian imperial stout called Black Metal, brewed with an English ale yeast and a healthy helping of hops. That original Black Metal was a means to an end for Jester King, which aimed from the beginning to brew beer using traditional European farmhouse methods, fermented with yeasts and bacteria native to the environment. And so later batches of Black Metal were made with a Belgian saison yeast, and then with a mix of Belgian saison yeast and local bugs. Those versions are good too! But since the first recipe change, I’ve missed the straightforward bombast of the original.

Well, Amager Bryghus brought the original back, with an unspecified “Danish twist” and the perfectly forthright name of Danish Metal. It’s near pitch-black, as it should be. And… I honestly can’t tell what’s going on with it. The base beer is recognizable and delicious after all these years, but, like, what is that fruity finish? Is the beer going sour? Is there actual fruit of some kind in it? Have they thrown in some house yeast alongside the English yeast? Does it matter? I like this version of the beer. Maybe not as much as OG Black Metal, which may at this point be lost in the sands of time, but I’m not going to complain when Amager puts its own spin on the stout and comes up with a worthy successor.

Enough from me: The person with the best palate in this household has some thoughts. lady snow?

lady snow says: Ooh, what is this?

make it snow says: Lawrence of Arabia.

lady snow says: Are you sure it’s not Arabica? There’s coffee in it, right?

make it snow says: Is that a kind of coff—[checks label] oh. [find-replaces “Lawrence of Arabia”]

lady snow says: That’s why I’m here. So, I definitely taste the coffee in it. But, like, I love coffee. I love coffee. So… is this a stout?

make it snow says: Porter. Strong porter. For all the difference there is, you know. How about the orange?

lady snow says: It definitely is a strong porter. Oh, there’s the orange! It tastes like when you get dark chocolates with orange in them.

make it snow says: I’ve had those, but not enough of them to really recognize it.

lady snow says: [stage whispering] I HAVE!

make it snow says: I guess I have to be really hit over the head with it, like with Southern Tier Choklat Oranj. Southern Tier really are masters of hitting you over the head with flavor.

lady snow says: Anything that combines coffee and reminding me of orange dark chocolate beers is the beer for me. It’s a very indulgent beer.

make it snow says: And the Danish Metal? I know you never had the old-school Black Metal.

lady snow says: I think it is more sour than a standard imperial stout.

make it snow says: Any ideas what’s causing that? I have it down to four possible things, three of which I’d have expected to be noted on the label: That it’s wine barrel-aged, that it’s had another strain of yeast intentionally introduced, that there’s some kind of fruit in it, or that it’s accidentally contaminated.

lady snow says: It doesn’t taste infected. But I don’t know about the other possibilities. Maybe it is barrel aging. Was it aged in wine barrels?

make it snow says: No one’s saying so, but that’s what it tastes the most like to me. I’m probably wrong. I don’t know. Is it good?

lady snow says: Yeah, it’s good! But I want to know what’s going on with it, too.

make it snow: Me too. It may just have to remain a mystery. At least it’s a delicious mystery!

tl;dr: Welcome to the real America, Denmark! (The real America is Texas, and also winning at team sports.)

Grade: Bunden i vejret eller resten i håret!

make it snow is an alot of beer who’s sad to see the Olympics come to a close tonight. This afternoon he and lady snow each poured themselves half a glass apiece of Lawrence of Arabica and Danish Metal, and make it snow drank the leftovers. If we’re all kind to each other, except when our competitive spirits make us feel like being assholes instead, we can make the Olympics last all year.


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make it snow is an alot of beer. He is also a Broncos fan living in Denver.
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Should have put this one in the Sci Fi request line, but it’ll do here.


No thoughts from Minnie the Cat on this one?


My personal fav MGMT…plus freaky vid which should never be watched under the influence of hallucinogens.
Or so I’ve heard.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
King Hippo

I think this is the first time I have gone down an MGMT dark wormhole and shared with the rest of the class. Anyway, enjoy the fucked up as fuck video:

King Hippo

This is our decision…to live fast and die young

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

When I have to close a bunch of open tabs I left open for no reason. I like it when they are like 20 Linda Cardellini tabs instead of just a bunch of failed searches


It’s amazing how much success almost everyone from that show has had.


Sorry, that show being Freaks and Geeks.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

If you worried I didn’t immediately know what you were talking about you don’t know me. I was gonna post something about Busy Phillips boobs but I forgot what I actually was gonna say.


I don’t think that requires you to say anything. They speak for themselves.

King Hippo


I’m at least slightly suspicious that might be aimed at me specifically.
/gives Hippo the finger just in case

King Hippo


I am just dour tonight. My general pessimism/Eeyore FOAR humanity!!!


I was j/k.
And yes, I still fully relate to the humanity sucks angle all too well in spite of my general upturn from being all murder-suicidey.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

@tWBS Ska has been forgotten. I am just going No Doubt now

Just a Girl


Cover of the 80s classic originally by Talk Talk

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hey Hippo, have you been to campus since Harrelson was razed? I’m gonna try to go over this week and have a look. I just cannot imagine it not being there. Have to see it for myself.


Killer Clowns from Outer Space!!!!! A classic great shitty film.

King Hippo

The mind just boggles…


Inorite? Just gotta see it.


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Gwen Stefani in tight clothing.
/yeah, that’ll teach me

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I didn’t say I was gonna make it terrible

King Hippo

Unpopular opinion time…I don’t find her THE LEAST BIT attractive,


Yeah, but you also don’t like cheese so….

King Hippo

I find it hard to relate on how anyone differs from my assessment in both cases. I am usually more empathetic than that.


Shit, now I feel like a dick.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Anyone who doesn’t like cheese is working for the North Korean government; FACT.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Shogun Marcus

Frazetta. Nice.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

That is fine with me. One less person to have to beat out for her to for no reason fall in love with me.


Honestly, I think I’d want to punch her in short order. But from afar…attractive.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I loved her for her ska/punk rock in the early 90s and continued loving her through her going pop, then worse solo pop fazes.

No Doubt – Ex Girlfriend

Shogun Marcus

I do, but I can’t help but think after all these years it’s a mass of sentient congealed make-up and peroxide that thinks it’s human.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Seems accurate. Still into her.


Okay. I guess I will do at least a Moose-level beer report from last month. That Lost Abbey imperial stout was he best, though. I have to find more.


Oh thank god that whole Ska thing died while was in the shower masturb….errrr, while I was in the shower.
(yes, I know I started it, but it was a JOKE)

At least I smell better now. Not great, but better.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

You are making me want to post more ska just to annoy you. I was the first to jump on board when you didn’t mean to start a trend and I have nothing to do so I won’t quit.

Covalent Blonde

I will always second that motion, MTWV. I is a ska girlie!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I read an article today that says you really have to try to be bit by a spider. The spider bite and 3 other insect bites I got while outside for 5 minutes would say otherwise. My legs that are just a scarred mess because every time I go outside I get bit would further illistrate that fact

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah that’s bullshit. I’ve had spider bites while sleeping and once while trying to get a spider off my canoe so it wouldn’t drown.

I still think spiders are bad-ass.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

In the past a majority of Black Widow bites were around the genitals and ass………. they’d be defending their webs which they built in outhouses.


Within a week of moving to FL I nearly walked into a widow on my apartment sidewalk. I sprayed that motherfucker with every chemical I could find in my kitchen.


Yup. Unless “putting on clothes from your closet” counts as trying, it’s not that hard to get bit by a recluse. They hide out in shit where they won’t be disturbed like sweaters, jackets, etc.


I’m never staying over at your place.


Nah, you’d be fine. I’m really more of a hermit than a recluse.
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King Hippo

thanks for all the muthafuckin’ nightmare fuel, guys…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I know they’re not aggressive or anything but it doesn’t make the thought any more pleasant. My dad ended up with a nasty blood infection from a bite on a mc trip through the keys, and I know a kid who lost a significant chunk of his leg, along with his athletic scholarship, because of a bite.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Anecdotes aside; many are misdiagnosed for other things and the rates of bites are extremely low.


I’m aware. It’s not like I actively fear them or dislike them, but I’m careful to try and give anything that’s been sitting in the closet for awhile a shake before I put it on. I’m not the least bit scared of snakes but I’m careful when I reach into a wood pile or something similar where they tend to hide away. It’s not likely at all that I would get bit, but it’s still better to take a couple seconds of precaution. Finding a pigmy rattler in my back yard this past year just went to further enforce that precaution.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Scorpions in shoes are fun tho.


Those are you westerners problems. No worries down here.

King Hippo

spiders trap and eat flies, which makes them a-ok in Hippo’s book. FUCK FLIES

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Spiders eat all kind of annoying and harmful insects, plus they are cool as fuck predators.

King Hippo

Huzzah FOAR predators. They are especially interesting in miniature (as to capacity), whether they be ants, spiders, or housecats.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I put these on various open threads, so sorry for the repeats. Hopefully there is a few in there you would like”

Midas Touch | Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

OK, I didn’t think I’d like this one, but it was pretty damn good. Smooth and balanced. Almost too sweet for my tastes, but not quite. This might be a good summer evening brew with dinner, not over powering but very flavorful.

The Commodore, Bourbon Aged Russian Imperial Stout | Diebolt Brewing Company

This one is really big, a powerful taste, not for the afternoon when a pilsner sounds good. The big tastes and 10.5% will kick you in the balls (ovaries), but in a strong beer way. This would be good with a steak, Indian food, or some such. You really notice the bourbon barrel flavor on your first taste.

Maharaja | Avery Brewing Company

OK, this is just my type of beer; a delicious imperial IPA great all around for me. At 10.2% it does not taste that strong to me so it may be sneaky; if you seem taller all of a sudden you’ll know.

Guinness Nitro IPA | Guinness Ltd.

Let me start off by saying I love Guinness stout and it is a go to beer when just macros are available and nothing new for me to try. I really like the nitrogen; it makes it smooth and fun, gives it a creamy texture. The beer as an IPA is bland and a safe tasting beer, almost a regular ale. This will probably go over well to those that don’t really like regular hoppy, malty, and/or bitter IPAs. I won’t buy it again for the house, but may get some for a party or for nonIPAers.

Crank Yanker IPA | Eddyline Restaurant & Brewery

Well this one got a crappy review, but you know? I like it; it is smooth and a nice creamy texture. If you want something kind of lighter, but not as bland as the Guinness mentioned below, try this. I don’t get the harsh aftertaste mentioned in the review.

Hop Ottin’ IPA | Anderson Valley Brewing Company

Fine, this one I agree with. It is a bold, very tasty IPA. Not for IPAters fo sho. Goes down smooth but has remarkable tastes. Definite grab it again.

Elephant Rock IPA | Pikes Peak Brewing Company

I was not that impressed with a couple of their other products, but this IPA was delicious. A couple of these reviews are idiotic:

I liked it more than here too, but closer:

Pinedrops IPA | Deschutes Brewery

This stuff is very good, probably not for IPAters, delicious, smooth, balanced and at 6.5 it will not lay your balls on the ground after one 12 oz. The “pine notes” are very subtle.

Wilford | Wit’s End Brewing Company

To me this has a bit too much going on; while I like a lot of this small brewery’s beers, this one was “OK”, worth a try if you go, in any case.

Tricerahops Double IPA | Ninkasi Brewing Company

OK, I thought this one to be very tasty too. A double at 8.0 smooth and easy.

They *really* liked it:

Belgian Double IPA | Liquid Mechanics Brewing Co.
I’m rating this stuff delicious, although not for those who don’t care for strong IPAs.
Too small to be rated on the usual sites.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, apparently I’ve been storing those up for a while and blew a massive beer load.

Senor Weaselo

You don’t fuck with Frightful. Yes, that’s the bird’s name.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I hate I can’t find a better version on this that doesn’t have weird edits

I am gonna make a second attempt and see if it is somewhere other than youtube.


Machete approves:

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I’ll be back up around my native Gary homeland next week. I’ll keep an eye out for it, but I’m sure as shit not going to Gary just to try it. Granted the brewery is in the nicer part of town, but that’s akin to licking a pig’s taint rather than full-on salad tossing. Apparently 18th Street opened a second location in Hammond (where I mostly grew up), but for some reason opened it in just about the shittiest part of town. I can not imagine how many beer-seeking hipsters are being jacked outside of this place not realizing where their gps is taking them.


Looking at that Gary location, it’s actually reachable by train from Chicago. I might make that into a day trip.


assuming you don’t already know rod, its barely an hour from chicago.

i’ve left my house at seven, went down down, and got back home by midnight.


I’ve personally never found miller to be nearly as trashy as some people have said, gets a bad rap, not entirely unlike whiting.

i’ve yet to hit the hammond location, but i’ve heard its pretty much the exact same as miller


No, Miller isn’t actually that bad. That’s why they call themselves Miller to try and lose the association with Gary. Lake Station changed their name years ago for the same reason. We used to go to the beach out there. But unless something major has changed since I moved, you don’t want go to the Hammond location. That’s a seriously, seriously shitty area. Couple blocks south of the projects, and a couple blocks west of the area lovingly referred to as Little Waco because of the constant shooting. Whiting & Robertsdale has always been fine. A few problems here and there but nothing like further south.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yeah, maybe, still do not like Miller Lite.


I just thank god they didn’t choose chesterton or valpo, significantly higher average income means significantly more intolerable hipsters

Portage could have been a decent compromise, but it probably too close to miller


Yeah, all that shit has changed since I left. Valpo used to be really hickish but I guess they’ve had a hipster cultural boom. Too many bored middle-class dollars sitting around unspent I guess. I’ll actually be staying out in St John/Dyer are right by the state line when I’m up next week. There’s a small brewery called Windmill that opened up last year just a few miles from there, and I’m gonna finally try and hit 3 Floyds.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My room is over 80 degrees right now, outside is like 55. The solution is just to drink a bunch of whiskey or did I make that up?

King Hippo



Whiskey is a solution for which no problem is required.*

(I believe it is also literally a solution in the chemical sense.)


Christ, it’s not that cold around Chicago too, is it?


It’s gotten down to the low-60’s, which is FANTASTIC. Summer weather is overrated. A day that goes between 60 and 75 is perfect.


Yeah, I just pulled up the forecast. It’s be a nice break from the heat but I’m gonna need a hoodie for at night. It really doesn’t get below 80 down here in the summer, even in the middle of the night, so 60 and not humid as balls will be a bit of a shock. The one thing I really miss from up there is that it cools off in the evening.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am up in Appleton. So 3-4 hours north


I was actually up there a couple times to visit family probably 20 years ago. That is the end of my Appleton anecdote.


Realizing it would have been just as easy to check

Horatio Cornblower

Open your window and stick a fan in it.

Continue to drink whiskey.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Before I gave up trying to find something on Netflix or HBO Go I really wanted to watch A Knight’s Tale (also my DVD is missing so I tried at least 3 places)×395/

King Hippo

And of course, this is always how I picture either Balls and/or Yeah Right. Is I close?

Damn it, keeps embedding the OLD VIDEO. FACK YOU, internet.

King Hippo

This will always embody college moshpit light-to-medium ska to me…

Still harder than Mighty Mighty Bosstones!


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King Hippo

they mention handball in Danish crime novels all the time, they seriously are likely dancing, drinking, fucking, and puking (order may vary) in the streets about this.

/also them chocolate cordials with orange are teh tits, I’m with Lady Snow here

//drinking regular old Dale’s Pale Ale here, because this August is a nutgrinder

Horatio Cornblower

Dale’s Pale is not bad at all.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Heath Ledger singing with a marching band brass accompaniment. It isn’t ska but I am posting it anyways. This gets a pass just because Julia Stiles is hot plus I really didn’t care if this video worked for anyone else

King Hippo

+ all teh oxy


Quick reminder that sweater weather is a few short months away:

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Well, seems Carrie there is also a fan of the NFL:


(I am apparently trying to cram three months of ghosthood into a few days of catchup posting. I am a bad entropy)

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Just tell everyone you were here the whole time. Nobody cares enough to fact check.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Less than Jake – The science of selling yourself short


I never really listened to these guys… now I see that was a mistake.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Truth be told. I was never really into them. I just knew this song and liked it.

Col. Duke LaCross

Saw them open up for of all bands, Bon Jovi back in ’01. They put on a pretty good show.


Picture time! Camilla is bored, awaiting the return of fooooobawwwwww:


SR-71 covering In Your Eyes. Played at double the usual time signature, and it sounds kinda awesome:

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Reel Big Fish – Take on Me


These guys played my town about four months ago, free outdoor concert. Good show.


Been a distinct lack of Bouncing Souls around here:

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Save Ferris – Come on Eileen


Also Ska (these bastards brought the sound to lots of suburban white neighborhoods back in the day):


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This is how I always pictured Hobbes waiting for Calvin to get home.


*Note Bitches is a term of endearment in this case

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know Sunday night’s during the offseason are somehow slow nights. Would anyone be opposed to me posting more music or pics just out of boredom? There is nothing on until John Oliver unless you tie me down and force my eyes open for a viewing of Ballers


The Night Of has been pretty good, despite having about 12% of screen time devoted to John Turtorro’s feet for some reason.

That said, I have no objection to music and pictures. Here, I’ll pitch in:

King Hippo

it IS quite good, not perfect, but GOOD

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

No Doubt back when they were sometimes ska or ska-ish – Oi to the world


Great post, but I think Lady Snow ought to take a guest host role one of these days. Seems like she’s the creative force here anyway. You’re just the interviewer. 😉
And did someone say Ska?
(sorry couldn’t resist)


Just don’t tell her it was my idea. 😉


Motherfucker is FAST.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I agree on Lady Snow being the real talent here

And no one ever requests ska, but you are getting another one anyways

Mighty Bossstones – Impression that I get

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Belgian Double IPA | Liquid Mechanics Brewing Co.

I’m rating this stuff delicious, although not for those who don’t care for strong IPAs.

Too small to be rated on the usual sites.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

A moment in history:

During WW2, Congressman Andrew May is credited with sinking ten U.S. submarines.

Visiting Pearl Harbor, he was briefed that the Japanese had no idea how deep our submarines could go and set their depth charges too shallow. He reported this interesting fact in a press gathering on his return home which was duly printed. Of course, the Japanese picked up this fact and reset their depth charges.

A loss of 800 men to other men’s ego.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

bio of Congressman Andrew May. . . . elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-second and to the seven succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1931-January 3, 1947); chairman, Committee on Military Affairs (Seventy-sixth through Seventy-ninth Congresses); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1946 to the Eightieth Congress; convicted on July 3, 1947, on charges of accepting bribes for his influence in the award of munitions contracts during the Second World War; served nine months in prison during 1950 and received a full pardon from President Truman in 1952. . . .

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Silent Victory” – Clay Blair. Vol.1 pg 397

“A serious breach of security may have helped the Japanese anti-submarine forces. In June 1943, Congressman Andrew Jackson May, a sixty-eight-year-old member of the House Military Affairs Committee returning from a war zone junket, gave a press interview during which he said, in effect, Don’t worry about our submariners; the Japanese are setting their depth charges too shallow. Incredibly, the press associations sent this story over their wires, and many newspapers, including one in Honolulu, thoughtlessly published it.

“Lockwood and his staff were appalled–and furious–at this stupid revelation. Lockwood wrote Admiral Edwards in acid words, “I hear … Congressman May … said the Jap depth charges … are not set deep enough. … He would be pleased to know the Japs set’em deeper now.” And after the war, Lockwood wrote, ‘I consider that indiscretion cost us ten submarines and 800 officers and men.'”

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I found this interesting. I thought giving it a This is great would be not giving it enough praise so this slightly longer reply is what I decided on.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just read about it and it caught my eye. Of course at a time of complete national crisis the news papers just went with it on the wire service, then again they probably did so because this guy was a ranking member on the House Military Affairs Committee, so they probably thought it was OK.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The saving part is most of his boasting is lies……..


I can keep my mouth shut. I don’t brag, ever. The other day, people were saying, “That guy entropy? MODEST. Doesn’t toot his own horn.” But I have a horn. The best horn, in fact. Just don’t like to remind people of that fact.


The great part about doing that is how much smarter and wiser people will assume you are simply because you don’t speak. Just cutting your utterances in half boosts how intelligent you appear.

Of course, the ability to shut the fuck up isn’t uncorrelated with intelligence, so perhaps I’m exaggerating the benefit of simply saying less.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Great post.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

How dare you call Texas the real ‘Merica. I am pretty sure their state officially hasn’t joined the country again from one of the times they tried to leave. Also their state is worse than the Dakotas and Montana with having absolutely nothing in it but 12 hour drives from cities of 2000 people


I did like San Antonio. And Enchanted Rock was pretty neat, for being a giant granite egg in the middle of fuck all nowhere. Austin is fun. And then there’s the thousands of miles of border, letting you know you’ve left that fucking hell hole. That part is nice, too.


Are you native Colorado who has a bumper sticker that broadcasts the fact to all those assholes who moved to Greater Denver just to ruin it for the true Coloradans?


Good fucking riddancto trash people and a trash state.