Your Sexy Monkey, Gif-Crazy, Preseason Football And Other Assorted Shenanigans Open Thread

What a week, huh? So many highs and lows. And the in-betweens! [nudges non-existent buddy with elbow] Don’t get me started! I’m thinking that all you folks out there are simply scanning these words as you hold your snifter of Amaretto and saying, “Geez, Get this crap over with, get to the games and then shut your hole”. Well I can take a hint. TO THE GAMES!

Pats/Panthers-This should be the best game of the soir. Carolina is trying to figure out which ragamuffins are going to play behind rb’s Stewart and Tolbert. Fozzy “Wokka, Wokka, Wokka” Whitaker, Cameron Artis-Payne and Brandon Wegher get to show their wares against the Pats top 10-ranked rush D. As far as the passing game is concerned the Panthers seem set at qb and wr Ted Ginn Jr. will prove to all those doubters that last year was indeed an “outlier” year for him.

Will Sir Tom of Brady play? Reports indicate that he’s traveling with the team but why wouldn’t he? No one outside Greater (HAH!) New England gives a rat’s ass. The Pats traded for the Browns lb/de Mingo, thus strengthening an already dominant unit. [sighs]

Bills/Redacteds-Rob Ryan’s prodigious belly travels to the nation’s capital to sample some food trucks. By this I mean he’ll be licking various windshields after the peyote kicks in. He’s such a character! I am curious to see how his D- (phrasing!) fensive backfield of Gilmore, (a rising star) Darby and others handles the likes of wr’s Jackson/Garcon and te Reed.

Browns/Bucs-Josh “Gosh, how long ’til he gets suspended again?” Gordon should be on the field tonight. Will the Cleveland O be sneaky good this year? The possibility exists. Some of that “Big If” is dependent on te Barnidge duplicating his very not Barnidge-like stats from last year. Like I said, “Big If”. Will wr Evans lead the league in drops again this year? I’ve got a ton of faith/money laid on Ted Ginn (and tonic, RIGHT BOOMER?) bobbling the title away from Mr. Evans.

Steelers/Saints-I’d forgotten that lb. Laurinaitis had been signed by New Orleans. They do need all the help they can get, don’t they? [looks at team stats, sees that they were  middle of the pack in a number of categories] Hmmm…actually they didn’t stink up the joint nearly as bad as when the Wolfman was at the helm. WEIRD!

Huh. It was the Steelers that had the 30th ranked pass D last year. It’s time to hitch up them britches Allen, Allen, Mitchell and Gay. This backfield should call themselves “The Lawyers of Milloy”.

Packers/49ers-This is your one and only chance to see the likes of qb Rodgers, de Peppers, lb Matthews, cb Shields and the like. Are all those guys over 30? Seems like it. That sound you heard was a window slowly closing. I came across someone yakking that San Fran players shouldn’t be overlooked fantasy-wise because Chirp Kelly O’s create huge volumes of plays no matter how lousy they are. Lots of plays mean tons of opportunities for the likes of Hyde, Ellington and Smith. Using this logic it seems that they will surpass their projected numbers. Me? I’m not sure.

Okay, I’m off to man the grill for my son’s birthday. I’ll be with you guys in spirit(s).


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Porky Prime

Ok I have a choice here for $3…Wild Bunch or Excalibur? I can only get one.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Holy crap…that’s a hard choice. I would lean toward Excalibur because boobs. Medieval boobs.


Wild Bunch. How is this even a question?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Because boobs! Weren’t you listening?!?


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Sup, G’s?


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Oh Hai….yup, not stalking you or anything like that.


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Brick Meathook

“It’ll knock BOTH your eyes out!”
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Now WP is moderating me. This isn’t good for my rage.


Come with me if you want to live.
(Don’t have to tell me twice….where ya want it?)


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Great fucking film…I happened to catch it again (AMC?) recently.
Still holds up.



The sound you just heard is brocky realizing gifycat had an option for small gifs, and promptly stepping on to a rake sideshow bob style.

I’d like to thank brick and unsurprised for their assistance. Slaps on the ass for everybody!


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Blood diverted.

Brick Meathook



Maitland Ward. She knows her audience and delivers the goods extremely well (like getting a full body paint job at SDCC last month and then just standing in the shots to look hot and show off essentially full-frontal nudity).

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Just imagine how bad off I’d be if I was drinking.
I need to start doing that again I think.


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Good editing job.

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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This one goes out to balls. One of my favorite human type people, but still a bigger instigator than he’ll ever admit to.


Note to self, find a better host site:

Brick Meathook


post image won’t host mp4s or webm files, and won’t go over 20 mb

ezgif conversion seems to only spit out absurdly large gif files

Brick Meathook

Because those are both too huge. Learn to make your own gifs (it’s easy and you can use free software, or photoshop), and then store them for linking on postimage, along with found gifs, jpgs, etc. Small files are key. Or direct links to YouTube.


figures i’m being lazy, let me try something else here…


Gfycat is great, but you can only embed their gifs and the really good gfycat videos are such huge gifs that you need to use the small-gif version.

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More Summer

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Summer is almost over.”


Ho, no, I mean the season, the season.”


(know it, learn it, live it….but Puffy can still fuck right off….a more personified penis there never was)


Did someone mention Serenity earlier?


Yeah, that helps.
Thanks for that.


Brie Larson is Summer Glau with an Oscar


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Yeah, I deserve this.


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Brick Meathook

Oh, one more addition to that list from earlier: if you could also bring some dynamite or plastic explosives, that’d be great. An instruction manual would be appreciated also.

See ya soon!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I feel……….


Porky Prime



Have a snack.
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Simpler Times, a cheap ($4/6pk) canned beer from Trader Joe’s. Not bad lukewarm. Their Vienna was only good warm, but they didn’t have it and I was kind of hoping for it.


I’ve been tempted a couple times to try their private label beer, but am leery of it. I should just take the dive.


Don’t buy the Sierra Nevada autumn 12 pack. Trust me.
Here’s my Kommentist Beer Barrel for that. It sucks.

Porky Prime

Also, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. How that gag-inducing Robitussin-laced monstrosity made the regular rotation I’ll never know.

Insert Jamarcus Russell joke here.


I saw the Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest sixer and I remembered you wrote about it, but I couldn’t recall whether it was good or bad. So since most Oktoberfest brews suck, I just figured not to chance it.


Is Albuquerque still overrun by Warsteiner since it’s a Balloon Fiesta sponsor?

Porky Prime

Not so much lately.


Everybody in the house is asleep so of course it’s time to add alcohol to the mix and really get depressed.
And probably also wake everyone up via poorly played drums.
/serenity now!!!!!!!!

Porky Prime

You should also watch Serenity now.


Hey everyone, anyone got plan’s for the weekend?


I do now, Bernie.
(totally doesn’t involve masturbating to that gif)


Niners try to pull a Niners.
Packers pull a Packers instead.
Pre-season sux.

Senor Weaselo

Evening everyone. Today’s show was enough of a shitshow for me to go buy a 4-pack of 90 Minute which I am starting. Also I have leftover churro. How goes it?

Brick Meathook

Hey guys! I need a pistol (with ammo), some rope, a crowbar, maybe some mace, and two ladders. If any of you could get that to me tonight I’ll pay you back on Monday. Please bring to:

Men’s Central Jail
120 N Los Angeles Street
Downtown L.A.

Just wait outside the north wall; you’ll here from me. Don’t worry, this is all completely legal.


Considering that in the last month I forcibly removed from an NC DOC facility, and it was suggested I not come baxck (yeah…ok), that’s nothing.
What calibre? And how much rope?


I got one of those giant martian drill things from total recall.

Can I use that instead?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Virna Lisi in How to Murder Your Wife (1965)