Yes, my friends, ESPN is #branding this as the bestest gosh darned opening weekend you ever did see…but for reals, that is really more about name value and TOP matchups. It sure as shit ain’t about depth. As you will note in my viewing guide below, your remote control batteries will get a RedZone Channel sized rest this soggy (yeah, East Coast Bias TILL I DIE, muthaflippas) September Saturday.
Georgia Tech vs. Boston College (7:30 am, ESPN2)
I dunno exactly WHY we are so hell bent on making the people of Ireland like terrible college footy. I was going to compare it to the degradation of the Old Firm Lesser Footy rivalry, but that’s fookin’ Scotland. Anyway, read the linked article and ya’ll larn soomet, ya bloody yank. You don’t want to set your alarm for this, which may or may not count in the ACC standings. It will have no bearing on who loses to Louisville/FSU/Clemson for the league title.
Oklahoma at Houston (noon, ABC)
Hey, give credit where credit’s due – no matter how much teevee green they threw at Bob Stoops…this is a ballsy opener to agree to, especially on the road. The Cougars are a tough foe, and likely the only legit Cinderella contender to run the table and earn a seat at the grown-ups’ table in January. The Big 12 is a shade down this season, so Boomer Sooner could also use a statement win for style points.
Missouri at West By God Virginia (noon, FS1)
HAI, cousinfuckers!! We see you over there. This is mostly a viewer’s guide for WCS, so he don’t forget. But in case Okie shits all over Houston, a backup plausible option is nice to have. Mizzou could hang around. Or not, it’s week one and the fuck do I know about anything??
UCLA at Texas A&M (3:30, CBS)
This is a really interesting table setter game. The Aggies are unranked (how can this be PAWWWWWLLLL??), but you know there will be raw talent and a hostile atmosphere. Josh Rosen is a legitimate Jewish Heisman candidate, which would totes ruin OJ’s Fred Goldman joke. SUCH A PITY. Anyway, the Bruins will start getting national playoff contender talk if’n they win in College Satition. BUHLEE DAT!
LSU at Wisconsin (3:30, ABC)
This is on the not yet frozen tundra of Lambeau Field, for the first time EVAR. Sadly, Keith Jackson is dead, and Les Miles was almost fired one year before he could have munched this rarified sod. I literally can’t smgdh enough. My brain is so fucked, I was sure Miles actually WAS fired before I Googled him to find out where he was now, and who replaced him. Holy fuck, am I ever stupid.
Georgia vs. U*NC (5:30, ESPN)
The Dawgs are still starting the sad sack reject QB who couldn’t cut it at UVA. This ain’t a good sign. If I am dead by my own hand on Sunday, it’s because the Cheaters won in the Dome.
Southern Cal vs. Alabama (8:00, ABC)
This game has the fun/interesting backstory of the Trojans coming to Tuscaloosa to play Bear Bryant’s all-white Tide, and whipping their asses. Supposedly, Bear scheduled it as a “lesson” to the Board of Trustees as to why he needed to be able to recruit black athletes. Because he knew any argument based on simple human decency wouldn’t be worth his breath. Local black folks – barred from the segregated stadium – sat on a nearby hill and cheered every SC touchdown. Long story short, fuck Alabama.
Clemson at Auburn (9:00, ESPN)
Another bit of good scheduling, by Clemson’s idiot savant Dabo Swinney. Go on the road, get tested in a VERY hostile environment on the Plains…but almost surely win the game. This should help when those tough Louisville and Florida State games come ’round the bend. Plus, good teevee.
BYU vs. Arizona (10:30, FS1)
The always popular insomniac/DVR/West Coast/tweaker special. I know nothing about either side this season.
Notre Dame at Texas (Sunday – 7:30, ABC)
Sigh. Too bad the Longhorns still suck out loud.
Ole Miss vs. Florida State (Monday – 8:00, ESPN)
Chad Kelly, ultimate redneck QB for Johnny Reb, is still kicking around. Perhaps they can make things interesting, though FSU is so loaded for bear on D, it will be hard for even Jimbo Fisher to screw it up. And that’s saying somethin’ coming from me.
Deep cut

Kansas Football is undefeated.
So is Gardner-Webb.
So is Lafayette.
playoff contenders all….NOONE DENIES THIS
Looks like it’s time to go read some insane Game of Thrones fan theories
That wasn’t code for anything
but it is now
Everyone is a secret Targaryen.
Ha! That’s exactly the theory I was reading. And they all make so much sense…
sooooooo…7-3 is an insurmountable lead FOAR Orange Tiggers, yeah?
Very possibly.
Or maybe not. Aubie looks they want to break a Deshaun.
Never mind…it weren’t a Deshaun.
Same point tho.
I hit Cutler levels of not caring about the Alabama/SCU game so I went and watched the pilot of You’re the Worst because some of you were talking about it the other day. It was pretty great.
Fuck I hate Clemson.
It’s gonna kill me when they win it all this year.
When the licensing agreement comes through, this is the fantasy:
I know fuckall about cars (though I DO drive fast as a mofo), and YES, this does make me feel like less of a man.
my midlife crisis was ALMOST buying an A6.
That’s an S6.
476 bhp.
Many available for less than $20K
crisis passed, just waiting to die now
why not just drive an s6
Yeah! While you wait you might as well enjoy.
Better get it quick. BMW quietly announced that they would be discontinuing the Z4.
That’s a 2008 Z4M.
The last ZM car up until they killed it like you said.
It starts with a key, shifts with an all-gear lever, and looks like that.
Germans seem to fear curves. Excluding Porsche obvs, errtime they start getting sexay, they slam their dick in the Door like they were puritans.
Look at VW*, Merc, BMW. I’d say 80% of their respective outputs are kinda blah. The remaining 20% does a lot to make up for it tho.
*not counting all the lines VW owns/has stake in. There be lambos/audis/bugattis in there.
Or…will they just renumber/reletter it like they have errthing else they got? Coming soon the B12! NEIN ES IST NICHT Z4!!! BUY ZIS NOW! SCHNELL!!!
Not my thing personally, but I do see and appreciate the appeal.
Personally I’m big on the current/upcoming Mazdas if we go strictly by money to fun ratio.
Dayum…Aubie gotz a kicker and a half. That woulda been good from 60+ I think.
UMass has a shot in The Swamp
Dear Lord, Spurrier channeling his inner Dabo.
Miss you John.
in a world of shouty fuckheads, he was a welcome black Canadian respite
If a TV sparts guy could ever be described as elegant, he was it. RIP.
oopsie #40. intentional cleats to teh weewee??
Bad Area™- Chris Fowler
“I prefer bad area”
– M. Bachmann
LMAO…Clemson needs to designate one guy on punt coverage to look up.
Too much good shit watch
/needs moar TVs
If you don’t want to get behind James Connor’s post-Hodgkin’s lymphoma/knee reconstruction Heisman candidacy you have no one to blame but yourself.
based on the stats crawler…I think the U*NC fixture will help his campaign
LOL, that reminds me. At one point today…I swear…announcer said…
“Tar Heel D-line is just getting pounded by Chubb”
Hee hee
it’s almost like they like it!!
And yes…I did in fact yell PHRASING!!!
You two and your NC State thing makes me long for the tender, nurturing relationship I’d have with WCS if he’d made better life choices.
It’s only tender because I haven’t yet talked him into spanking me. But there’s time…there’s time.
College football was invented in 1869, Dr. Pepper was invented in 1885.
/so bored
if Dr. Pepper can’t be trusted…I just dunno anymoar man
So creepy.
I got me some candy in my pocket…no? Check the other one…
Heels turn it over on downs.

1:02 to go.
Navy Tigger done dropped Pick Six
Hippo…your multiple scores conditional has just been achieved.
PAT will make 33-24 Dawgs
I suspect they’ll go for the 2 however.
Nope, they kicked.
3 1/2 to go.
Battle of the Tigers starting now on ESPNNews btw. Just FYI.
huzzah FOAR tip
yayyyy, I got the ABC trivia question right!!
The phrasing of “associated with” the university makes me wonder…
Includes coaches and staff as well as students maybe? Or they let people train at their facilities for a sufficient donation and they don’t have to go to class maybe.
I guess all the people with “families that love them” and “rewarding social lives” are absent from this Labor Day Saturday Evening Not Even Pro Football Open Thread.
Solidarity brosephs!
That adds up.
Pretty much.
LOVE IS OVERRATE ,, ppl forget that
LOL Tide.
HAI there, TSG. Do you mind our confirming whether or not you are, indeed, DFO’s 5th confirmed lady-type Commentist Party member in good standing??
If so I need to amend my Solidarity rally cry above.
Bechtel test awareness, bro
Hah! It was a smokescreen!
/it wasn’t a smokescreen
Also, let’s not forget the distinct ambiguity surrounding Doktor Zymm.
The Commentist that uses that pseudonym has neither confirmed nor denied that they are not in fact a 16-year-old boy from Des Moines named Trevor.
Gonna regret this immediately, but only 3 (ok 2 Sill) immediately come to mind including the goddess with us currently.
American Pie Story
Vontaze Me Bro
Sonofa…I KNEW I was forgetting someone! Was unawares of VMB, welcome!
she only Comments occasionally during heavy Bengals activity now, she has a small young’un. But she cool.
COMPLETE PASS for a safety. OK, NEVAR seen that before…

she gots MAD HOPS, yo
moar liek MAD SHOPS, yo
you are just TOO CYNICAL ,, smgdh
The football (and sometimes baseball and hockey) name alert bot is overloading today after analyzing these two teams’ rosters:
Juju Smith-Schuster
Aca’Cedric Ware
Olajuwan Tucker
Wyatt Vinci
The log file ends there
Worse night – playing RB against the Bama front 4, or playing LG?
Sits next to Keith Jackson for 3 hours, never say a word.
was Keith diddling young boys or something??
Suddenly “Whoa Nellie” takes on new meaning.
91% of Penn State grads think it’s perfectly OK for them to have a ceremony honoring the 50th anniversary of his first win on Sept. 17th.
It’s not a university, it’s a cult.
All you need to do is inform them of a heretofore unknown 2-10 season by Paterno, then 91% would be in favor of firing him posthumously
If such a thing had happened at either school I attended I would have burnt my diploma on the steps of Pardee or The Cathedral.
Paterno people make sheep look like critical thinkers.
Is this the ultimate college football meteor game?
20 years ago I would have said that game would have to involve Notre Dame, but now I’m not so sure.
Done with my test. So which late game(s) should I be watching?
SC/Bama, with Clemson/Aubie on flip once it starts. DON’T RUIN MY NIGHT by talking about the fixture currently on ESPN unless UGA goes up multiple scores PLEAZ
How do England blow this match against Slovakia tomorrow?
Missed penalty? Goalie howler? Stupid red card? MRSA outbreak?
Just bet your scones on it happening somehow.
FAT SAM. FOAR the near future, the answer shall remain FAT FOOKIN’ SAM.
oh, if they make a movie of his horrific tenure…
Sadly George Wendt is no longer in any condition to play the role.
Good to see that Nick Saban is in November humorless form!
Samantha Ponder going by Sam now, apparently. Probably thought the former was too specific and would link her to Christian.
So who will be the next team to get a Dirty Sanchez since he got cut from the Broncos today?
Welp apparently the Cowboys have already put in calls.
Likely already asked Dak if he has a little sister.
Diverse crew.
HAI Sill. JV Stillers WOO?
Also Lafayette.
Hippo, now is not the time to turn ESPN.
You’ve been warned.
thought never entered my mind. Watching SC/Bama pre-game with dogshit FL/UMass game on flippage
Allie got purtier. HOW?????
She gotz nice shoulders, eh?
and she was kind enough to the proletariat to show ’em off and help wash away August 2016
Hee hee
I know it made me feel better…well it made me feel something.
UCLA WRs suck more dick than Jeff Stryker.
That were a TE but I take yer point, good sir.
/WRs made the 4Q drops that Rosen somehow overcame
Those guys in crimson will all make sure to shake Rosen’s hand, I guarantee ya. He sure as shit made ’em EARN that W.
Yikes…they don’t score here that kid will be crying later.
what a throw AND drop
Is Rosen hurt or something?
Oh Aggies.
Good thing they didn’t kick now, huh?
I think these footballing squadrons will be heard from come November. I am impressed.
Gary needs to shut up now. And learn how replay works.
That is an incredible amount of choreographed dedication to a fake army by TAMU. A little scary, perhaps, but impressive.
Sumlin has balls AND is mathematically correct, as usual
More than me. I’d have kicked the fuck outta that one.
correct officiating
Don’t see any way to overturn that. Couldn’t tell whose knees were whose.
Thanks Gary…dumbass.
He should say “fuck if I know” into the mic
That would be awesome.