Last week, the Browns showed incredible heart by battling back from a 24-13 deficit in the fourth quarter to tie the game and put themselves in position to win outright, only for their brand-new kicker Cody Parkey to miss 46-yard field goal attempt (his third miss of the day) as time expired. The Browns, of course, being the Browns, lost in overtime. As has been reported several places, the Browns elected to sign Cody Parkey over recently cut Bears veteran kicker Robbie Gould because the latter was simply too expensive. This from a team with the lowest payroll in the entire NFL. Brown on, you crazy chocolate diamonds!
And now onto Pete Carroll’s conspiracy hour. This week: Donald Trump’s microphone! This one has been bugging me all day, and since I assume you’re all drunk by now and won’t remember this in the morning, I thought I’d share my thoughts. Here’s the basic sequence of events:
- Trump gets slaughtered in the debate.
- The following morning (after learning that, freeped online polls notwithstanding, he lost the debate) he declares there were issues with his microphone.
- Five days later, the debate commission “agrees”, cryptically stating “there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall.”
There’s nothing so much fun as replacing one conspiracy theory with another, so here’s my take on the subject.
- The signal from his microphone is going to be headed into a mixing board. So if there was something wrong with the actual physical microphone, the issue would have shown up everywhere (auditorium feed, monitor feed, and most importantly, the television broadcast feed).
- If there were problems with the feed from the mixing board to the auditorium speakers, or a problem with the speakers themselves, it would have affected BOTH of the candidates. But for argument’s sake, let’s say that it *did* affect only Trump. Why didn’t anyone who was in attendance say anything during or immediately after the debate? Why was Trump the only one who noticed the phenomenon – and more importantly, HOW would he have noticed this phenomenon if he wasn’t in the audience himself?
- If there were problems with the on-stage monitors (those speakers on stage directed at the performers so they can hear themselves), again it makes little sense that the issue wouldn’t have affected both candidates equally. But again, for the sake of argument, let’s say that it only affected Trump. Then he would have been the only one able to hear it. And so how is it possible for the presidential debate commission to confirm there was an issue?
I think, using the expression “Trump’s Razor” as coined by Josh Marshall at talkingpointsmemo.com, that the stupidest explanation is probably the correct one. In this case, I think Trump told the presidential debate commission that unless they admitted there was something wrong with his microphone, he would boycott the next debate. And since it would look very, very bad for them if he did (regardless of his reasons), they agreed.
So what’s going on tonight? College football? Binge-watching Luke Cage? Stay safe out there, and make sure you get a good night’s sleep – football starts early tomorrow!
extra ded WOO
Ha!! Fuck you Death Valley.
This kills the Clemson.
Great drunken shut-in minds and so on and so forth.
not that there’s anything wrong with that
I owe you a Coke
Make it Mexican and no hard feelings.
Well done Louisville
I totally couldn’t tell.

WI had 8 first downs today and they fucking COVERED
This Clemson game started 3 hours ago and there’s still 14 minutes left in the 4th?
Hooray! Thai food has arrived. I’m starving, they didn’t have appetizers at the opera opening this year, no posters either. They must be cutting the budget.
Wait, in a year that Donald Trump is a realistic candidate for President the opera is suffering economically!?
It all went towards the production… how was it?
Pretty fantastic. The giants were excellent, and everything was just spot on.
There was a lot of really neat set stuff, so it makes sense that they spent more. Niebelheim reminded me of Metropolis.
West coasters up for 6:30am game tomorrow?
better be. Tis MANDATORY
Nope. Either F1 race tonight and sleep in or before the games in the morning.
The opening line on this game was Clemson -3.5. It immediately jumped to Louisville -1.5. I wonder how much money it takes to move the line 5 points?
A fuck-ton, but I’m not sure whether it’s imperial or metric.
Go Hoosiers!
Here we go. The Angry Birds need to score.
So, would we say it’s happening?
If by “it” you mean “Horatio is drinking too much” then yes, yes we would.
Drink, drank, drunk whatever it done happened!
Boise is playing like ass right now. They need to give the ball to McNichols on every play.
Have they tried MOAR SMURF TURF?
it’s hard to get MOAR freshly ground up Smurf corpses nowadays…
Clemson defense is spent. Clemson going to have to score on every drive here to win.
That’s Lamar! with a “!” motherfuckers!!!!
Louisville offense is lit.
Petrino done figured some shit out at the half
Like it’s not a good idea to take your co-ed girlfriend on a motorcycle ride when you have no fucking idea how to ride a motorcycle?
hey, she said it got her wet just thinking about it ,, smh
trick question, if you had a sheep any Scotsman would know there’s no need to trade FOAR sexual favours!!!
One thing is for sure, this game is living up to the hype
There will never be a better answer to any question so long as our universe exists.
as much as I love cats…50? That’s a lot of goddamned shit and piss detail
South Alabama just got a scoop and score on SDSU
surely, Sam is looking to upgrade on Christian Ponder by now…right??
Are trying to bait me? So to speak…
I hate Clemson.
I hate Dabo more than I hate Clemson.
they fit one another very well, though. But yeah, I’m Clemson-neutral in non-Dabo sports/eras
The only thing I really know about Clemson besides St. Dabo is that a kid from there got his neck in the way of Woody Hayes’ choke hold.
If I’m a college football player and the other coach puts his hand on my neck he is not getting that hand back.
gotta go for it. WUSSIES
We need a tuddy.
confession time…I never really found Jennifer Garner attractive
Hey guys, Ben Affleck comments here!
What about Matt Damon?
does NOTHING FOAR ME. Think it’s those vacant eyes. Her shoulders are also meh.
You take that back!!!!
You know you’re not supposed to fuck her shoulders right?
FWIW, my mom agrees with you.
Evening Folks!
no FGs either
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate Clemson?
Because I fucking hate Clemson a really fucking lot.
Levon was good.
no more punting, Ville
c’mon, Fightin’ Petrinos….
The girl in the Domino’s “dinner dictator” commercial is why I beat my kids and don’t regret it.
You’ve got to negatively reinforce behavior like that out of them ASAP
“Spare the rod, never taste pepperoni again”
Loovul scores on this drive and we got ourselves a ballgame.
‘Purple Heart, Silver Star…you’re a legend!’
Jack Reacher has a ways to go before he catches up with Hack:
‘Hackworth earned over 90 U.S. and foreign military awards, including 2 Distinguished Service Crosses, 10 Silver Stars, 8 Bronze Stars, 8 Purple Hearts, and 34 Air Medals. He was proudest of his Combat Infantryman Badge (and eight Purple Heart awards), which after retirement from the military he frequently wore on the lapel of his civilian sport jackets.’
“Seems like he wasn’t a hero since we lost in Vietnam”
-Trump, D.
“We did not lose! It was a tie!”
-Kline, K., ‘A Fish Called Wanda’
When there’s a win for youth football: kid on my son’s team who’d been center, and then moved around on line, and then asked to play defensive end – has the game of his LIFE.
Named player of the game and was mobbed by his teammates. Had a smile a mile wide.
Made my week.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ.
If you need to raise your blood pressure, read this:
That’s almost tragic.
oh, as a Son of the South, I already knew these whackadoos existed. AND NO, I DON’T HAVE TO SYMPATHIZE WITH THEM. And no, I don’t think more focus on “economic populism” brings peeps in her Facebook circle back. Let’s keep building on the Obama/HillyBob “Enlightenment Coalition” please…
I’m not sure they should have run that article. On the one hand it’s an interesting read on why some people support Trump despite all the real evidence showing that he’s a complete joke, and how the internet/wide exposure to conspiracy fuckwads are destroying the country.
On the other hand this woman is clearly batshit insane and the article goes out of its way to emphasize it.
Long story short it made me feel good about idiots who support Trump, but really bad for people like this woman who support Trump for reasons seemingly beyond her control.
/also rural Pennsylvania is a goddamn cesspool.
Do the kids these days just not care about the fact that if every school does Seven Nation Army it doesn’t mean anything to any of them?
I would expect most people to not even know it’s from a song, like Rock and Roll part 2
prolly think The White Stripes are some kinda one hit wonder if they DO know
It means they should get firebombed, in my opinion.
Fuck…we’re doing politics tonight, eh?
Might as well go assault myself anally with a rusty screwdriver I suppose.
Or, um, you could just drink with the rest of us.
But whatever you need to do pal.
I AM drinking.
Dammit. Don’t make me crawl out from under this couch and…
Shit, I got nothing.
I prefer to think of it is schadenfreude of wealthy, but if that screwdriver is calling you, don’t let me tell you not to answer.
Says Trump: ‘The only news here is that the more than 20 year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained.’
Hey genius, if it’s factual then *maybe* it was illegally obtained. If it’s fake, it definitely was not illegally obtained.
The only news here is that a guy running for President lost almost a billion dollars in one year while running a fucking casino.
/although I am impressed by Lothar’s use of logic to undermine Trump and would nominate him to a) moderate the next debate and b) handle my next trial.
No way could I ever moderate a debate with any GOP candidate. I’d jump my desk and stuff my fist into the face of every smarmy smug dipshit Republican I could reach.
And then get the crap beaten out of me by the Secret Service.
Fuck you, the Avetts rule.
I think we should make the unofficial slogan of the Trump campaign, “Dig up, stupid!”
‘Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.’
I like how the tax professor they talked to, if he had a client who had that tax return, would advise the client they could earn $916 million now and not pay a dime in tax.
Must be nice to be rich. Regular person goes into hock from medical bills, unemployment, etc., they don’t get to carry over their losses to successive years like that.
Pity, you just WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE FULL PICTURE, Lothar. Best to just leave it to your betters.
The tax code is over 75,000 pages long because REASONS