Lazy Wednesday JV NFL Open Thread

Embrace the nothingness with these fine fixtures:

Pinstripe Bowl – Pitt vs. Northwestern (2:00, ESPN)

The Mildcats are going to honor alum Craig Sager with a helmet patch instead of a FOR REALS colour rush, which is beyond disappoint. Pitt will run a lot, and score and allow many scores, if their ACC record is any indication.

Walt Disney Was An Anti-Semitic Fuckwit Bowl – West Virginia vs. Miami (5:30, ESPN)

Old school Big East rivalry time!! All season, I could never figure out if the cousinfuckers were any good, but I am certain that Da U is Da Middling. Anyway, interesting for nostalgia, and to see Dana Holgerson’s ridiculous hair.

What Happened to Our Almonds, Did the Wind Blow Them Away?? Bowl – Indiana vs. Utah (8:30, Fox)

This is a very interesting matchup to me, as Indiana is usually a high-scoring side, whereas Utah likes to defend, but has shown the ability to play shootout ball when need be this season. I have a hunch this one will be wild and entertaining, and hopefully Gus Johnson will commentate.

Texas Bowl – Texas A&M vs. Kansas State (9:00, ESPN)

DEFEND UR STATE, Aggies!!! The undead are coming, and Bill Snyder shall lead them ,, smgdh. Because Texas is all kinds of cray-cray, TAMU Coach Kevin Sumlin is under some heat, and I hope he wins this one to make sure he survives until NC State is finally ready to fire their underperformer.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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I feel like the only person in the world who’s mildly upset that I can get countless bowl games on my sports package except the one featuring aschool that is actually in the same state as my cable provider.

Seriously, wtf. Even if iu is going to get killed I wanna see it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Two Wednesday night open threads? This is still more coordinated than the Broncos offensive line.


How long does one need to stay at a “cookie exchange party” to be polite but not so long that you want to murder everyone?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I’d cook you cookies and invite you over, give you your own TV, then only bug you when I want I shot of what you are drinking, but I am a traditionalist. So I have no idea


That post reads like you’re trying to lure me into your home to tie me up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Colorado, Oregon, Cali……. 7 hours, elsewhere one quart of milk and then hit the road.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I have no business drving, but I had to go let my moms dog out. Thank god it was only a few blocks. I am not in shape to drive drunk/tripping on mushrooms/high as fuck anymore


Watching these early seasons of Game of Thrones got me remembering that old warming glow write ups. I miss them.

Spanky Datass

A few weeks ago I landed on SUXROXXXXX while looking for something Sarah Sprague had posted at one of the old places. WG was a wind-swept moonscape. Just a shit hole.


Great song. Crappy state.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

ht tp://

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am playing a drinking game. Take a shot whenever they pretend these Bowl games matter.


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Miami vs West Virginia?

Horatio Cornblower

You do realize that right after that is when Joker’s plan went to shit right?


You know…being ranked 23rd in the nation is sort of like being the lady that comes home after the bar and sleeps with me.

I mean…yeah you accomplished something…but I wouldn’t go around boasting about it with pride.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will be the Wisconsin to your ranking and somehow steal her away, then really disappoint her


Banner quote right there.


I consider myself more of a not ranked but received votes sort of guy.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Are we getting a second game that WCS cares about next? I will pretend to cheer for your team. I might nap

/ will probably nap


I think Land of The Lost is underrated.



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I have no clue how every cornerback goes for the interception on 4th down. Is every cornerback really a fucking idiot?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

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They seem nice.


Weed and wine naps are just the best, with still an hour til I have to pick us Mrs Cola.


now that the Bucs are out of the playoffs Doug Martin decides to get suspended for violating the NFL Drug Policy (Adderall)

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Anyone use Amazon to buy stuff? If so are third parties trustworthy to buy from?


Never had any issues when I’ve used Amazon. I believe they (Amazon itself) are on the hook to you if one of their vendors/third party “partners” doesn’t deliver.


Amazon used is good. 99% of the 3rd parties are very good.
goes back to the old saying “You get what you pay for.”

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I want the Madden Xbox One S with Madden, they only have a third party, they might have it again tomorrow, not really worried about the price which is 5 bucks more for not Amazon direct.

Brought to you again by the Department of Redundancy Department again

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

There is a very good chance I am both drunk and not really paying attention to the game at all.


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Or Pitt. I didn’t really care. was looking for an excuse to post it


I write today not about the glories of Rome and her resplendent beauty. I write today about my breakfast.


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Is it SHAN’KHOR’s will when they miss in college games or does he/she not care?

Bloody Lethal

Chris really Blewitt.


What a shock…Mike Golic hates officials making calls to encourage coaches and players to stop targeting hits.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

The QB did spear the defender on that play though. Top of the helmet into the facemask of the guy sacking him


I’m fine with the non-call there. I cannot stand Golic’s rant he went on.

Unless there is a potential cost for questionable hits, players and coaches will not change their behavior.

Bloody Lethal

I got a record player for Christmas and now am in the market for some bookshelf speakers. I’d like for them to be self powered and decent sound but I don’t know much…


I’ve always wanted to get an old, non-functional jukebox

and gut the speakers. I don’t know what it is, but I love the sound quality from them.


You know what this game needs more off?

Official reviews…

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

That was a fumble

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I’m bored and JSD inspired me to find pics.


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

So the last time I went to a Northwestern game I met a great girl. Tiny Asian girl that went to the game in yoga pants and had beers strapped down her legs and hid elsewhere on her body


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Oh shit. I meant to turn on the Northwestern game when it started. I half care about them since my dad is an alumnus.

/ will end up not caring again by like the mid 3rd quarter at the latest


What is that, Coors Light?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

No, it’s Red Bull. So it has a ton of chemicals in it that will eventually ruin your body and kill you, unlike Coors Light which is just water


Upon further review, I believe it’s Keystone Light – it is West Virginia, after all.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

It is the exact same beer


I wouldn’t know.*

*Does indeed know


Sitting at work for no goddamn reason. The entire campus is vacant but we have to be here. I’ll be here for another 6+ hours also. Tomorrow will be the same. At least on Friday I can shut down at four.

Happy fucking holidays!


Sounds efficient.


We are the official “just in case” department.


Work jerk?


I chose not to take any vacation between the holidays (OrangeJello graduates this summer from high school, so there are college visits on the horizon, and I have to move House LemonJello from the OBX to NoVA as well). 90% of the staff is out of the office, so I have plenty of time to wander the interwebs with no interruptions.


Time to be bead


What is OBX?


Outer Banks of North Carolina. Calling it the OBX is one of the many reasons I look forward to leaving it.


As a Fulham supporter I can’t support this message.


Did a little work this am and have more to do, but first gotta watch “The Last Waltz” before it leaves Hulu. All you musicophiles need to watch it asafp.

Spanky Datass

I bet I’ve watched it a dozen times. One of the best concert films ever.




Can’t I get it on Qello?

Do the rest of you get hammered with Qello commercials on your local sportstalk station?

“I was at the Bowie concert last night, front row!”
“No way! How? You were just center stage for Foo Fighters at the Coliseum?”
“It’s easy. Just say, hello qello. That’s q-e-l-l-o!”


Is that some kind of canuck jello?


No Fuck You Yankee BlueJeans Pinstripe Bowl coverage up here. How the hell am I supposed to live without knowing which mediocre team prevails?


So many mediocre options…

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Well at least there is English futbol for me to have a nap while watching.


That nut bowl logo is perfect. I want it mounted over my bed.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I like the BitCoin Bowl, because the value of a touchdown can vary wildly between 1 and 2000 points for no discernible reason

Bloody Lethal

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Who isn’t working today? This guy.

Who has been doing adult stuff for the last 5 hours? Fuck, this guy.

I do now have a drink and ate some weed brownies.


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Someone explain to me why Mike Golic is doing the commentary…


Mother of god….we got the wrong Golic…

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Folks…if we don’t watch and support these bowl games, 5-7 teams will no longer get the love they deserve…


Oh good. I was afraid we quit doing #content.