Mornings are for Lunatic Bastards

There is no such thing as a good morning. The only response to “good morning” is a kick to the throat followed by shoving a pair of ivory handled stilettos into the speaker’s guts.

Mornings eat shit. And I hate them. I am a complete night person. I get a second breath around 10 o’clock and start fooling around with stupid shit. Once, I stayed up until 1 am with my camera and a macro lens taking pictures of shit in the refrigerator. Guess who woke up more pissed off than Steve Bannon at a black tie dinner benefitting Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition.

Back when I was a post college meathead, and the earth was still cooling, here is how my mornings would go. I would wake up in a quiet apartment, with no children screaming. I would take a small box and a cylindrical item and walk onto the cozy balcony. Touching fire to paper, I would inhale and smile as the nicotine hammered through my system. Then I would drink coffee. Then I would start my day

Now I wake up in a complete and total panic, confirming I fucking overslept again. My three spawn might be awake, asleep, watching sketchy videos on their iPads, or outside throwing a ball around. The rest of the morning is a fucking blur, spiced with petty fights with my wife. (Why, in the holy name of Brooks Robinson does our bed have to be made? Are we getting graded later? Possibly grounded by our mothers? WHAT.THE.FUCK!)

Usually the youngest takes a monster dump right before we’re ready to leave. Wait until I get older and am in diapers. My diet will consist of chili, spinach, broccoli, refried beans, and draft beer. Ha! They’ll need HAZMAT suits to clean up that wicked butt brew.

I’ve covered my hatred of traffic in another post, look it up. Every day it gets worse, and every day I keep on thinking, “I really can identify with the main character in that movie ‘Falling Down.’” I did scream “eat my fuck” at an older woman who cut me off in an Oldsmobile 88.

How about when some shitbrain you work with schedules an early morning conference call or meeting? Oh baby. And if you think offering me doughnuts or bagels will soften my attitude, think again. I will spend the whole meeting with Instagram on my phone and searching for #bigcans #allnaturaltits #sexwithfeet and #trannysluts. The other half of my brain will be devising ways to kill you with battery acid and razor blades.


Of course, we all know those who declare, “I’m a morning person!” Let’s clarify that statement. You are not a morning person, you are a branch on the tree of evolution that must be sawed off and thrown into a fire. No one should ever say that, and if they do, report them to your local chapter of the Trump Brownshirts so they can be arrested and sent away for “reeducation.”

Weekend mornings suck just as much. Being hungover in your late forties, and having to watch rec basketball at 8 in the morning is a punishment fit only for a Shitriots fan. There are always dads in workout clothes chirping about the ten miles they ran when they woke up at 4 in the morning. I have evidence these people are skinwalkers and should be thrown into a deep well full of used needles.


Mornings on the weekend bring the threat of church. Trust me, it isn’t my idea, but I have to set an example for my kids – and they aren’t dumb, they see the pain in my face and smell the stale liquor on my breath. Honestly, I think you can go anywhere and commune with the deity of your choice, the rules say you have to do it in a particular building so you they can shake you down for money.

The real irony is sitting in mass, listening to some virgin tell you how to live your live, and checking out hot moms. One day, my brain is going to tear itself apart as I sit to listen to the gospel and mentally say to myself, “That is one giant set of mom tits.”

Here’s a great one, my wife said to my kids, “You have the entire week to yourselves, you can give one hour to God.” This phrase has to be included in the Italian Catholic Mother Manual, because I heard the same fucking thing from my mother every Sunday. Also, once I barfed in the church bathroom because I was 17 and had gotten shitfaced on Schaeffer beer and Mad Dog 20/20 the night before.


Fuck mornings. Give me evenings and nighttime where I can do as I will with bourble, my friends at DFO, sleazy movies, and ice cream. And cigars taste better when the sun goes down.




Thing That Made Me Happy
New England got covered in snow, so there are more than a few Shitriot fans bitching about having to shovel and maybe they’ll slip on ice, get their bells rung, and wake up as normal, tolerable human beings. Probably not, but fuck them anyway.

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Different people have different clocks; don’t fucking marry an early chipper bird person; that’s how fresh flower beds in the back yard “Yeah, he’s in Florida.” things happen.

Some are up at dawn and some wake up at 3:00 am, make a crappy comment on *some* site and go back to sleep only to wake up for work groggy as fuck (I’ve read about these types).

Don T

The secret: make the bed but put zero effort. Just put the top thing over and then pillows and old newspapers.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Doesn’t hurt to find new cardboard to put over it from behind Home Depot in case it rains or snow. Make sure and take the cans with you.


Ahhh the morning dart and a coffee. That without question is the best part of the day. It all goes to shit after that 1st smoke.


I would sleep in, but one of the kids/dogs/wife wakes up before 6:30 everyday without fault. I’ve gotten to the point that I just get up and get out of there before they barely wake up, and then just fume in traffic. It’s the Russi… err, American way!


There’s a big reason why I start work at 11:00 AM and that reason is because I’m the fucking boss!

And I make my bed every morning before anything else.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“And I make my bed every morning before anything else.”

You need to air that thing out during the day, otherwise the clammy, farty, slobbery, etc. is contain in the sheets as if you put your night emissions in Tupperware.


Usually the youngest takes a monster dump right before we’re ready to leave…

Speaking of this, my brother used to pester me and pester me and pester me to play Madden (the original Sega version) and once I finally gave in and agree to play he would ALWAYS realize that before we could start he had to take a shit. What’s up with that?

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Something something, Browns to the Super Bowl?

I have a college buddy who did the same damn thing, but it was oddly specific to certain video games. I eventually factored the time in to my schedule, and it was almost always exactly enough for another beer.


No matter the actual amount of time, it’s always enough for another beer…

Enrico Pallazzo

I was going to disagree and shout “What about the wake-up beej” from the rooftops but then I realized that I’ve been married for 8 years and LOL at the idea of that happening again.


Just put a little dab of peanut butter on there and…oh, you mean from your WIFE. Never mind.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



“Listening to some virgin tell you how to live your live”

Isn’t this how James Harrison described his meeting with Rodger Goodell?


“What am I, invisible?”

– Charmslinger


It’s important to make your bed in the morning. It’s a small easy thing that sets the tone for your day.


My days must be a mess because I don’t make my bed until i change my sheets.


Every day? What are you doing each night?


Let’s just say that a young Balls’ parents made the mistake of putting an Elf on the Shelf in his room one December evening and by the next morning it had committed suicide.


To quote Jim Gaffigan, “Do you tie your shoes after taking them off???”

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

DTZM you realize your new comment system is terrible and deletes half the night some of the time?

Also weekend mornings are the worst. If you can give up mom watching just throw a science book at your kids if they try to wake you up.


It doesn’t, what it actually does is puts the newer stuff as page one. I agree it’s annoying, though.

I’ve never had a problem with it. I like that is doesn’t page over as often. Why don’t you ask for your money back.


My issues with mornings was brought home when my kids (10 and 8 at the time) told my then girlfriend (now wife) the morning after the first time she slept over “You have to be quiet and leave Daddy alone in the morning until he has his Diet Coke”. I now make an effort to be civil until that first sip of Diet Coke. Still can’t believe she married me.


Diet Coke, eh?

comment image


Thank God that my parents realized the beauty of the 5 PM “Youth” mass. If God didn’t want you to sleep in on Sundays, he wouldn’t have created the late afternoon mass.


By Saint Mattis’s Holy Hand Grenade, were we brothers separated at birth?

Unfortunately for me, my time spent in the Marines has me conditioned to getting up early, to the point that waking up any time after 7am is a gott-damned luxury. To counter this, I have adapted by being able to take a combat nap in just about any location at a moment’s notice. Just don’t try to shake me awake – for your own safety) Lime-, Orange- and Tangerine-Jello are all old enough to look after themselves as far as mornings and that rigamarole goes, which is definitely nice. And I haven’t voluntarily been inside Big Church (Thank Odin the All-Father!) for at least a decade (which is odd, since the Lady of House LemonJello was really into that scene when we met. My contempt/distrust of all things “organized religion” has rubbed off on her, I guess).

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I can nap just about anywhere, except when there are people around. They are untrustworthy. On the other hand I wish I could sleep on planes; redeyes awake kinda suck. Of course my only combat nap experience was falling asleep when fighting with a certain ex-girlfriend [along with actual combat; not recommended]