TGISF…aka Your “The Pimp is Too Apathetic to Think of a Theme This Week” Sexy Friday Open Thread

OK, so for the first time in like….wait, how long have I been the Pimp of [DFO] again???? ….  Anyway, I’m too lazy to go check, but let’s call it six months.  Close enough.

But yeah, for the first time in six-ish months, I’ve begun typing out this week’s TGISF without yet having decided on a theme.  And it’s not as if I don’t have themes available.  No shit.  I’ve got a little legal pad here on my desk where I jot notes down so my damaged gray matter doesn’t forget stuff.  One whole page is dedicated to theme ideas to fall back on for TGISF when there aren’t any timely themes to seize upon.  I mean, it is the offseason and summer is coming.  I can’t do baseball every damned week, can I?

No, availability of theme ideas is not the problem.  It’s indecision and apathy.  My own apathy, to be clear.  I frankly just don’t care this week.  When we get to the part of tonight’s program where the sexy is supposed to be….well I guess we’ll see what happens.

Also, let it be known that I still hate Brocky.  Jerk.

Yes, I might be a little bit obsessed.  Shut up.

This Is Why If There is a Hell, I’ll be on the Express Elevator Down

So I was told late last week by a hospice nurse that my paternal grandfather (who just turned 99 in March and is a hateful person in general and also a huge racist) was on his deathbed.  He would not survive 48 hours, she told me.  Well that stupid **** owes me one dead racist.  Dude woke up a day and a half later and started talking (stupid racist shit as usual) and asking for food.  Like no lie, I’m trying to find a legal loophole to sue the hospice people.  SHE PROMISED ME A DEAD RACIST ASSHOLE AND SHE DID NOT DELIVER!!!!

No lie, when I saw him up, conscious, and taking in nourishment, I was totes disappoint.  And I don’t even feel badly, FWIW.  Old hateful fucker needed to die years ago…he just can’t figure out how to takez his moneh’s with him.  Not to mention how to continue being an irritating prick once he’s dead.  But I’m sure he’ll find a way.

So yeah….I’m going to hell (allegedly).

Speaking of irritating pricks…..

I also yelled at one of my other family members this week because she decided to be an irritating prick at the wrong time too.  Don’t walk into my house and start talking your pathetic drivel about the University* of North Carolina’s latest ill gotten national championship.  I really didn’t think she was THAT stupid.  A school which, as I had to remind her….SHE DIDN’T EVEN GET ACCEPTED INTO!!!!!  Jeebus.  And then no fewer than three other family members called me later to bitch me out for being mean to her.  No shit.

Guess what they all got told?  If she’s no smarter than that then she got what was coming to her.  And if the rest of you don’t get it by now, you’ll soon get the same.  I’m done with this family’s dumbass redneck bullshit.  Goodbye.

Easter egg hunt should be interesting next weekend.

Meh…Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.

Anybody Give a Shit About Sports This Week?

So, should I shirk my open thread duties for a 3rd straight week, or should we talk about sports?  Yeah, I’m undecided too.  Meh, screw it….

The Masters is in full swing and folks are going down like it’s the US Open.  Danny Willett (he’s the defending Masters Champion btw, you heathens) really fucked up today.  Oh well, so did everybody else.  It won’t get fun again until Sunday.

Baseball is back in case you hadn’t noticed.  2 games in and Baltimore is still perfect.  I love April.  June will suck, though.  Also, Mad Bum did this on opening day….

Giants still lost to the DBacks tho.  So sad….

Friday MLB Schedule

What’s going on in Hockey?  Well lookit that…Caps have clinched #1 seed in the East and another President’s Trophy.  Unfortunately, the Pens are still right on their tail and it’ll probably end the same as last year.  Moving on…..

Friday NHL Schedule  Wow really?  Only one game?  Wow NHL, way to maximize your visibility.

Basketball?  Nah.  But here’s their schedule tonight if you care.

Under A Month to Go

Can’t freaking wait.  But I am getting increasingly irritated that I can’t bring my own board….


Well fuck you too, dicknose.  But yeah, that deserves a double shot…

Sexy Mexy Update

So I know none of you cares, but if I don’t do these updates/promos for ISoG, ballsofsteelandfury beats me with a garden hose.  Which is actually not terrible, but still.  He does it out of anger and I don’t like that.  His stress levels are too high already.

But later tonight, the final sub-episode of Nogales Week!!!!! goes live.  Remember last week when I told you there were nekkid celebs?  Well that happens tonight.  And if you’re up to date on your reading assignments, you know who it’s gonna be already.  I also get beat up a little more by Leticia, but only after she saves my ass (and balls’ ass too!!).  There’s also a buttload of sex (no, not like that) and Dave ends up with a crisis of his own.  Which leads me to a crisis myself.  It’s…kinda weird.  But hopefully funny.

Next week, after we’ve finally found our way out of Mexico, we begin to leave a wake of destruction in Arizona.  But I can’t tell you too much about that yet.  For now, let’s just say you shouldn’t ever let a Mexican drive in southern Arizona.  ‘Nuff said.  Also….NAWT RAYCESS!!!!!!!

Tonight at Midnight EDT, then Monday at 11am normal time.

Apathetic Sexy

Yeah so, screw themes this week I guess.  I’m just gonna post some random Sexy and you’re gonna deal with it.  I have faith in you….



I happen to know this photographer personally. Sadly I do not know this model. I smell an email inquiry upcoming!!!!


Now this lovely lady I do know. I don’t know her really well, but we’ve spoken. Gemma Atkinson is her name and she’s a British model/actress. She’s very sweet, but my take is she doesn’t like me much. So she’s smart, too.

OK, I guess now I have to look thru my own photos.  WhyTF don’t I take pictures of naked, or even half naked girls?  That seems way more fun, don’t you think?  Instead I take pictures of all this nature crap.  Meh.

Here we go….

– Daffodil Lament –

This song goes with it too….

So yeah, that’s it I guess.

In spite of my overriding apathy, still love ya’s.  As far as you know.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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I missed this thread with yesterday’s goings on, but I have to say: dangerous use of tags when you say “Fuck my family” to this crowd.


I need to go to the gym more often.
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Keri Russell is a goddess.
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FX really does bring it when it comes to ass shots.
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Lois from Mad Men has nice tits.




r/CasualJiggles, eh? You have my attention, reddit.

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Senor Weaselo

Formal Jiggles are that but in evening wear.

Brick Meathook

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I’ve seen “similar” Japanese videos.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Peter North Comes To Japan