This is a new feature. It’s about movies that I try and watch on various streaming services. There are many movies to watch, few of them are good. You’ll see that I barely get into the movie before turning it off, while I find others quite enjoyable. Having this thing called “joy” in my life makes me feel all weird. I prefer chaos, anger, hate, and loathing.
Big motherfucking thanks to Low Commander for the bitchin’ image. He made it all by himself.
Title: We Have to Talk About Kevin
Starring: Some alien woman and the guy who plays Dr. Steve Brule
Elapsed Time Before Turning it Off: 20 minutes
You Will Like this Movie If: You like the color red, and have a shit ton of patience. Being drunk helps.
I can’t write a full review because I turned this shit off.
First, don’t bludgeon me with fucking symbolism, okay Mr. Artsy Fartsy Emo Director? I GET IT. All the red, and the forty variations, mean blood. Which means death. Imagine the elevator scene from The Shining, but it happens every 5 minutes.
So there’s this scarily thin woman and also Dr. Steve Brule. Don’t sell me that guy as a leading role in a drama. He’s not that guy. He’s fucking hilarious. He’s one of the Step Brothers.
The movie reveals itself in a series of flashbacks, and by Christ is that annoying. Yes, I have an imagination, but no I don’t like this kind of teasing. I had enough teasing during my dating career. Apparently the whack job kid did something terrible, and hates the mom.
The whack job kid (I’m thinking he’s Kevin?) likes to eat his fingernails and not talk to his mom. Sorry, but where I come from if you don’t take care of your mother, you’re lower than the fungus between Donald Trump’s toes.
So there you have it. I don’t want to talk about “We Have to Talk About Kevin” because talking about this movie makes me want to skin a panda. Also, for a thin chick the female lead had a decent set of knockers. And boy do I love the boobs.
Title: The Young Offenders
Starring: Two painfully pale, entertaining, Irish dudes
Elapsed Time Before Turning it Off: Watched the whole fooking thing.
You Will Like this Movie If: You remember what it’s like to be a teenager with no brains and having a best friend with no brains, and the amount of stupid, but memorable, shit you did without dying.
You will not understand the dialogue during the first five minutes of this movie.
The two actors have severe Irish accents and talk like they’ve just done massive amounts of coke. Imagine trying to understand Emmit Smith, but you are in a diving bell and eating acid.
This movie was funny as shit, and kind of poignant when it slowed down. This was good and bad, because it was noticeable, but it was also poignant. And you will never spell the word poignant correctly.
These two Irish guys – pale as milk, and dressed like a bunch of white trash mallrats – are 16 and as stupid as they come. One of them finds out about a load of coke that washed up on shore. Seeing as how both of these retards have no future, they go out to find the coke and be millionaires.
That’s the adventure – pretty goddamn trite but done well. The scenery is amazing and Irish people always make me laugh. I love the Irish, no shit. The actress who played the mother was hilarious. (She perfected the “smack upside the head” move.)
One complaint: not a single decent looking woman. And no boobs. Come on, Irish filmmakers! You have an entire island of hot looking chicks with hot as fuck accents and big boobs like you see on those milk maids. Get your fooking acts together.
Title: Navy SEALS: The Battle for New Orleans
Starring: Cro-Magnons and a sensitive skinny guy
Elapsed Time Before Turning it Off: Maybe five minutes
You Will Like this Movie If: You like to hammer nails through your scrotum, but desire more pain in your life.
This movie was a rotten, suppurating bag of vomit. That’s not true. It could have turned out to be the next Deer Hunter, but I will never know. The reason being is that the first five minutes were fucking dumber than Peter King fucking Emmitt Smith.
Apparently this squad of Navy SEALS are all built like professional wrestlers. There were about 5 guys in the squad; three of them had top knots. I hope to Christ that real SEALs do not wear top knots, because I would be depressed.
So the squad of muscle dorks ares going through a house and clearing each room, but the dialogue is complete excrement.
It’s like the director said, “Okay guys, we’re going to shoot this scene, but the screenwriter is binging on cocaine, Knob Creek, and hookers somewhere in Toronto. So use every last cliché and term you’ve heard in any other military movie or video game.”
And they did!
Then, the one guy who isn’t like the others decides to clear a room by himself. I think because he was built like Olive Oyl and trying to get some mad respect. Turns out the whole opening scene was a drill. That’s never happened in the history of military movies. Good Christ on a Segway, imagination is completely dead in America.
Next scene, the skinny guy is handcuffed to the front of a massive military truck. Then Sergeant Top Knot comes out and says, “I bet you never try and clear a room by yourself again.” Then he frees the guy and says, “Welcome to the team.”
Then he throws him a Zippo lighter.
Then I turned it off. As I fell asleep I thought, “If New Orleans had a zombie outbreak before, during, or after Mardi Gras, would anyone even notice?”
This was fooking brilliant (and moreover gave me a movie to hunt down). PLEASE tell me this becomes a mainstay here in DFO!!!
Plus… boobs. Yeah, boobs.
“We Need to Talk About Kevin” is pretty much EVERYTHING I hate about “serious” films coming out of the West.
Its utterly nihilistic and grossly unrealistic. The original novel was written by a Brit who clearly has no idea how mental health issues actually manifest themselves, for an audience of morons….and somehow the movie is even more vapid and cliche. Its effectively horrific stereotypes, doing really stupid and annoying things, to justify an obvious and heavy handed ending.
Its all stunt casting, with a brutally moronic and depressing script, all intentionally set up to win for awards from people that think film watching should be a miserable and awful experience.
It is one of the few films I watched and I seriously wondered if Roger Ebert watched the same film because he gave it 4 out of 4 stars.
“Young Offenders” is a fucking blast. Its like reading an Irvine Welsh novel…just stick with it a little bit and it all becomes second nature.
Half a BILLION hours.
Fuck everything.
I have a theory that Happy Madison Productions is just used for money laundering purposes.
I genuinely believe all of these people do go to see them, because people are fucking stupid.
Needs more tentacles.
Dare you to do the 4 new adam sandler movies coming on netflix. Hell I dare you to rewatch 4 adam sandler movies.
Good god almighty, do you think I”m made of cold, unfeeling stone? Fuck it, challenge accepted.
Ye gods, man.
That’s evil.
I wanna see t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ Charlize Thereon gets̶ it on with a chick.
This is why I put on Casino over breakfast. Most movies, like everything else, are shit. Especially now. The Transformers movie will be three goddamn hours long and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has FIVE post-credit stingers. Fuck everything.
I will definitely check out the Irish movie.
Speaking of, have any of you seen “I Went Down”? That is a great fooking film!
I didn’t know they made a Buddy Cole Biopic
I’m confused about that Navy SEALS movie – when you say “clearing a room” are they fighting some kind of battle or are they helping clean up after Hurricane Katrina?
I was pretty sure he meant that the guy ate a bunch of Indian food and then gently released his anal sphincter.
I did that on an airliner right after landing. Those inflatable escape slides pop out pretty quickly.
Why New Orleans?