TGISF … Solstice, Schmolstice

OK, here’s the deal…

This week’s theme was predetermined a while ago.  The calendar does what it does, I don’t control it.  And days ago, I began thinking through what I wanted to say this week to try to make you idiots laugh.  Because I think I’m funny even if you don’t.

Then, this week, life intervened and I didn’t get this post written in advance like I had planned.  Also, I feel funny today, but in the wrong way.

I drank too much last night because….well, just because.

So today, I woke up still needing to write this post, but also with a really bad hangover.  So, on the advice of someone who shall remain nameless, but his name rhymes with LemonJello

I took a shot of vodka very early today.  VERY EARLY.  And admittedly, it helped the hangover.  The next one helped even more.

But now I’m lazy and don’t wanna do anything.  Well, other than go have some more shots.  So I’m gonna.  And I might be totally hammered by the time this post gets written.  We’ll see what happens.  Don’t get your hopes up for much, however.  You’ve been warned.

Looking Forward To Autumn

Yesterday at 6:07am EDT, the summer solstice occurred.  Which makes today the first full day of summer.

Yeah?  Well summer can fuck right the hell off.

It’s been summer here for over a month no matter what the calendar says.  And I used to love summer.  I really did.  I don’t anymore.

Granted, a lot of that has to do with the humidity where I live now.  I don’t mind sweating if I’m playing sports or performing an activity which warrants perspiration.  But if I just walk outside and I feel sticky within 30 seconds?  Screw that.

When I lived in Arizona, it was hot as Hades in the summer, of course.  And the standard joke was “But it’s a dry heat”.  Yeah, well lemme tell ya it does make a difference.

Evaporative cooling.

In the desert, you get that.  Of course you do also have to stay hydrated so you don’t die.  But when you sweat there, it evaporates.  Which cools your body.

And Bonus!!!!!  You don’t feel sticky and nasty.  At least not as much.

Not true in areas where the humidity is high.  That moisture in the air prevents your perspiration from evaporating as fast.  So you get less of a cooling effect, and you feel like a sweaty stinky pigmonkey.

That’s been my life for the past month or more.  I’m already sick of it.

It sucks.

But of course, summer isn’t just going to go away, so we have to deal with it.

I think that dog has the right idea.

Location Location Location

I realize I’m being a whiny bitch today.  DON’T CARE!!!!!

I also realize some folks live in worse summer areas than I do.  Well that’s their fucking fault.  Just like putting up with it here is my own fucking fault.

When I was on the west coast last month, the temperatures and humidity levels HERE were already spiking.  Yet where I was in California, the days were dry and in the low to mid 70s, and the nights were cool.

One more check mark in the “yes” column.  It’s really stacking up quickly in California’s favor.  Plus….this…

And this…


I think you get my point.

But sadly, now I’m back here in the sticky southeast.  At least for the time-being.  And even right now, I’m sweating.  I’ve got the ceiling fan on high and the A/C is running.  But because I went outside earlier to do a few things, I’m still sitting here sweating.  Blech.

So, Imma have some more vodka (shocking, I know), and finish this post, and then go stand under the cold water in the shower for about an hour.  One has to have a plan, right?


Finally A Summer I Can Get Behind


Summer Glau

Oh don’t act so surprised.  Plus she’s awesome.

I had seen her in passing before (Firefly , etc), but didn’t really notice her fully until she played “Cameron” in the Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles series.

Her character, Cameron, was a really hot (of course, why not?) Terminator sent back to present day Los Angeles to help teenaged John Connor with his homework.  I think.  Shit I don’t remember.

And of course like all the Terminators in the Terminator Universe (and in spite of being really attractive?) ….  She was cold, socially inept and devoid of meaningful emotions.

So of course she was right up my alley and appealed to my unfortunate tastes in women right away.

(see I told you I’m funny)

Plus she did cool shit like this…

Also Lena Headey and Shirley Manson…yes.

But their day in the sun will have to wait.  Tonight it’s Summer Glau, everybody!!!!!

Born: July 24, 1981 (36 y.o), San Antonio, TX

Height:  5′ 6″

True story bro…In college, I very briefly dated a girl who looked just like her.



“Come with me if you want to live”

(that means two things)

Don’t have to ask me twice, let’s do it.

(that also means two things)

In Conclusion

Summer Glau is hot in a good way.

Summer is hot, but not in a good way.

I’m badly in need of a drink and a shower.  And I probably smell kinda bad, too.

And with all due respect to Don Henley, this cover is far superior.

Have a great weekend everyone.  Stay cool.

Love ya’s.

(even if I do smell bad right now)

Do you have a “request” or an idea for a future TGISF theme?  Drop me a line…

[email protected]

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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[…] Last year on the summer solstice, we honoured Summer Glau. […]

[…] Some of you might recall that back when the summer solstice hit, I wrote a post featuring Summer Glau… […]

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

Anyone else immediately think of this from the banner pic?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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yeah right

Dude. Let me buy you a beer.

End of August.

I won’t even be armed.

Mr. Ayo

Is she old enough to drink?

yeah right

She is now.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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yeah right

Holy shit!

It’s Friday!

Hey everybody.

yeah right
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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When ya gotta do laundry, ya gotta do laundry.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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At the DMV.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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“I have a HUGE organ,”

yeah right

That’s fucking beautiful.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“He said my huge organ is fucking beautiful.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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