Your Early Slate of NFL Games Open Thread

Apologize for the tardiness-when there’s no bye weeks it takes a bit more time to put my half-thoughts together.

To The Games!


Has Daboll finally figured out how to properly use Singletary? I’ve always felt he was the more dynamic player, Moss seeming to be a bit more of a plodder. Devin now has 75+ scrimmage yards in three straight as the Bills woeful running game shows some sign of life.


Behold the mighty Giants and despair-under Judge (who has another year after this. YAY!) they’ve scored 25+ points in a game 4 times in 31 tries! Saquon is now in a time share with Booker and there are no wr’s of note playing aside from Golladay.


You’re staring at the game of the early window, folks. Over the last three games Patty has gone 8:1 TD/INT, 73% passing and has a 9.2 YPA. His opposite number beats him in every category with 10:0, 75% and 10.1 YPA. Thing is, Cincy hasn’t won three in a row all year (hey, they’re a young team coached by a youngster) and they currently have two in their back pocket.


Beware the Waddle today. The Titans D gives up the 2nd-most points to wr’s and this fella has been remarkably consistent for a rook. Perhaps he’s the reason that Tua is giving the team a glimpse of his potential, finally. That Fins D tho-they’ve only allowing 11.7 ppg during the winning streak.


Wentz is a go but it’s Taylor that makes the team go. To win the division they’ll have to win out while the Titans do the opposite. That’s a tough request because Tennessee gets Houston next week.


Whatever happened to the dead coach bounce that Jack Town was supposed to enjoy? Perhaps the rot goes even deeper than we thought… The Pats lost their grip on the division last week so I expect Old Bill will take out his frustrations today on the Jags-and it will be ugly in more than one way.


Tampa is strolling into the playoffs because the Jets and Panthers are left on the sked. Poor Zach, given the dearth of talent around him he’s decided to take it upon his wheels to make a difference, scoring 4 TD’s on the ground in the last five. Braxton Berrios who, in another timeline is a billionaire cereal magnate that wants to take over the world, has scored in two consecutive games!


What is going on with teams (or TEAM) revolving their qb’s in and out of the huddle? It never works and yet Rivera is the latest to say that he’ll give it a shot with Allen and Heinicke. Philly’s backfield gives weight to the old adage that ‘the sum is greater than the parts’.


If you have a loved one playing in the Ravens secondary today it’s best to just close your eyes and say a prayer. I’m guessing Kupp goes for 15 catches, 150 yards and a brace of TD’s vs this cast of castoffs. Lamar didn’t bother limping thru practice on Thurs/Fri and is listed as questionable.

Type away…



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Doktor Zymm

Well, that apple watch commercial is horrifying


Matt, Matthew, Fatthew. You better get yo shit together!


How the hell have we not used “Fatthew” yet?!

Doktor Zymm

Blinded by the easy Matty-Fatty connection

King Hippo

you’ll see that copied in the morning!


You have my express written permission.




You askin for one of dem fancy Eyetalian coffees?

Doktor Zymm

It’s really disappointing that Tiki Barber is a person and not a place you can get your hair cut while sipping a tropical drink


What in the fuck was Fat Stafford looking at???

Doktor Zymm

comment image&q=85


Roesti Potatoes are delicious.
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King Hippo



Stafford pick 6 was so obvious Stevie Wonder saw it coming.



Doktor Zymm

Lol wentz

yeah right

Got a little mini vacation today. I’m off tomorrow and best friend from Jersey, his brother – also a very dear friend – plus 3 of my “god sons” are here too and we’re going to gather and eat food and quaff many barley flavored beverages and I booked a room near our gathering area because there’s no way in fuck I’m driving after hanging out with these maniacs.


Ice Stillers finally playing since before Christmas, and up 4-0 on the Ice Niners ten minutes into the match.
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Brick Meathook

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I loved this movie. Hey this stuff is bubbling from the ground, let’s eat it, and then sell it to people without telling anyone where we got it from. Makes you appreciate the FDA.

Cecil Rhodes

One of my favourite moving pictures! An exceptional example of how to solve the population crisis!

Last edited 2 years ago by Cecil Rhodes
Doktor Zymm

And the Irish Problem!


So, would you cook the Irish all the same ways you would a potato? It would seem to be fitting.

Doktor Zymm

Got the raiders/colts game on, but the hotel tv guide seems to be confused and is calling it a sunday mass devotional service. That would be an interesting and perhaps appealing or appaling sort of religion


I’ve been sick with a cold for a 6 days now. It’s most likely Omicron but I cant get a test done until next week.
I’ve been microchipped and was suppose to get my booster this week. I’ve have full blown Covid (pre vaccine) and I gladly take this “cold” over full covid.


Spur I was in bed as well for 6 days, got tested, just a vicious cold. I finally feel a bit normal today.


Am a walking mucus machine. I’ve tried but I havent been able to get an OnlyFans channel. Turns out somethings aren’t fetishes’.


I don’t even think we can ask Balls to research that

Brick Meathook

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How did we get a SAFETY DUNCE so soon?!

Doktor Zymm

Sheer luck, unless someone around here did something good already this year


That can’t be it



yeah right



Senor Weaselo

The Maestro



Morning Folks


Why is Glennon still in the league?


He is a known entity with actual game experience! And he didn’t kneel during the anthem.



Mr. Ayo



Parents really missed an opportunity for multiple xx’s or maybe a Y. Braxxtyn Berrios


Patterson with the early TD for WFT
That’s Rockingggg!!!


Jalen Ramsey fighting with his own teammate, think maybe he insulted his 401k allocation


Nice start for the G men


Should’ve given the ball to Saquon


I have the Chi D and wanted a TD

King Hippo

oh fuck, This One’s For John makes me tear up for Mr. Bowlen. Well played, Coked-up RedZone Guy.

The Maestro

Salaam alaykum, all. Need some good vibes… not for the footed ball, but more for COVID running so out of control that the Ontario government will reverse course by Wednesday and allow me to teach from home. (And, uh, also for a quick peak, I guess.)


Sticking with Saquon, excited to see him get skunked

King Hippo

It’s been 70-ish all week in the Raleigh burbs, including today.

Tonight/tomorrow am? It’s going to goddamned SNOW


What a save by Mendy! This has to be the game of the year.


Both goal keepers are blocking lotsO shots!
It’s Rockingggg!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by rockingdog

It’s time. Finals attire.
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Cecil Rhodes

Make sure to steer clear of all rubber mats today, my good man!


Sir! Welcome back from foreign lands! I hope your plunder was plentiful!

King Hippo

A Draw might be ideal (though I still want Chelski to win, fuck the Redshite to fuck and back), kudos to rockingdog‘s side fighting back.


Nobody gives a shit what Brady thinks about Madden

King Hippo

you mean what Brady’s advisors/focus group thinks about Madden

Cecil Rhodes

Brady would be a good politician. As the old saying goes, “if you have half a mind to enter politics, you will be more than adequately prepared”

King Hippo

Charmslinger is much the same, but since he’s a Demmycrat (with NC/VA roots), I hope he DOES want to seek office.


I’m legit shocked dangeruss is a dem


Spam v Rev for a shitty bottle of Canadian vodka in the TWBS league!

King Hippo

Litre and Hippo para 7th position!


Pulisic scored for Chelsea vs Liverpool
Match tied 2-2 at half
That’s Rocking!

King Hippo

I wonder if Generation Foot has ticket/hospitality packages that they brand as GFE

Cecil Rhodes

I suspect that a package branded “GFY” would be just as enticing.


Need WR advice…
Pick two;
Christian Kirk, Cordalle Patterson, Gabriel Davis, Devante Parker, Lazard.

I’m leaning towards Kirk and Patterson….

Not really liking Lazard cause it’s gonna be cold and windy and Packers probs gonna RUN it mostly.

King Hippo

I’d go Davis/Patterson. Kirk should get the Diggs shadow treatment.


Davis and Parker for me

King Hippo

wait, yeah – unless the conditions are abominable, you have to play Davante


 Packers probs gonna RUN it mostly

This is not rocking, in a final with Q Aron and Adams.


Same boat, hoping Rodgers’s pettiness means he insists on still throwing for 3 TDs


Knowing Boris already made fun of me, any other thoughts on my anguished last minute flex decision of Saquon vs Burkhead vs Booker?

And damn you, Fournette, for being out.

King Hippo

Saquon and hope for goal line luck.


Get weird and go pick up Vaughn

King Hippo

I have a live/comeback bet on Senegal’s Generation Foot because I played a Pretend Friendly against them once.


Sanders is out, adding Gabe Davis


Love the Braxton Berrios cereal joke!


Tyron Smith inactive for Dallas…that hurts


Actually this may be a premature ejaculation…will follow up

King Hippo

Man, it must be nice to be young enough to even contemplate being able to do that.

Game Time Decision

Went all bah humbug yesterday and took down the tree and the all the decorations inside. And since it was a nice day up here, 2C (36F) I got most of the outside lights put away too. It was a bit too windy for me to be on the ruuf, so there are still some lights on the house. Strangely productive day but glad is done. I’ll wait for a less windy day to take the remaining lights down.

And for the outdoor lights we got these plastic holder thingys so hopefully the lights aren’t a giant ball of tangles next year. I think that’s some peak dad shit. Lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision

DId you stand outside in the snow and admire your work?

Game Time Decision

No snow, but, duh, yes


Adding Deandre Swift to RB pool and Noah Fant to TE pool

Game Time Decision

Swift was killing it even in that awful Lions offence before he got his shoulder owie


Adding Jarret Patterson to my RB pool

King Hippo

strongly agree with same, he could bust but there is very good potential there


I’ve got him as my RB 2. Hopefully he is Rocking!!! Since Gibson is out.

King Hippo

Good show. Your Grumblelord take is why I am starting The Legend of White Mac over Dak! in money league. As a “zombie” team, since the league plays no consolation bracket (except for 3rd place).


Morning all. Updates:

I’m fading Burrow, Dak, and most importantly Trey Lance. Lance is going to be too high owned in gpp.

, Evans is playing but “is limited.” I think that means 1 of 2 things: he will only see the field a little bit and throw it to him occasionally, or they get him his 101 yards and pull him.

Jordan Howard is playing, this affects Hurts’s ceiling a little bit as Howard could get goalline TDs.


Thanks for the info.
Gonna fire Evans up in Flex. Hopefully he is Rocking!

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