Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Long Weekend Getaways

Happy Friday, and what a needed (long) weekend it is. Mrs. Sharkbait and I decided to post up at FOB Cape Cod for the long weekend, since we each needed a break after the holidays. I was pleasantly surprised when we got here and I opened the liquor cabinet. It has been a little while since we’ve been able to come down here, and I forgot how well stocked the booze cabinet is. Go me!

For this week, I was only bitters and champagne short of making a drink I’ve wanted to try for a couple weeks: The Seelbach Cocktail.  Should be easy to procure right?

Well….about that. I’m convinced Peychaud’s  bitters does not exist anywhere on the Cape. OK, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but after going  0-3 in liquor store stops, I think that might be indicative of a bitters diversity problem down here. However, that didn’t stop me! I grabbed a bottle of cherry bitters since I remember tasting a hint of cherry in the Sazerac I made last week. I decided to add an extra dash or two of angostura to try and make up the missing flavors brought by the Peychaud’s. I’ll list the original recipe here so if you’ve got these on hand, go ahead and make this.

1 oz. Bulleit bourbon

.5 oz. Cointreau

3 dashes Peychaud’s bitters

2 dashes Angostura bitters

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Top with 2 oz. of Moet Imperial Champagne. Garnish with an orange twist.

So, as you may have noticed, I also swapped some brands here: Four Roses for Bulleit, Nicolas Feuillatte for Moet Imperial, and lastly, curacao for cointreau. These should be acceptable substitutions.

Also, I clearly need coupes down here, as well as cocktail glasses. But, until that day arrives, a rocks glass will have to suffice.

So to start, I get a clear champagne aroma up front, slight hints of citrus from the garnish. Second and third smells, I can detect some of the Angostura bitters, as well as the cherry I added in place of the Peychaud’s

The first thing you notice about the sip is the champagne driven dryness and bubbles, before almost immediately getting hit with a light sweetness from the curacao. While not overpowering per se, it is a bit more pronounced than I think I would like it to be, but that seems like personal preference here, so your mileage may vary.

The dry & sweet flavor profile carries you through the rest of the sip. The champagne leaves a small aftertaste which dissipates after a few seconds. Most of that is due to some leftover bubbles, but the flavor does hang around for a little bit as well.

While I did enjoy my attempt at this one, I think I need to make it again. The Peychaud’s bitters flavor is nigh impossible to substitute to a proper degree, and the Cointreau would provide a different kind of orange liqueur flavor that the curacao is providing here. One to back burner and try again once I’m back home and have access to my bar that currently holds all the necessary ingredients to stir this one up.

(Banner image found here)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Don’t die in a fire, guys


I thought MLK day was at the end of January? I know nothing!


Oh your second bar isn’t fully stocked? Is that like your second boat not having lifeboats?

Game Time Decision

DrawPlayDave with a handy guide for picking a playoff team, if you don’t alreadys have ones


Once again, Team Meteor is ignored by the lame stream media.


Fuck the Packers


I’m pretty sure we can all agree with that!


– Antonio Brown, hurling an armchair over a balcony


You said stir right?
/ as he violently shakes it


Hey, the kid calmed down, right?

Horatio Cornblower

/Michael J. Fox, about to lose another bartending gig


Muhammad Ali would like this comment, but he can’t get the cursor to stay still long enough.


“Someone put a blanket over him, he’s obviously feeling very chilly.” – Joe Buck

King Hippo

Streaming Zimbabwe en francais. My pidgin francais is even worse than me pidgin espanol. No me gusta.

King Hippo

Last I heard (BeIn provides ZERO studio coverage, so one must supply own context) they were still “looking into the matter.”

It’s been suggested that maybe the ref had heatstroke. But frankly, that’s more likely to explain his lack of subtlety in fucking the losers over.

Horatio Cornblower

The Aristocrats!


Bourbon and champagne is a combination I would have never thought about in a cocktail. I would think the champagne would overpower everything.

King Hippo

Has to hangover like a motherfucker, though?


Shit, man, I’ll send you some Peychaud’s. The bottle I bought just sits here, gathering dust.

In the meantime, please enjoy this montage of NFL playoff moments set to the soothing music of Enya.


Like my can of tuna, playoff moments during this time are free of any dolphins.


It’s one of the very few highlight reels that doesn’t include any Raider defenders.

Horatio Cornblower

This is not a long weekend for me. I don’t think I’ve had MLK Day, or Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day, or President’s Day, or even Arbor Day, off since college. Court’s are closed though.


Courts closed? Bullshit.
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King Hippo

THANKS Obama!!!111